Collage by radelaide


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Okay, I'm pretty fed up with my life. A bunch of cool stuff is happening, like the house my daily is building, or the fact that I'm getting national recognition for my DukeTIP ACT score.... But at the same time, I think I'm falling into depression. I have close to no friends at school. My left and deaf ear is acting up a lot. My biological dad is having a bunch of issues go through his life, and I can't be there for him. And no one can tell how I really feel. So, I'm currently struggling with my lack of good emotions.
Family* for daily DARN IT AUTOCORRECT
okay so idk but I feel as though maybe I should tell my parents I'm dating a girl and tell them my sexuality but I just don't know I feel like they won't accept me, my mother is Mormon, father is Catholic. I just think I should give it more time but I'm really afraid to tell them. more than I let myself believe.
@comment // thank you c: I really appreciate it
k, I have a friend who looks almost exactly like me and we hang out a lot together. one day we sitting next together at lunch and this guy said "Are you [Insert L bad word here] ?" I got really ticked off and upset because we are not like that