Collage by FallenLucius


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Tyson: mhm. I'll stay with sketch...
Kristoff: *isnt awnsering* Tyson: *walks to their room*
Kristoff: *it says he'll meet him at the fair* ^^
( well get back when he gets their so just lemme know ) Tyson: *walks to their room*
Tyson: hey Sketch-Baby...
Tyson: *finds his hair and starts playing with it*
Tyson: *uncovers his face* ...... l-lord
Tyson: what happend?!
Tyson: ah! *starts grabbing things on his bedside table, making something*
Tyson: *comes out with a crimson bottle* don't worry, it tastes like orange... or whatever your thinking of.
Tyson*gives it to him and smiles*
( YOU NEVER REGRET ANYTHING!!!!!! ) Tyson: *doing his eyebrows*
( OML U PUT SKETH XDDDDDDD ) Tyson: hello... *kisses his forehead*
( XDDDDD ) Tyson: tierd... *finishes* me too...
( LABIMKSKI ) Tyson: *takes them and hugs*
( AND WHEN UR ON THE GO KEEP IT ON UR TOEES (something in the tv ) Tyson: *rubbing his wolf ears*