ROUND 1//Good luck my starlights x


ROUND 1//Good luck my starlights x

47 17
I'm just gonna explain how the rounds work and points and all that stuff, so basically there will be a winner, 2nd place and third place of each round, 1st place of the round will get 5 team points and 5 single(they're own points) 2nd: 3 team and single points and 3rd 2 single and team points, each round 1 person will be eliminated BUT you might win the TEAM overall even if you go out in round 1, so everyone is a winner. every round you complete you get one team point but if you do the extra challenge you can earn MORE team or single points, this week it's team points :), if your confused ask questions xx
are we allowed to team up?
oviously with ppl in our team
You can team up, this will earn you 5 team points for your team :)
ALSO every round you complete you get a team and single point, every extra challenge you complete you earn either a team or single point, depending on which I decide it is...Some rounds the winner will be who was the most creative, most complex, most colourful but this round it is the one I like the best, one person will be eliminated though :)
is it the whole team that gets eliminated or one person?πŸ’•πŸ’žβœ¨
also how many rounds will there be?πŸ’•
Only one person eliminated and I'm not sure how many rounds just yet :) About 10 maybe?πŸ’–πŸŒ™
omg elimination
I like your new icon🌾
All of the NEONMERMAIDS have posted x
when do you think the next one will be?
is it today?