You've been dared. Inspired by 'Break the Rules' by Ellen Sussman. Also another low five to the dyslexics✋!


CLICK You've been dared. Inspired by 'Break the Rules' by Ellen Sussman. Also another low five to the dyslexics✋!

181 1
I'm actually liking her writing (:
I've only ever read one essay by her. What does she write?
I posted this to make a <<<point>>>! GuEsS ThE poiiinttt!!!
Who wrote that?
I did!😊
Animals aren't dumb😩😞
why when I'm fed up I hit a pillow you do some crazy stuff
fotos. LIZZY
you didn't make a point tho
oH, butt dIdN'T 1?
animals are not dumb
they are awesome 🐷🐘🐳🐬🐧🐦🐼
no point
ThE <<point>> is THAT some-times RuLeS can act more as BARRIERS than BOUNDARIES. SomeTimes, you can still be -Understood- whilst bre••king the rules. SOMETIMES BREA. KING them is even necessary!
sorry about you being "fed up" 😥 I hope you feel better soon 👍