Idk what was the point of this 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Idk what was the point of this 🤔🤔🤔🤔

26 0
cool there something on my page for you
You shouldn’t feel jealous at all! You’re just as talented:) Seriously, I cant believe your main doesn’t have that many followers! My first account on pc (now deleted) it took maybe a year or 2 to get 300 followers! But let me guess, you’re thinking “wow! she really is good at everything:(“ I think your main @sweeteneravenue is one of my favorite accounts! Also I actually haven’t even heard or seen her account😂
I’m so sorry you’re family doesn’t support!! I haven’t been in your place, so I really shouldn’t being saying sorry or any of this. Maybe I’m making you feel worse by writing a book on every post😂 But, I want you to know that you’re here for a reason.💕💕💕
we are here for you!
haha! sorry, we just really want to help!
So here’s something that helped me get over my version of your “idol” (I guess that’s what I’ll call her). I got a new one, yeah, I realize that I talk about these people like objects, probably ignore that...😅😅😅. Anyways, I got a new idol, who was eight years older than me. I’m friends with her and she’s great, it’s like having an older sister (I have an actual older sister, but it’s different when you’re not related to your idol.). She’s a really pretty girl who looks kinda like me, and was a fashion blogger. Having someone that you adore that looks like you also helps with self esteem and confidence. I’m not in love with her or anything, I just think she’s amazing. I did think I was in love with the previous idol though.
lel the funny thang is Idek who that is 😂