ok I promised myself I wouldn't post this because it looks like I'm a rich white bítch who likes to brag but it took way too long to lay out and take a picture of so yeah my mom treated me with with $200 to spend wherever I wanted in the mall and of cours


ok I promised myself I wouldn't post this because it looks like I'm a rich white bítch who likes to brag but it took way too long to lay out and take a picture of so yeah my mom treated me with with $200 to spend wherever I wanted in the mall and of cours

60 0
(cont) course I spend it all in hot topic
bEAUTIFUL tbh i would probably spend it all on CDs and a bunch of FOB shirts (idk why but i really like their shirts) plus they're hèlla radical
I'm coming to steal all of it... jkjk but you have very good taste
/re sadly I have no soul to trade so I'm out of luck ;-; hah
aaaaah it's so beautiful
I almost teared up taking it all out of the bag
/re I've got some people at school who need their souls removed painfully but they have cráppy souls so...
I'm jealous my I trade my heavydirtysoul for this please?
please I need a new one
dãmmit Australia needs a hot topic
does Australia not have hot topic? wow I'm so sorry
dang it there's no hot topic where I live