Good morning my blood dolls it's feeding time for me so who's gonna feed me


Good morning my blood dolls it's feeding time for me so who's gonna feed me

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morning sister.
*holds my wrist out* go ahead
of course, sister. *doesnt move* you can bite down harder if you need to
I'll be fine
mmhm! *nods*
no... *shakes my head* I fed last night
mmhm *smiles slightly*
*looks away*
*shakes her head*
*sighs, and shows you the bite marks on my arm* ...
*is looking at the ground* I'm...I'm sorry sister...but...I couldn't control myself...
*lowers my arm and closes my eyes* Like I said...I couldn't control myself...and I was home alone...
I-I know...b-but...I...I can't do this anymore! *breaks down*
*shakes my head* Th-there isn't...I've looked and done research...if a hybrid is born, they can't become a full mortal....or whatever species it is that they are thee hybrid's merely impossible!
*buries my head in my arms* ......
you go on ahead....I'm staying here... *mutters this from within my arms*
*slightly nods my head*