I went on moviestarplanet for the first time in like ten years and they had a gay pride theme which I guess is cool but honestly wt f


•KAcHiGa• I went on moviestarplanet for the first time in like ten years and they had a gay pride theme which I guess is cool but honestly wt f

18 0
how is this gay pride.it looks like a unicorn vomited on someone
They have like two shirts that say "be proud" or some shīt and the rest is just unicorn vomit
okay but what the fxck
that's unicorn shame not gay pride
I'm so confused
Like props to you MSP for supporting people but like,,,, w h y
Yeah like cool I remember the whole report racism thing that was cool but wHAT
Yeah like you support good causes that's cool but news flash,, rainbows doesn't automatically make it gay
And the unicorns thing is just lowkey offensive like I don't mean to be like oMg TrIgGeReD!!1!2!1! but come on seriously unicorns and rainbows thanks
Honestly yeah I see what you mean