Crushing hard


Crushing hard

28 0
WOW....I'm crushing on who a fake Internet newbie πŸ˜‚
well guess wut ur just sayin that cuz I know u want me back
oooo~ who b the lucky girl?
camt say
lol why not? if I may ask?
wait! 😱 are u going to surprise her and ask her out? that would be so cute!
not really not yet
lol ok! if ur ready to say who the special girl is I'm all ears!
ill tell u later
oh yay!! thanks!
Aidan is going to ask out a fake girl I bet
no she is not on pc
oh that's good that's irl
her name is ashley
aw!! how cute!!
good luck with your love life!!
bye have fun wit ur "girlfriend "
aye I'm real sorry Aidan wut happened to me and you
im not the right guy sry
i guess the stuff wit the other girl died she just asked another guy out so im free
not much you
🍭I wanna join in the convo!!😝Which was 10 hours agoπŸ˜‘
lol hi 😜
Hello! R u bored 2πŸ˜†
what exactly are you crushing hard on?....*tilts head in confusion*
on someone
but who?!....
Ya, I'd like to know as well....hhmmmmπŸ€”....
not now
Plz, tell us who the lucky girl is?😘
why can't you tell us now?....
well I umm don't like anyone
Ohhhhhhhh!! That's sad
Do u have anyone in mind tho
I'm sorry that you don't like anyone