What is wrong with some people😭😭


What is wrong with some people😭😭

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that's so wrong and rude it's not true, report them
great don't worry bout them
I'm sorry😔
I'm sorry😢//Sure!// And cause I asked
tysm!! and I'm sorry about them^^^ they've been rude to me too😔❤️
cmon you know your the top!//And go follow her! she would love to meet you!
thanks😭and I know it just makes me mad that there being so mean to everyone for no reason😫😒
yes that's her!
that's terrible......haters only hate because there lives are going no where therefore that try to make something out of it.
^^ thanks to everyone who commented nice things! it was disgusting to call a 12 year old a prostîtûte like ew that's disgusting! but thx to da supporters!! ily guys so much ❤️
that person should learn to put some fućkïng respect on my best friends name. there wrong anyways you are amazing
They r stupid block em
what the hełł? u should probably block them before they say anything worse. also remember that none of what the hater said is true❤️
OMG block them! that's not true what they said
I will!
I'm so sorry
block them
omg I'm sorry 😭
Ikr 😰
who is the hater?
don't let them hurt u
u r better and stronger than them
OMG THATS SO RUDE dont listen to them em ur amazing and they r jealous if they seriously have time to be mean to u then they r a waste of time so dont waste any time on them xx
I think your right, ask
that's terrible!!