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cool! *claps*
can I fight it :D? *summons own sword
*shugs* if I've gone through it I can do it again
hmmm... I'm listening *stabs sword in the ground and leans on it*
*thinks* alright! even though I don't like money but sure!
YEAH! *readies his sword*
*charges holding sword backwards on the hilt*
*stops and jumps backwards, turns in midair, and swings*
*jumps, barely missing his tail* *his tail transforms into a black blade* HA! *spin attacks*
*swear💩* heh... I've already delt with Blair using something similar to that... *smirks* I just have to move fast enough!
*he makes a portal in front of him and sends them back to her* HA!
*he barely flinches* *raises spikes all around you and charges*
*stagers and quickly swings behind him*
*he seemed to beholding back because he didn't want to hurt you*
ok... you can jump... but I'm gonna do something when we jump!
*smirks* ya sure you want that?
Welp... *his eyes turn purple* I warned ya *a giant dark explosion comes from him*
*he leaps and lands in front of her* *holds his hand out* turns alright?
! *coveres a fresh cut on his cheek* *a dozen spikes surround her* give up?
*falls over* alright alright you win...
*sword disappears* hehe... whatever you say... can ya help me up?
yeah... *smiles* good game
*reaches into pocket* here take it *hands a stack of money* I don't really use money anyway :/
hmm idk... (IMMA focus on our rp now :P)