this song is basically what im holding onto! different kind of edit but i wanted to try it :) hope you're having a great day/night! đź’— 


3.01.20 this song is basically what im holding onto! different kind of edit but i wanted to try it :) hope you're having a great day/night! đź’— -wildfire

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aw thanks, you're collages are still beautiful as always too 🥰🥰
oop your*
it’s never a problem to have my support at all :) you’re an amazing friend to me so I’d like give back by looking out for you and reciprocating your support. also, the conspiracy theorist is a popular option. Ig it’s the least odd one cause the descriptions of some of them are just straight up strange in my opinion. And that’s coming from the person that wrote them so you know I made this during črâçkhęãd times lol. I’m glad you got the idea tho 💓
thank you, I appreciate the updates very much! I’m glad to know that you’re living in a safe location, it gives me some relief about you and your family’s safety. As for your friends, I hope that their situations don’t worsen and that they’re able to remain living in a secure area until the fires hopefully die down or at the very least lessen. I wish I could give you more than emotional support rn but please know that I’m keeping you, your family, your friends, the firefighters and everyone in Aussie being affected by the fires in my prayers. also don’t apologise for the smoke coming to nz! It should be the least of your worries, we’re doing just fine :)
woke up this morning and I was soo hot! I guess I can't keep the window open for air anymore
listening to the news and our situation doesn't seem to be getting better