does it look like i care that my extras is becoming a spam account? the answer is no i don’t.


does it look like i care that my extras is becoming a spam account? the answer is no i don’t.

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omg girl being the oldest screwed me for sure
also omg yesss gold rush though- the beginning is AMAZING (i mean obvi the whole song is)
also uh so i was literally trying to explain what being non-binary means to my parents and OH MY GARSH save me dude- they don’t gEt iT At AlL! my mom literally said (and i quote) “so that would mean a box is non-binary right? since it didn’t have a gender?” and i was like: 😳 No MoM Non-binary is their gender 😭😭😭 omg save me they sound so transphobic
sorry that was so random but i needed to vent- like wth?! and then my dad was talking about being basically LGBTQIA+ in general and her sounded SO HOMOPHOBIC 😭😭😭
omg IKR! like you shouldn’t joke about it- like i get mad when people are transphobic (even though i go by what i was assigned at birth)
uh i know!! (gosh i sound so whiny) i know it’s probably just bc of lack of education about it but still i was trying to explain what non-binary meant to my dad and he said he didn’t even care bc he’s never met a non-binary person. 😭😭😭 i cant rn-
like COME ON ITS 2021 PEOPLE NOT 1958
yes seriously- i keep seeing tik toks of cis men talking about stoping r@pe and catcalling- it was actually great to see bc a lot of men dismiss r@pe and say “they asked for it” 😤😤
like he’s actually just a really good person i just think he’s uneducated which makes it seem like he’s homophobic/transphobic so idk i just really hope he isn’t. 😢
yes! preach girl!
thanks for listening to me! you are a great friend and super easy to talk to about hard stuff so tysm 💕💕
i have no idea who else i would to talk about this in irl bc i honestly don’t really have LGBTQIA+ friends/family so... :(
aww tysm! also yes- like sometimes he can be kind of sexist too (omg i’m making him sound terrible- i promise he’s super kind- he’s just uneducated) like one time he was sitting at my crafting table and working on something and i asked what he was doing (working on some sort of boat part) and he said “boy crafts” and i was like: um uh no- that’s so sexist dude like wth
women can engineer and work on boats too- 😤😤😤
aw thank you! it really means a lot that i can talk to you! xoxo 💞💞
yes yes ikr- i just wish they would see it the way i do that’s all- i just feel very sensitive to other people and i always try to stand up for them bc it’s not fair for them (meaning women, people of the LGBTQIA+ community, and people of color) to be treated any differently than well “rich, white, straight men”
okay dude tysm for listening to my rants like seriously ilysm but i actually got to go 😭😭 but we should def talk soon! also please keep posting these- omg i literally love them so much- 💞💞
wait what is your time zone? (so i know to say good morning/afternoon/night :) mine is EST
ahaha good luck on the hw! mwah! also okay last thing i promise- i’m so glad they added non-binary emoji people! 🎉 like thank you! 🙇
okay i’m done now 😌
re:// haha ty ✨✨ I honestly don’t think I’m that incredibly funny but then again every time I must speak at school someone laughs but I think it’s because I talk too much~
re:// WHY DOES EVERYONE CALL ME HUMBLE LMAOO and I can assure you, the memes I share are funee but the Brrah is no funee
ahhh okay! so... good night!! 💞
re:// fine I’ll surrender for your well being lmaoo
tysm!! that means a lot, sometimes it hard to take mental breaks when you have so much to do because of the amount of procrastination you’ve done 🥲
pls I’ve got two things due tmr that I’ve not done, and a test tmr which I need to study for, two more things u need to study for because the test are upcoming and neee to revise a bunch of notes + homework I got today due this week so💀💀
🔥new post🔥
top right one tho 😂
you basically called out my unhealthy obsession with Taylor Swift in 50 different languages with this post.... and I’m ok with it