Collage by Reggolp


18 0
because she cares about you to much
no, she loves you
No, I know she loves you. She knows she'll hurt you if she tells you, so she chooses not to
Gretchen, you've always had a chance with her
We'll see
Please don't hate me. For keeping a secret
She told me a secret, with the little trust she has in me. I'm not telling her secret. unless she tells me
about her
That's what she thinks
Why are you sorry? Your the one who loves her
Your not going to die
Are you okay?
That's why she didn't tell you
No. I'll never be okay
Im sorry Gretchen.
Yes, but now you can never have her
Because you'll never see her again
she didn't leave. she was taken away
good luck trying to fight the government
That's all I know. Promise
no. she hasn't talked to me since Friday. but I'll try
after school
I said after school
I have to go. see you later