Did it


Did it

9 1
ello animal cracker
ah nothing much
same tho
yeah *sighs* I'm bored
I'm scared...
...It's been longer than 24 hours since I talked to Joey...I'm worried about him...I'm worried about Matty...I'm worried about Cheyenne...and Marisa...and Hunter...I'm scared...for all of us...
oh come on Evan an apocalypse is not going to happen. and if it did we would use our powers. besides they are probably busy. and don't be so worried. only worry about important stuff like zombie apocalypses and Hawkmoth
I'm serious tho...Joey never came back after he left...it was 1:00 in the afternoon...and Matty has been using her blades again...Cheyenne I'm pretty sure thinks I only care about Matty, I'm worried about Hunter because idk, he just seemed awkward...
Evan you are over thinking things everything is okay okay? you don't need the extra stress of worry. I'm not worrying about anything right now and really they must be busy, I mean joey is a celebrity
So? Hunter is in more than he is tho...it's not fair...
Evan stop worrying okay? please
...fine...I'll try
okay thank you ig
I want to go to Tibet, China
cool. I want to go to Cleveland
aha I know why
anyways what does not kill you makes you stronger
stand a little taller
yeah exactly I don't get why people want to kill themselves if they have never been through anything. *cough c cough* I mean going through a tragedy is hard I have dealt with several and if someone calls you ugly you should not kill yourself or cut I mean seriously. I have been through my brother dying, being super poor, a gun threat, and my friend overdosing and people should not kill themselves for little things
yeah. they shouldn't. your right.
I just don't get it. I should be the one killing myself and cutting not her (you know who I am talking about not matty but....) and anyways but I stay positive and I am always happy. people who have been through nothing and are killing themselves are weak
yeah. I understand
I'm watching Stranger Things! AGH ITS SO FXCKING AWESOMEEEE
never watched it huh interesting
it's not on kids thooo
Oooooh that's why hah
😂😂 yep
Want to Rp?
nah. hate page issues
ugh what happened now 😐🙄 I'm annoyed by it
me too
just block it and tell matty to block it too I mean gosh
no. I need to keep an eye on what she's saying. and want comments are posted.
no you need to block it. and tell everyone too. by commenting and going onto her page, she is getting more attention, that is what she wants. so don't give her attention and she will fade
ughhh but I wanna sass herrr
no Evan that's enough you wrote her an essay now it's time so stop giving her attention, what she wants to keep going
but essays about my amazing mommy (don't ask) are easyyyy
Evan back awyyyyyy and block her that's what you do to haters
I don't wanna
Evan it's just going to keep going and going and going On forever if you keep fighting. do you want matty to be hated on forever?
no. I don't.
then do the right thing, if we all keep not blocking her she will say "oh look and audience" and keep doing it
block her and tell matty to too
or I can hack er and block her for her.
ooooh ok
it's easier.
mhm. getting password right now. I think.
mhmmmmm. Hruuuu
I'm good now
das goooddd
*hugs* yay
*hands you an electric swatter* use that
your welcomeee
ooh 😲 nice
password is EvanIsHere
Ew. um try EvanEdits then
......you know giving out his password for the whole world to see is not the smartest idea.....
I can't figure it outttt
O m g g g g g g you remember me?????!!!!
gahhh plz say you doooo