Ms. Emons!!!


Ms. Emons!!!

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celesta walks in. hello, I'm celesta
ms.emons: hello Celesta, I’m ms.emons
celesta: hello miss (she smiles)
ms. emons: *smiles back* I think I will like you Celesta
celesta: thankyou miss
Ava: Hey miss I’m Ava!
celesta takes a seat and opens her notebook
Camille walks into the class and spots Celesta.
"Do you mind?" she ask, gesturing to the desk beside her.
celesta: all yours
Camille sits down and takes out her notebook.
(please read the announcement in the most recent post on this account)
Alexander walks in( he recovered from his faint)
celesta: how are you going camille?
daniel enters. daniel: hey miss. hello celesta and camille
(I'll think of something to put)
"I'm fine... oh hi Daniel."
Alexander takes a seat far from Camille.
daniel sits down on the other side of celesta: was Ava sitting here? he asks celesta
celesta: no, she's behind me.
Camille glances at Alexander and glares.
daniel gestures at Alexander: come sit here!!
"Have you seen Taylor?" Alexander ask Daniel.
daniel: no, not recently.
Alexander comes and sits next to Daniel.
celesta notices camille: camille? everything okay?
He whispers to him, " She's not with anyone... is she?"
daniel: Taylor??
"Oh... um... yeah," Camille says and gives a false smile.
celesta: no. somethings up. it's okay. u can tell me.
"Yeah, why?" Alexander ask, annoyed.
Camille glances around.
"Not here," she gestures to Celesta. "The library."
daniel: don't worry, and yeah. I'm pretty sure she's single.
celesta: okay.
Alexander nods.
(In the library)
daniel: u guys would be cute.
celesta quickly stands up and follows camille to the library
Alexander nudges him and kind of grins.
Camille sits down with in a chair.
"Are you ready?"she ask.
celesta: so what's wrong?
"I had to leave to this school because there was a war going on."
"My family was fighting against his, I don't exactly know why though."
"At one point they had captured Alexander for ransom along with other evil ones for prisoners."
"And I believe one of them was Taylor."
celesta: what...
daniel: what with the look
"What do ya mean?" Alexander ask.
u have that standard haha grin
"I hate Alexander, he's one of them that have made life for my family hard."
celesta: oh... right. did u know him personally?
"Nothing..." Alexander smiles. "I remember her from somewhere..."
daniel: camille...? or celesta?
"Well, no... but his family was evil!"
"Taylor," Alexander says. "I remember Taylor."
daniel: Taylor... was she like ur childhood crush..?
"I went down one day with my father to the dungeons while he was interrogating the prisoners. The whole time Alexander cursed my family's name."
celesta: maybe try understand him as him... u might find out sketching
celesta: maybe he was influenced. people do change
Camille shakes her head. " I'm never going near him and I would appreciate if this never found its way into the newspaper."
celesta: don't worry. no secret story will be posed about this. but just talk toJen to make sure
"We we're together for a while... as prisoners, I think." Alexander says.
daniel: prisoner?
daniel: u guys are so experienced. it makes me feel out of place ...
Alexander looks down. "I don't know if she remembers me..."
daniel: do u want me to ask for u?
Alexander shakes his head. "I just want you to help me win her over,"
daniel: okay.. use the paper maybe
daniel: and if I see her, I'll put in a good word
"Like what?" Alexander ask.
"Thanks," Alexander smiles.
daniel: the paper.. secret love letter... anonymous questions.. gossip
daniel: no problemo
"How about could I give Taylor an anonymous question?"
daniel: I think those are processed through celesta
" Well I'll think about it," Alexander says.
daniel: sure. ur a good dude and Taylor will see that.
Alexander gets out his book and starts to read.
(sry I gtg to bed. I'll be on tmrw ❤️❤️)