Okay so whenever we moved house my mum said I'm only allowed one poster up but I just put up my Waterparks one and I put up a Paramore one a while ago so now I have three but my mum didn't mind so I guess it's time to plaster my walls now woohoo


•Noot• Okay so whenever we moved house my mum said I'm only allowed one poster up but I just put up my Waterparks one and I put up a Paramore one a while ago so now I have three but my mum didn't mind so I guess it's time to plaster my walls now woohoo

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yet you weren't allowed have Mattie??
I'll put Mattie up again I'm sure she won't mind
I'll probably find more pictures of dogs though and put those up as well. Because then I can just be like "Oh yeah I just found dogs on the Internet and printed them out" but she'll just question me for having five pictures of just some random person's dog
Y'know. Like I could just say they're all Instagram famous then that makes it okay
Okay yeah that makes sense
It does