“"Touch me,and the only thing you're gonna feel is a broken jaw."


“"Touch me,and the only thing you're gonna feel is a broken jaw."

33 5
Yeah! it’s great! and your icon is on point 👌
Yeah it’s good
yea I just got home work
hey 🖤
alright hbu?
yea I’m fine lol
so you work?
that’s cool 😁🖤
I love kids as long as there not brats 😂
that’s good 🙃🖤
oh. ya know what or is it just gonna be wtv you find? 😂
for food
do you know what you’re gonna have or is it just gonna be wtv you find
oh makes sense my moms the same way. she all “there’s food at the house we just went shopping yesterday” and I’m just like “but I want Taco Bell” 😑
me tooo 🌮🔔 all the way
as long as it cheese and from little caesars. that’s the best! 👌😜
eww really? 😧🤢
wow 🙃
thats funny 😁