Collage by 3RunawayKidsInactive


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your account is wonderful! it would mean the world to me if you'd check out my account, because you are an idol of mine! also shout me out or ask for a profile picture❤️❤️❤️❤️
How do you guys get wifi at a beach?
Wifi hotspots and Starbucks
hey sweeties, where in Europe is that bay? it's just that you speak English but you use the euro currency, I'm not saying I don't believe you it's just I don't know any places in Europe that looks like that
I REALLY care for your safety and sanitation conditions, you need a family and medicine, please
I think we were near the Mediterranean.. not sure because we're constantly moving.
No one will take all four of us, and technically no one that we know of (except that psychopath guy when we're at the train.) We don't exactly exist to anyone else right now.
wow you must be really smart to understand english
no sarcasm
We grew up on English, technically half American half German.
your feet look so sore!!! why can't you go back home?
Yeah, walking really sucks, even with shoes, our toes get rubbed raw so we have to stop at places to wrap them in toilet paper because they get so red. We can't go home because the social services will split us up, no one will take all of us.
A youth hostel is like a super cheap not as nice hotel, for kids, usually on field trips or traveling alone. They usually give us one room for all of us and they offer breakfast, packed lunch and dinner. One time we slept in a metal slide because we couldn't find one. Entertainment is mandatory