Milly and manna you would love it


Milly and manna you would love it

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honestly it's funny and some parts they curse and "weird" scenes but your manna and milly you guys could watch it
Lol.. okay!
lol 😂😂😂
we saw inside out! I don't know why it's still in cinemas but it's so good!
wow i wanted to watch that but never got a chance 😩
It's soo Good
Ikr Ali didn't like it plus you know we watched the fault in our stars it's a metaphor 🚬
Omg did you? were you crying, i didn't i was about to but held myself together 😭
no I didn't start crying I didn't feel like crying either...:)
right i woukd've been turing upppp!!! but maybe when I go to england or you come to america we could watch a movie and TURN UPP
hahahah Yass
ikr yasss milly and manna and we could go by ourslef if we in america cuz im old enough for you guys 😂😂😂
yo and we could sneak in to other movies. 😂😂😂😂
Hey, I'm in a good mood today so I'm going around to all my followers and thank them for being such amazing people! Thank you for being YOU! ❤️ -Lindi
I tagged u
yea i know i'm busy so mabe by this weekend
awwwww thanks you
nah the girl who said those nice words