hey guys! I feel like today was a good day for me (those are rare sO:D) qotd:favorite event of today? Aotd:coming after school to finish my test(idk why,but I feel like I did great for once)


hey guys! I feel like today was a good day for me (those are rare sO:D) qotd:favorite event of today? Aotd:coming after school to finish my test(idk why,but I feel like I did great for once)

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glad ya had a good day :)
That I went to target and didn’t get asked if I was Asian I’m glad bcuz i always get that asked dunno why
tysm I did work for 2 days so I i mm PROUD
and my day was pretty bad but don't worry about me. i overreact a lot ahah
this is GORGEOUS
@caption IM GLAD UR DAY WENT WELL AND I BET U DID AMAZINGLY ON UR TESTTTTT aotd: sewing all my friends at swim team
thank youuu💗💗💗💗
this is AMAZING btw😍😍
ty 💞
looking up⬆️ towards u
Yeah I love Kpop. DID YOU HEAR THE NEW BTS SONG??!!¿¿¡¡
re:// thank you!
awww thAnk youuu!!🥰
my heart is melting!!
incredible edit 💗