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Whatā€™s the Point of this??.
what is the point of you?
what is the point of your account?
of everyone ?
of life?
I didnā€™t know you were a philosopher
Whatā€™s The Point Of YOUR life? Will ya just Shut your Mouth? I Am so Impressed.
why are you doing that to my friend
you messed with the wrong person
and yes, Iā€™m a bĆ®tch
I am so impressed with your work where did you study?
R u seriously trying to copy me??šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†
the collage of āssbÅ«tts? or the university of bÄ«tchfĆ„ces?
you need to get a life
what I seen on your profile, you need to seriously grow up
or are you eight years old
my friends littlest sister watches that show
Oh! you must go to one of those Colleges if you know those.
Anyways, Iā€™ve had enough of your silly Rubbish. Bye Bye Hater
this is my post!
no Iā€™m serious, if you are older than me, that is just wrong, hating on someone who is younger
I don't even know how old you are!
Iā€™m 13 1/2
actually Iā€™m younger
and now that you know that youā€™ve been bullying someone younger than you your too scared to respond
bye cyber bully
you donā€™t understand
I have mild autism
and Iā€™m really about to cry from you
I also have depression and anxiety
now that I come clean, you donā€™t answer me
sorry I was learning
and I also have depression and anxiety so thatā€™s not really an excuse
also you started this
so I dont get why youā€™re about to cry
you donā€™t know how autism feels
I donā€™t
but YOU were hating on me and my friends
so itā€™s all you fault
hope you feel bad
excuse me 22lryan
I had a friend with mild autism
my friends have depression
me and my friends have anxiety
I also have rls and spd and insomnia
and my dog has cancer
donā€™t use mental disorders as excuses
thank you
and undiagnosed schizophrenia to add
I have depression, anxiety, autism, but you donā€™t have it so YOU donā€™t know what it is like
I get hate every day
I get bullied every day
and I canā€™t take it anymore
and if I kill myself
you and all the people who said bad stuff about me
Iā€™ll always blame them and you
I deleted most of my recent ones
luv the fluff
why are you sighing