


14 0
hey I'm Myah:)
how are you
im doing well, whatcha up to
same same
heyy i'm isaiah
hi im tj
hiya :)
whatsss up, i'm Aaron.
anytime :) I'm Blake X
hii alyssa, how're you? :)
hello alyssa
what's good
hey, im andrea. :)
hey, how are you ? :)
i'm doing well, so what's up?
hey alyssa, im alex :!
hey , im jordyn
watching netflix, about to go shopping
mm im okay
what's up?
hello there :), m’ trevor, just plain ol’ trevor.
eh, boring. i’m insanely tired ugh.
i wanna sleep but i don’t?
lmāo, what’re you up to?
just laying in my bed, bored.
heyy :).
bored, entertain meee :)))).
we should do somethingg.
i don’t knoww, movie?
nothing really, you?
hi i miss you
do you eveb remember me lmaoo
come back pls
by the looks of it you havent been on in a wHILE but
can always hope
anyway i miss hou
hope your okay