QOTD: Do you have any hobbies? 
Answer: Learning to play Guitar 🎸 
Just a reminder that I purple you πŸ’œ
Contest coming soon...


~~~ QOTD: Do you have any hobbies? Answer: Learning to play Guitar 🎸 Just a reminder that I purple you πŸ’œ Contest coming soon...

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this is so pretty~ A: Read, write, listen to music
i love this, it’s so so pretty πŸ’• also my main hobby is volleyball idk if that’s even considered a hobby? but volleyball and writing! also I’ll definitely join your contest when it’s posted
of course! haha everyone has different strengths don’t worry about it πŸ˜‚ I’ve just been playing for like 7 years so it’s kinda become a big part of my life ya know? also I’ll be looking forward to it!
awww thankuuuuπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’“
soo majestic ahhh πŸ’•πŸ˜˜