I've gotten drawings all over myself. Darn it. Now I have to wash all the marker off me.... ;-;


I've gotten drawings all over myself. Darn it. Now I have to wash all the marker off me.... ;-;

66 7
what are u doin baby
Nothing... and don't call me baby... It's... weird I guess.
it's just weird. just call me Noah! ^_^
I care! we're friends remember? ^_^
Hey, my friend Jake said he likes how you look. Wanna talk to him?
sure does he have an account
No, he doesn't. he said he can just use mine or something. is that okay? I'm giving him my phone now.
ok but I gtg in about five minutes
That's fine. -Jake
Here, I'll show you a picture of me. we can talk later.
tell him to make a pic collage
aye can jake gat a pic collage
He said his storage on his phone is full.
aww can u plz get him back
I'll see if he can come over for a sleepover.
>_< But warning, he's very sensitive.