Well there you go. Just in case you don't know how to say Wigington.


•Noot• Well there you go. Just in case you don't know how to say Wigington.

16 0
that's how I say it
Same. I always said it like that.
I'm still alive btw I'm just wâtching a bunch of ATL stuff as promised
I can't sleep and decided to check PC and of course you commented like just as I check it
well fxck me this mind meld is just ugh ffs
Ew no go away
Not you, the mind meld.
No one likes you
again not you
Just yeah we've said this before and I can't be bothered with it anymore but yeah just leave us alone pls
like I'm done with repeating myself
We both are
so go
like right now
like bye
It's bright out and I am no longer tired oh dear
good riddance
Literally same ugh
The sun is here great.
never wanna see you again
Like it looks like it's 12 PM outside
never ever EVER
It literally does
good. bye.
I guess it's time to be band trash until I "wake up"
why must you do that every time
I don't know if I should like just wait until I manage to fall asleep or just stay awake and like take a nap during the day if I get tired or idk this is just what I think about every day at 5am ignore me
bc meme
I'm gonna probably do the latter
Could not be bothered to sleep now
Yeah I'll probably do that too.
It's annoying because I actually planned on sleeping TONIGHTTTT
tf Simon
Looks like you won't be sleeping TONIGHTTTT after all.
I kind of wanted to sleep TONIGHTTTT
But it's morning now.
And we're running on 0 hours of sleep.
I cannot consume coffee or energy drinks to keep me going
I don't have any energy drinks left.
We need like non caffeine energy drinks. Like, it has something else in it that gives you energy. Idk.
It'd be so much easier if we ran on electric energy
Yeah just stick a fork into a socket and you're good you're all energised time to start the day.
Like chemicals that kill your brain cells? Great
All I have is Capri suns
Well at least you got your Capri Suns.
They don't help anything but at least you have them.
Me and Capri suns vs the world
Wait am I part of the world? You and your Capri Suns are teaming up against me?
Why? What did I do to you? I at least tried to send you Capri Suns and you treat me like this?
Nope you are my Capri sun
Oh wow I always wanted to be a Capri Sun
Now you areeee
My dream has finally come trueeee
I won't drink you though that would be mean
Yeah don't drink me I'm just a smol vulnerable Capri Sun fighting my way through life
Apparently the birds are awake now and I still haven't slept. Cool.
I know they're having a great time out there
Are you ever awake and just laying in bed and you think about which band members are probably asleep and which ones are probably awake
I do sometimes.
Who's awake rn
Idk what time is it in America or whatever?
They're like 4-7 hours behind depending on areas
Apparently in some place it's like not even 7pm yet wow
Whoever lives in that timezone is probably awake
well that makes sense
It does.
I have a feeling tonight alive are awake
that makes sense too
It would make sense if they were in Australia, but they're on Warped so idk where they are right now.
oh right I forgot about warped
Yeahhh I don't know. Maybe they like stay up late so even if it's like 2am where they are then who knows they could be
It's maybe like 11pm there? Idek, the Utah date is today apparently and it's like 11pm there but they probably aren't in Utah they could be somewhere else but idk
I don't even know
Me neither.
I actually kinda feel like going to sleep now but oh well it's the morning now there's no point.