So much war around the world. I just wanted to make a collage that would give people something to think about. 😪 Quoted by Calvin Coolidge✨


So much war around the world. I just wanted to make a collage that would give people something to think about. 😪 Quoted by Calvin Coolidge✨

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Ugh, your collages are always so perfect👌🏻😍. Mind sharing some of your talent?😏😂✨🌻☀️
@-LoveDanceSing- thank you so muchhh✨❤️
@ballerina_unicorn thanks #PrayForTheWorld🙏🌍✨
@PlushBunny omg, your collages are AMAZING😱✨i wish I could give some of my talent in exchange for yours! 😏💖😂
@PlushBunny, it wouldn't be a fair trade because your talent is so much more amazing😍🙊
ur collages r so beautiful and I really I hope I get to be as good as u. don't worry I don't expect u 2 follow me :)
This is beautiful💖