Collage by naughtrp


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man I’m so sorry I’ve literally been trying to find time every day but my classes are not giving me a break 😭 hope classes are going ok for you! I’m really hoping to find some time this week to write but I’m swamped
shoot I’m sorry to hear it’s bad for you too! hope we can find some balance soon. I literally spent from 8:30a-6p on the hw for one class today like 🥲 already checking the calendar for when the next day off is
oh noo! like how has another week gone by >~< I miss writing with you too!
Hopefully those ideas you had aren’t completely gone :( but I was going to suggest if we want to keep in touch outside of this app while we’re busy too I can message on Pinterest? assuming you have it haha but my handle is @1tsbr1!