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hey you should totally stop the theme if you want. imo themes just limit your imagination. you should be able to make whatever kind of collage you want because thats the entire point of collages :D and about the lazy thing, sometimes i find that if i take one or two days off piccollage, when I come back there's lots to look at :) idk though
^i agree and it's ok! A lot of followers tend to be "ghost followers" which totally sucks. But you're not alone. The followers who DO like your posts appreciate you and encourage you to purse what YOU wanna do!
Yass😂❤️. Good, what about you?
thank you so much!
no problem at ALL. I HAVE NOT BEEN ACTIVE ON YOUR PAGE AND I AM SOOOOOO SORRY😖😞 but people have creative blocks all the TIME!!! here's my suggestion. use fonts that you have never used and fit them in shapes, or arrange them using different things like periods and lines.
I have the same problem with the text. what I do is experiment with the text and see if people like it. and when I lack inspiration I look at some of the really good people and dream about being like them