2 weeks ago I came home and there were 89 messages o-O


2 weeks ago I came home and there were 89 messages o-O

2 0
Ye.. 😁
I had 111 messages when I was gone for half an hour tonight.. 😁
Most of it is people spamming "jsnsjskmenwuaksnn" or random stuff :L
Oh.. Well, my friends are just saying random stuff and trying to annoy Moony and I, I'm pretty sure..
Oh.. ;-;
Yep.. ^~^
My friend added someone and apparently they knew none of us and the said they would call the cops if he didn't stop adding him to it..
Sorry, I heard my dad..
And I panicked
It's fine! ^-^ Just.. If you get caught because of me, I'm so sorry. >~<
Nuu, It's not!
^~^ Well.. Okie.. Still, if you do, I'm sorry.
And, I usually spend my night on the group chat or Clash of Clans and Clash Royale
Okie. But it wouldn't be your fault.
It kind of would.
D: How.
Because you're talking to me. Technically, it would be me, getting you caught. 😁
Well.. Okie.. But it's okie, at least the hardwood floor in front of my bedroom creeks when you walk on it.. ^~^
So it's basically my alarm.. xD
That's probably good.. 😁
Awesome. :D
Yeah. cx
So.. How have you been? ^-^
Good, how about you?
That's good! And okay, thanks for asking. But it is nice to talk to you again. ☺️
Yeah. ☺️ Thank you too, and you're also welcome. ^-^
You're welcome, also. ^-^
^-^ <3
<33 c:
<333 cx
<3333 :D
<33333 ^-^
<333333 ☺️
<3333333 😊
<33333333 >-<
<333333333 Are chu okie?
<3333333333 Yeah..? Why?
Idk.. The face.. Looks like something is wrong.. Sorry.
No, no, it's fine. I'm sorry. ^~^ I don't really think I've made a lot of sense lately.. So.. Sorry if I don't..
It's okie. ^-^
^-^ Okie.. Well.. What's new, I guess? 😁
Umm.. Well, it's getting hotter here.. In San Diego.. And I keep drinking all of my water before lunch.. ;-;
Sorry if that doesn't make sense.
It does, don't worry.. And I would say I hope that it will cool off, but I doubt it would.. o.o
Ye.. o-o
But I'm also sad..
How come?
My birthday is on the last day of school. >~<
Oh.. D:
Well.. The last day of school for my school..
Well, positively, then you can go home and celebrate the break and your birthday, oui? ^-^
Yeah.. ^~^
Are you okie..? 😁
Yeah.. Just most of the time the last day of school can be the most boring..
It depends what they do.
I'm in a new school this year.. So I hope I won't throw up shaved ice..
Oh.. Well.. At least.. You can think about it being your birthday, and try and imagine things you enjoy, to make it more enjoyable?
Throw up shaved ice?
The only reason I did is because they gave it to us before we did like this running activity or something and they rushed us so I ate it all at once..
And it came back up after.. o-o
Oh.. I'm sorry. :c
It's okie.
^~^ Well.. You can hope it won't happen again..?
Well.. Should we talk about something not so gross..? 😁
Yeah.. xD
If you want.. It's up to you.
Idk.. But I just thought of something that I did last year on my birthday that I really hope I can do again..
And it will be the last day of school so there will most likely be a few parties..
Last year, during my birthday my neighbors came over and a bunch of my moms friends and my neighbor had a great idea
There was a party next to my house, so my friend said lets go crash the party.. But I have never done it and it was my first time, and I didn't even know what that meant, but I said okay.
Oh.. XD You crashed a party for your birthday ?
And eventually I just grabbed a soda because that's basically all there was.
But it was funny how they let us in..
Ye.. xD
I'm sorry, I find this amusing.. Anyways.. How was it funny?
It was amusing, and so I was scared so I hid by a stop sign across the street while my neighbor did it and he actually had never done it before either, but he used his moms name and they let him in..
Or he said that he was her son.. Something like that..
Really? o.o
Awesome! ^-^ At least you guys had fun.
I hope I can do it again c:
Yeah ^-^
...I just now realized, even though I feel really stupid now, in about 2 weeks.. I'll be 12.. *face palms* I "totally" knew that.
I'm gonna get you a present
I have to
Not unless I get you one, even though I was planning on it. ^-^
You don't have to.
Yes I do ^-^
And I was planning on it too.. ^-^
Nu, you don't.. But thank you, you're very sweet. ☺️
Well.. I will think of something.. And you are too.. 😊
Thank you, again. And yeah.. o-o I'll start on it tomorrow.
Sorry if me getting you a present sounded creepy.. o-o I didn't really think about it all the way.
No, no, it's fine. If so we're both creepy then, and we're even, oui?
Seriously.. It's okie. c:
Okie. ^-^
So.. What do you want to talk about..?
I don't know..
Oh.. 😁
Ye.. Sorry.. 😁
It's okie! c:
Okie. c:
So.. Uh.. I don't remember if I asked this or not, due to my "great" memory, but, how have you been?
Good, and you have, but it's okie! ^-^
Oh.. Sorry. Kind of sleep deprived lately. o-o And it's good that you're good! ^-^
I have been too.. :I And thank you for asking. ^-^
Oh.. Have you been okay? D: And you're welcome! c:
Yeah.. Have you?
*shrugs* Depends on the definition of okay.. But.. If you're okay, how come you haven't been able to sleep?
If you don't mind me asking, that is.
Well.. I have just been staying up late.. And then sometimes nightmares.. But what's wrong.. D:
It's okie.
Oh.. And.. It's just really my anxiety is stressing me out and making me worry too much.. And I just stay up, also.. 😁 Also, I hope you get more rest..
Umm.. This may make me sound stupid or something but I don't quite know what anxiety means..
Thank you, and I hope you do too. ^-^
It doesn't sound stupid! It's okay to not know everything because nobody does. ^-^ Anxiety is kind of like a nervousness.. Kind of.
Thank you also, and you're welcome.
D: What are you nervous about..?
This sounds stupid.. But, honestly..? Everything.
You don't have to answer that question if you don't want to.. I just hope you are okie.
No, it's fine. I'll answer anything, really.
Oh.. And it doesn't. I've felt that way many times before..
Oh no.. Someone is on the group chat.. o-O
Thank you. And oh.. Well.. I hope you don't have anxiety. 😁
XD That's why I muted mine.
Okie, and you're welcome.
Wait.. We all have anxiety, but some is worse than others, I guess I should say..
;-; It's another person that doesn't know who anyone in the group chat is..
o.o Good luck..
Well.. I hope yours gets better..? If that makes sense.
Thank you, and it does. ^-^
You're welcome. ^-^
I'm really sorry, but I should try and sleep.. 😁
It's okie, you are two hours ahead of my time. And I probably should too.
Okie.. Well, buenos noches, Dylan. Talk to you tomorrow, hopefully?
Okie, Goodnight Morgan. And yes, talk to you tomorrow. Sorry.. I don't know any other languages.. 😁
It's fine! Sorry for switching from French to Spanish. 😁
It's okie! c:
Anyways.. Sleep well, and enjoy your day tomorrow. ^-^ <3 Good-night.
You too. ^-^ Goodnight <3
Buenos dìas! —good morning in Spanish— Enjoy your day. ^-^ Talk to you later, hopefully. <3
Hello! c:
Hewwo! ^-^
Hi ^-^
Sorry for having to get off so quickly earlier.. ;-;
It's okie.
^~^ Okie..
Really though.. It's fine. <3
<3 Okie.. Well, how have you been? ^-^
Good, but starting to feel stressed out about this project I have in my English class.. >~<
Ty for asking, how have you been?
Oh.. I bet you'll do fine! c:
Thank you.. <3
Youre welcome (x2), and pretty annoyed.. But thanks for asking.
About what..? And you're, also, welcome.
Friends.. My friends literally started to talk about you in the middle of science because Hillary brought up your clan.. Again.
>~< Sorry..
No, no, it's fine. I'm not annoyed with you; I'm annoyed with them.. They basically called you fake.. 😁
I'm really sorry.. >~< Especially about Adam and Hillary.. So sorry if they've been bugging you.
Who's Adam?
Adam is Aqua_Moon11839 or HawtChocolate_ now
..Or on Clash of Clans "Lemonade 4 Dayz"
I meant to put a space there
Wait. Did he also join my clan?
Oh.. We all make mistakes. ^-^
He attempted to. But got declined, luckily.
Ye.. ^~^
Why luckily..? Was he gonna say something?
He's the one who tells everyone about you.. And told my friends we were "in a relationship". :L
Oh.. :I
Yeah.. And he even changed his CoC username to "Lemonade 4 Dayz" to bug me.. 😁
That's why he did it..?
He never tried to join.. o.o
..He didn't..? Hillary told me he did.. And so did he.. -.-
The only person who tried was Hillary, she got declined but I invited her back.
That's what she told me.. But they said Adam tried to join too— They were trying to get on my nerves again.
Oh.. ;-;
>~< I really am sorry if she bugs you though.
She is fine, she doesn't..
Oh.. Well.. Okie.
o-o Srsly.. The only time people come on the group chat, which is apparently now named "John Cena" come on during 9-12Pm.. =~=
You could leave the group chat?
=-= Now PC is making me re-type stuff..
Like I was going to say, my friend always puts these funny pictures of like Donald Trump with a tiny face.. o-o So I like to see what he puts on there.. xD
And if I leave they will probably add me back.
Oh xD
I will try to put them in a collage to show people what goes on in that group chat.. o-O
If you want..
I only show what happens with my family and Moony.. My other friends barely text me, it's either to bug me or tell me something about lemons..
;-; I'm sorry..
No, no, it's fine.
I'm serious. It is. <3
Okie. <3
So.. How was your day? ^-^
Good, How was yours?
Ty for asking ^-^
That's good! And pretty good, thank you for asking also, and you're welcome— sorry if I already asked you, I'm half asleep so I might not make any sense at all.. o-o
You haven't, it's okie, and you're, also, welcome. c:
Oh okie.. ^-^
^-^ <3
c: <33
:D <333
cx <3333
☺️ <33333
😊 <333333
😄 <3333333
(^ー^)ノ —it's from a Japanese keyboard xD sorry— <33333333
^-^ It's okie, but how do you do that? <333333333
Would you like me to guide you through it? :P <3333333333
Okie. <33333333333
Mk, so, go to the Settings app. <333333333333
Okay <3333333333333
Then go to the one selection called "General" and open it then, scroll down and go to accessibility.
Wait.. I did it wrong, okay so go back into accessibility and scroll down until you find one labeled "Keyboard", and open that— sorry!
It's okie.
Then, when in "Keyboard" the very first selection/tab/whatever you want to call it, called "Keyboards", click that, and you can add different keyboards. ^-^
Okie. ^-^ <33333333333333333
:D Enjoy! <333333333333333333
Thank you. c: <3333333333333333333
You're welcome. ^-^ <3333333333333333333
^-^ <333333333333333333333
Idk how much it is.. It's hard to count them.. o-o
(⌒-⌒; ) <33333333333333333333
Ikr.. We can stop if you want. 😁
cx <33333333333333333333333
Okie.. 😁
So.. What's new?
Nothing really.. What about you?
Same as your answer.. But thank you for asking.
Thank you too, and you're, also, welcome. ^-^
You're welcome, also. c:
So.. Do you want to talk about anything..?
You can decide on what to talk about, if you want to..? 😁
I don't know.. 😅
Ye.. Sorry.. ;-;
Nu, nu, it's okie! Sorry for not responding very quickly, also.. And I'll try and think of something..?
It's okie, And I will too..
;-; I have been sabotaged, I went to Katy and then she just went and laid on my pillow instead..
So.. How's playing the saxophone..? –sorry idk.
Good, Sorry, I heard someone walk by.
Thank gosh for the floor 😁
It's fine, and that's good. ^-^
Ye.. How has playing the violin been going..? Idk either..
Pretty good, thanks for asking.
You're welcome, and thank you too.
And that's good. c:
You're, also, welcome. ^-^
I'm really sorry, but I should sleep.. A lot of practicing for our final tests and a test. ;-; So.. Talk to you tomorrow, maybe?
I was just about to say that.. And it's okie. So, yeah.. Talk to you tomorrow.. <3 Goodnight, Morgan. ^-^
Buenos noches, Dylan. <3 c:
Goodnight <3
Hello! I have to go eat dinner, but I will be back soon. See you soon. ^-^
Well, goodnight Morgan. Talk to you tomorrow maybe..? ^-^ <3
:c So sorry.. I fell asleep.. I'll probably be on Creative later and I'll talk to you tonight.. ^-^ <3
Are you okay..? D:
Oh.. I'm sorry.. 😞
I seriously wish I could have a tnt hat irl.
And it's not your fault.
D: But still.. I'm sorry.
Why does Chase just come on and then say bad stuff about me..? I never did anything to him.
I just want to..
Beat the you know what out of him..
Sorry.. xD
* xc
No, no ! :c Don't say that.. I'm sorry about him, but he's saying he might quit right now anyways
I'm going to quit at life.
No.. :c Please...
You're one of the few reasons I'm still here.. Please.. Don't. I don't want to lose you.. D: You're one of my best friends.. One of my only friends. Please. It will hurt others more than you think.
Consider it at least.. That's all that I can ask.
Okie.. >~< I'm sorry.. I don't know what I am saying.. xc
No.. It's fine. I know how it feels.
I'm really sorry. >~<
Well.. I guess I will get back on MC..
Sorry.. I have to work on my book report.. And I wouldn't recommend it.. It's kinda depressing what they're all saying.
They are all gone.
And okie.. I'm sorry.. Talk to you later..? If you want to..?
I would understand if you wouldn't..
No! I'll talk to you later.. I'm not mad at you.. I promise. <3
Okie.. See you later. <3
Talk to you later. ^-^ <3
Hello! ^-^
I have more wifi in my front yard than my bedroom.. ;-;
Sorry, I got distracted.
Sorry, for taking so long.. >~<
Well.. I guess I will see you tonight..?
See you later. ^-^ <3
Sorry, I'm here now, if you want to talk..?
I'll check on PC regularly, but I won't be on Creative again until tomorrow.. Talk to you soon? ^-^
Omigosh D: I'm really sorry, I had to eat dinner and I'm still at my moms friends house.. ;-; Sorry. >~<
Well, if you are still awake, I will be home in like 15 minutes.. Soo.. Maybe we can talk in a little while..? ^-^ I'm really sorry.. xc So.. See you soon.. <3
It's okie! ^-^ I'll talk to you soon then.
Okie. ^-^
^-^ Have fun.
Okie.. Sorry it to so long..
I am lucky I escaped the madness that happened when I got out of the car o.o
And it's okie!
Ye.. My brother slapped me with a wooden stick he brought home and squirted me with his water bottle.. -.- And then my mom told him he had to take a shower to wash off his pink hair and he got really mad.. o.o
Because it was supposedly crazy hair day at his school.
Oh.. Are you okie? :c
Ye.. But the only reason he sprayed me with water is because he wanted attention and I was playing on my iPad.. So he did it in front of everyone.. =-=
So.. How was your day..? ^-^
Pretty good, thank you for asking! ^-^ How was your's?
It was good also, you're welcome, and thank you too. ^-^
That's good! And you're, also, welcome. c:
Whenever I try to put "^-^" almost every time I catch myself putting "^-7" ;-;
Sorry.. I found that amusing because I make the same mistake.. Sorry if you thought I was insulting you.
Ye.. I'm just not used to my iPads keyboard because the up arrow and 7 are in the same spot if you click the button that changes them :P
It wasn't! It's okie! <3
Oh.. It sounds like me right now.. I turned off auto-correct and now it's actually kind of hard to type correctly.. o-o
Oh okie. ^-^ <3
Oh.. o.o
I keep messing up on words— especially right now.. "Mesfing" "wirds" "rught".. :L
I have this word prediction on and it's kinda useful.. Idk if I have autocorrect on though..
I think I have autocorrect on, idk.. :I
Oh.. It sometimes can be useful, other times we are enemies to the grave, auto-correct and I, not me and you.. I don't know if I make any sense anymore. o-o
It's okie, you do.
Oh gosh..
Oh okie.. That's usually good.
"Oh gosh.."?
Some reason I just started thinking of my cousins backyard and it brought me to the thought/image of this squirrel that was eating a mouse last Friday.. o.o Idk how, but it just did..
Ew... >~<
Because my cousins have like a forest near their backyard.. And I thought of squirrels..
But isn't that like.. cannibalism..? o-o
XD I guess so, considering they're both rodents.
San Diego is weird.. o~o
Everywhere is weird.. Everyone is weird too, actually.
For an example: Bartlesville is overrun with snapping turtles, so when I was younger my dad at our old house would catch the adult ones in trash cans and then let them go.. Not like random ones, but the ones in our pond.. If that makes sense.
It does.
Okie.. Just if I don't make any sense, tell me, and I'll try to explain it in a way that probably won't help.. 😁
Okay.. I don't know if this is mean or racist or something but.. San Diego is overrun with homeless people..
It's okie. ^-^
That makes sense.. It's a large city, with a lot of people.. It's not mean or racist.
^-^ This is completely irrelevant, but, how was your day?
It's okie, and good, thank you for asking. ^-^
That's good! And you're welcome. ^-^
How was your day?
Well.. Good so far, considering I'm only 40 minutes into it. :P But thank you for asking.
Oh yeah.. And you're welcome. ^-^
So.. What do you want to talk about..?
It's up to you. c:
Umm.. Idk.. ^~^
Ye.. Sorry.. >~<
It's okie! ^-^
Okie, back.
Welcome back! ^-^
Thank you. ^-^
You're welcome. <3
My apologies.. I should probably try to sleep so I don't sleep all day tomorrow.. o-o
Well.. Good-night.. Talk to you tomorrow, maybe?
Yeah :D Goodnight, Morgan. <3
Good-night, Dylan. <3 ^-^
Hello! ^-^
Well.. If chu are asleep then.. Talk to you tomorrow maybe..? If you aren't then I will be on later tonight, anyways, see you later. ^-^ <3
Sorry.. My phone is about to die and so.. I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow?
Oh.. D: Well.. My family is going to Mexico tomorrow all day so the only time I will be able to talk will be in the morning and at 7pm or later my time.. :c So.. Goodnight.. I guess. <3
:c Goodnight, Morgan.. Talk to you tomorrow.. Maybe..? If not than Monday, so, Goodnight. <3
Oh okie... Have fun in Mexico! ^-^ <3
Well.. I can talk for a little while, because I won't be leaving until 10 my time, but I will. ^-^
^-^ Okie.
Hello! ^-^
Sorry.. I got distracted.. >~<
Okie.. I am back. 😄
And it's okie. ^-^
Welcome back! ^-^ Well.. Sorta, I guess.
*sort of
Thank you. xD
You're welcome. c:
So.. How was your day..? ^-^
Okay, how was your's? And thank you for asking. ^-^
Well.. Mine was good for an hour then horrible for another.. It was like that all day.. And you're welcome. c:
Oh..? How come? D:
Well, we were driving down and it was fine in the morning until we had dinner, there was this hang-glider thing with a chair and motor and it kept going past a window that we were sitting at and my brother shut the window on my head.. :c
D: Are you okie?
But after that I felt good even though I had to wait like 1 hour to get across the border, because I gave a poor mother some money.. I felt really good after doing that. ^-^
That was kind! c:
Well.. At least you're okay..? >~< Little siblings are evil little monsters.
Yeah.. c: But I also feel bad because I saw someone try to cross the border.. illegally..? Idk if that's the right word but like most of their homes are wooden shacks :c I would understand why they want to cross.
D: Oh... Oui.
Yeah.. They are.. o-o
And I also realized how helpful it is to know another language.. :I
What do you mean?
It's not letting me send a message..
And not it does..
Whattt D:
It's not letting me send that one message.. :c
Oh.. I'm sorry. D:
Well.. If I knew Spanish I would be able to read the signs there and at least know what to say..
And it would be cool.. ^~^
Sorry if I don't make sense.. I almost suffocated in the car because I was laughing so hard.. *~*
O-o Suffocated?
Yeah.. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.. o.o
And you do make sense, but I honestly think learning a language takes away time.. I'd rather hang out with friends instead, honestly.
Oh.. o-o
It's nice but also a burden, sì?
>~< Sorry, I want to go watch this show that's on TV every Sunday and it's like the only time I watch TV.. But I promise it's only like 45 minutes, so I will be on PC after.. ^-^ So.. See you in a little while..?
It's fine! ^-^ Talk to you soon.
Okie! ^-^
c: Enjoy your show.
Or not..
Or not?
I walked out and my dad was like "Not tonight." And I was like "K Goodnight." o-o
Oh.. :c I'm sorry.
It's okie, I think he just thinks I'm tired because I was in Mexico all day.. Idk
He said that I could watch it tomorrow night.
Well.. At least you can watch it tomorrow?
Ye.. But I also like talking to you. ^-^
^-^ I enjoy talking to you also.
c: <3
:D <33
^-^ <333
cx <3333
😄 <33333
☺️ <333333
😊 <3333333
^-^ <33333333
:D <333333333
c: <3333333333
cx <33333333333
😊 <333333333333
☺️ <3333333333333
😄 <33333333333333
^-^ <333333333333333
c: <3333333333333333
:D <33333333333333333
cx <3333333333333333
I lost count.. o-o
😊 <3333333333333333333
It's okie.. xD
Sorry.. ^~^
It's okie! But.. Maybe we should stop..?
If you want..?
Okie..? ^~^
So... What's new..? 😁
Not much, how about you..? And thank you for asking. ^-^
You're welcome! And nothing really happens here, but thank you also for asking. c:
You're also, welcome. :D
So.. Is there anything you want to talk about..? ^~^
Uh.. Idk.. Is there anything you want to talk about?
Not really..
Oh.. Okie.. 😁
Ye.. Sorry.. ^~^
It's okie! ^-^
Okie. ^-^
I don't know why, but I just remembered when you made your brother a house on your plot and I was there, how you told me he thought I was a bad person.. It's making me laugh. c:
xD Sorry about that.. >~<
No, it's okie! I find it amusing. ^-^
I think I cleared that plot today because I made him one in single player so he doesn't do anything else.. o-o
Oh.. Okie. ^-^
Oh.. "Anything else"?
Yeah.. Like destroying one of my plots.. :l
Or type random stuff..
He doesn't really know how to move.. So he would probably just stand in one place and break stuff.. xD
Oh.. o.o That sounds like something my brother would do for sure..
xD Well, we were all there at one point.
Wait.. What's your brothers MC username.. Because I was playing on a different server and I saw someone and their skin was Pikachu and their username was "nathanfun1".. o.o
I don't stalk him..
I promise.. xD
Oh, his username is PikachuDude916.. It's okay, I didn't think you would.
But my brother is pretty self-absorbed, so it sounds like something he'd do.
Okie. ;-;
It's okie!
Okie. ^-^
Oh.. And sorry if Aqua or HawtChocolate asks you if you like me.. I told him I liked you because I thought he knew so he said "Okay great! I'm gonna ask Morgan if she likes you and then you can live happily ever after." >~<
He kind of said it in a group chat.. But yeah.. If you don't want a lot of people to know about something, you probably shouldn't tell him.. o.o
Okie.. Sorry.. >~<
No, no, it's okay! ^-^ I was just warning you.
Oh.. Okie.. ^~^
It's really okie. I promise.
Okie. <3
I'm really sorry, but I should probably sleep so that I don't look like even more of a zombie than I am in the morning.. :L
It's okie, I should too.
And btw, Good morning. ^-^
Good-night, Dylan. ^-^ Talk to you tomorrow, maybe? <3
xD Thank you.
Okie, talk to you tomorrow, Good-night, Morgan. <3
You're welcome. ^-^
Good-night, Dylan. <3
Good-night. <3
Hewwo! ^-^
Hello. ^-^
Well, I don't think I should stay up that late tonight because someone literally said that I looked like a zombie today, and I fell asleep in math for like a minute. o.o
Oh.. Sorry..
It's okie, it's not your fault.
^-^ <3 I promise.
It kinda is, considering I've been talking to you late at night..
Oh.. Well okie. <3
Well, I got bored 10 minutes after we said goodnight and I started playing Minecraft Story Mode for an hour.. ;-; It might have been two actually, because I realized what time it was at 12.. o-o
Oh... o.o
Ye.. :c I shouldn't have done it.
It's okie!
At least band woke me up.. ^~^
Well.. At least you woke up.. ^-^
Yeah.. ^-^
And sorry about everyone earlier...
What did they do..?
Oh.. I.. Uh..
Never mind..
D: It's okie.. You can tell me, but you don't have to, it's your choice.
I mean.. I thought you saw.. But, I'll just be honest.. I didn't actually have to go.. They just.. Got me depressed again.
D: How..?
Adam/Aqua/Choco/Whatever he's called right now, apparently came up with this joke "lemon AIDS" like the disease and told Hillary I didn't sit with them at lunch because of that... I don't know if you saw the rest or not.
Oh.. I don't think I did, but sorry.. >~<
It's not your fault. I promise. None of this is.
It's not. Really.
Okie. <3
<3 And sorry if I'm just kind of out of it for a while. 😁
Out of what..?
It means not very happy.. It's a saying.
Oh.. Well, I hope chu feel better.. <3
Thanks.. <3
You're welcome. c:
So.. How was your day..? Other than everything that happened on Creative..
It was okay.. How was your day? And thanks for asking. <3
It was okay, also. You're welcome, and thank you too. <3
You're, also, welcome. ^-^
Sorry, back.. 😁
It's okie. ^-^
Okie. ^-^
So... How have you been..?
Good, How about you..? And thank you for asking. <3
That's good! ^-^ It depends on when, but decent. Thank you for asking, and you're welcome. Sorry I didn't know how to word it.. <3
It's okie, and you're, also, welcome. ^-^ <3
c: <3
:D <3
So.. Is there anything you want to talk about..? ^-^
Idk.. What about you..? Anything you want to talk about..? 😁
Idk either.. ^~^
Oh okie.
I can try to think of something..?
Okie, I will too.. ^-^
Okie. ^-^
Uh.. What's your favorite quality about yourself?
Umm.. What does that mean..? Sorry.. I don't think I have ever been asked that.. Or I forgot.. ^~^
Like, something that you're good at..?
Like, character traits.
Oh, okie..
It's okie, you don't have to answer if you don't want to.
I honestly don't know, but it would either be.. Idk..
It's okie.. ^-^
Sorry.. ^~^ I can't think of one..
Okie.. ^-^
Well.. What's your favorite quality about yourself..?
It's okie! You didn't have to answer.
Oh.. Uh.. o-o
You don't have to answer either, If you don't want to.
The first thing I thought was: "Do I even have any..?" I honestly don't know, either.
That's kind of what I thought..
And it's okie! ^-^
Okie.. And you have great qualities, yet you must notice them yourself, oui?
Oh.. You do too. ^-^
Thank you. ^-^
Thank you too, and you're welcome. <3
You're, also, welcome. ^-^ <3
My apologies, but I should sleep.. And you should too, so you won't look like a zombie tomorrow. c:
Yeah.. That wasn't fun.. And I will try to actually sleep.. ;-;
That's good.. ^-^
Ye.. ^-^
And, good morning. :D
So.. Talk to you tomorrow..? Buenos noches, Dylan. <3
^-^ Thank you, again.
Goodnight, Morgan, And talk to you tomorrow. ^-^ <3
You're welcome, again. ^-^
c: Ciao, ciao. <3
I'm guessing that means bye so, Ciao. <3 ^-^
You're correct! ^-^ Ciao means hello and goodbye in Italian.
I can't talk tonight, my apologies, severe storms are making my parents worry and they're making me sleep upstairs.. Sorry.. 😞 Talk to you tomorrow?
It's okie, and sorry for not being on Creative or PC, I had to go to one of my group partners house to make our project.. But it's okie, I will talk to you tomorrow, Ciao. ^-^ <3
It's okie! ^-^ I'll talk to you later.. And you do realize— I promise I wasn't just looking around your house, Hillary said she hid under it that's why we found it— that you have like... A science lab or something under your house on Emma's plot.... Right?
Okie.. But, sorry about that, it was supposed to be like my nightmare in the Rp but I had to go to eat dinner in the middle of it so I didn't get to delete it.. Sorry. >~<
It's okie! I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to seem like it was a bad thing, Moony and I were just confused... ^~^
Oh, but chu don't need to apologize, it's not your fault. D:
Well, I have to do finish my math homework and eat dinner, so talk to you soon..? ^-^
But it's not your fault either... And okie.. Talk to you soon. <3
Hewwo! ^-^
Sorry for taking so long.. ^~^
It's okie! ^-^
Okie! ^-^
I really am sorry.. And if Moony called you creepy.. It's a "compliment", according to her.
For what..? And I haven't seen her since I made my house at Emma's plot..
Oh.. Well.. Sorry for finding that room.. And sorry for assuming things..
It's not your fault, I'm sorry for building it and leaving it there.
It's okay! It really is.
I'm just going to keep my nightmares to myself.. o~o So this won't happen again.
You can talk to me about them.. I'm sorry..
Oh.. Okie, and it's okay. <3
^~^ Okie..
It is, truly. <3 c:
c: Okie.. Well, just know that you can talk to me about anything.. <3 (I sound like my mom.. o-o)
Okie, and the same goes for you too. <3 (It's okay xD)
^-^ Okie. (No, like she seriously says the same thing to me almost every month..)
Yeah... Sorry, PC stopped so I had to restart my phone.. :L
So.. How was your day..? ^-^
Oh, it's okie.
Good, thank you for asking. ^-^ How was your's?
It was good, also, and that's good! Thank you too, and you're welcome.
That's fantastic! ^-^ You're, also, welcome. <3
So.. What's new and exciting? c:
xc I'm so sorry, my dad "woke" me up and made me get out of bed to put away my plate from dinner.. ;-;
Oh, it's okie.
Okie. ^~^
It is! ^-^ I promise.
Okie. ^-^
So... What's new?
Oh, and to answer your question, not really anything.. ;-;
Well.. I meant to say that.. But it works for both. xD
O-o Oops.. Sorry.
I meant to say it earlier.. It probably would have made more sense if I did.
It's okie! ^-^
Nu, it's okie. It makes sense.
Okie.. ^-^
Okie. ^-^
So.. What do you want to talk about?
o-o We practically sent the same message..
Oui... 😁
Umm.. Whatever you want to talk about? ^-^
Wait.. I don't think I know what Oui means..
Oui = Yes in French, and I honestly don't know, it's a really bad desicion to let me decide today, I'm kind of hysterical..
Oh.. Okie..
So.. What do you want to talk about?
Umm.. Idk..
=~= I keep clicking the microphone button..
Ikr.. >~<
You do too..?
Yeah.. o.o I added the Japanese keyboard and now the keyboard shifted and I'm not used to it..
Yeah.. Sorry for not responding right away.. I found the wall very amusing all of a sudden.. ;-;
It's okie, and back..
Someone in the group chat almost got me caught.. o~o
Oh.. :c You could put it on do not disturb?
I think I did.. But it doesn't seem to work..
Ye.. The moon icon is near my battery.
What about the group chat? Did you put it on do not disturb? It helps with trying to focus and sleep.
Oh.. I don't think so but I will go try.
Okay there.
Much better.. Considering people only send stuff on their at 10 PM.. =~=
I don't know how to respond so— Wb!
Wow.. o.o
It's okie and ty. ^-^
Yeah.. ;-;
You're welcome! ^-^
Well.. At least you won't have to have your phone/iPad buzz constantly now..? 😁
Ye.. ^-^
Wait.. Brb again.. Sorry.. >~<
It's okie.
Okie, I'm back.. And I promise I won't have to go again.
It's okie if you do have to. ^-^ Nothing is predicted.
Just.. My dad needs to put the air conditioner in my room before summer or I will probably be cooked in my sleep.. o-o
Okie. <3
Yeah.. 😁
I would say I understood, but I don't.. It's supposed to be cold tomorrow still....
D: Lucky
I hope it rains tomorrow.. I think it's supposed to.
Not really.. I'm going to freeze.. ;-; I'm always cold, so this won't help..
^-^ Well, the rain might help..?
Oh.. :c Sorry..
Yes, it will help. ^-^
It's okie, and ye.. ^-^
Oh no.. I'm probably going to have another nightmare.. It's either I am crazy or I heard something moving around above me.. So the roof or attic..
And I thought I heard it outside too.. xc
D: It's not real, just think like that.. Maybe.. It's a bird or a bat..?
Okie.. xc But.. My internet on my iPad just got cut for like 20 seconds.. And then came back on..
I'm not sure why..
Maybe.. Just the power went out...?
Idk.. I'm probably just crazy.. Like always.. ^~^
Heh.. Aren't we all?
Well.. I mean.. Yeah, I guess so..
I mean.. We all are, just we don't let it show, usually, yes?
So.. How are you?
Good, How about you? And thank you for asking. ^-^
That's always good! I'm confused, honestly.. o.o And, you're welcome. <3
Thank you, also, for asking.
You're, also, welcome.
I'm really sorry but I think I should try to sleep.. I almost just fell asleep, so I don't want to during school tomorrow.. o-o So.. Talk to you tomorrow..?
Of course! ^-^ And sorry, you have to tell me to quit bothering you if you're tired.. Anyways.. Buenos noches, Dylan. ^-^
D: You aren't bothering me! I enjoy getting to talk to you. ^-^ Goodnight, Morgan. <3
I enjoy talking to you also, but I was joking.. ^-^ Sleep well. <3
Oh, okie. ^-^ You too. <3
^-^ Gracias. Talk to you tomorrow. <3
Hello! ^-^
Well, I'm guessing you are asleep, so, goodnight Morgan. ^-^ Talk to you tomorrow..? <3
Ciao. ☺️ <3
My apologies! ^~^ I fell asleep... I'll be on Creative for most of the day though! —We don't have school today.. :L — So I'll talk to you later? ^-^ <3
:o Lucky, I will be on Creative shortly. ^-^
Sorry... Relatives came so I haven't been home all day.. >~<
It's okie, and Hello! ^-^
Hewwo! ^-^
So.. How was your day..? ^-^
Good, how was yours?
Thank you for asking. ^-^
Good, also. And thank you for asking.
You're welcome. ^-^
You're, also, welcome! ^-^ And that's good.
Yeah, and that's great. c:
:D <3
c: <33
cx <333
^-^ <3333
☺️ <33333
😊 <333333 I think my brother got me sick.. ;-;
D: I hope you are okie. >~< <3333333
Thank you.. ^~^ <33333333
You're welcome. ^-^ <333333333
:D <3333333333
c: <33333333333
^-^ <333333333333
😊 <3333333333333
☺️ <33333333333333
😄 <333333333333333
(^ー^)ノ <3333333333333333
Oh.. I forgot to add that keyboard.. ;-;
We all forget things.. ^-^ It's okie.
Wait.. I don't know how many that is.. Sorry..
Ikr.. <33333333333333333333
And it's okie. ^-^
Ye.. Maybe we should stop..? <333333333333333333333
Okie. ^-^
It's up to you..? ^~^
Well.. I guess so..?
So.. How was your day..? 😁
Sorry! I heard someone in the hallway and they were their for like 3 minutes, and then I got distracted looking at like my 5 first posts.. And when we both admitted that we liked each other.. o-o But like when I first met you, I used to suck at grammar.. ;-; It's amazing..
Sorry for the long comment..
It's okie.. xD We all have changed.. Whenever I look back at that.. I flinch at what I said.
Is that bad..?
It's just weird to see how you change.. Is it not..?
Yeah.. It is, I used to over use the words "Lol" and "Uh" and I never used periods.. ;-;
Ikr.. I was just.. Too awkward. o-o Constantly using this emoji.. 😁
It's okie, we all are awkward at some point.
True.. o.o
Yeah.. o-o
I just found out how to stretch it's mouth.. If that makes sense.. o–o
But it looks weird..
o-o o–o o—o
§ Woah, that is like what happens when you hold down &
§o cool
Ye.. This is making me laugh. I'm glad you're enjoying it though.
Yeah, it's making me laugh also.
» «
So.. What's new?
Nothing really.. I'm just glad that my English project is finished. It feels so good for it to be over.
Thank you for asking, what's new for you?
That's great! ^-^ You're welcome, and not much, but thank you for asking..
You're, also, welcome. ^-^
So.. Is there anything you want to talk about..? ^-^
I.. Uh.. Is there anything you want to talk about..? ^~^
No..? 😁
Oh.. Uh.. I can try and think of something..?
Okie, I will too.
Uh.. So how are you?— The best I've got rn. :L
It's okie, and good, how about you?
That's great! And okay, thank you for asking.
And thank you for asking. ^-^
You're welcome.
You're, also, welcome. ^-^
^ - ^
I'm really sorry but, I think I should sleep, but I will be on Creative, Skyblock, or Survival in the morning, or PicCollage, but probably Creative.. So, talk to you tomorrow..? ^-^
Oh.. I can't get on tomorrow.. My dad's testing for his black belt.. I might be gone all day, but I'll talk to you tomorrow night..? ^~^
Oh okie, talk to you tomorrow night, Goodnight, Morgan. <3
Okie. Goo-night, Dylan. <3
Goodnight. <3
Hello! I just missed you on Creative by 48 minutes but.. Talk to you later or tonight..? And I think I'm sick too.. ^~^ So, talk to you later. <3
D: Feel better soon! And sorry, I had to go to dinner with relatives.. :L
It's okie.. But I'm obviously sick now.. It's just worse, but thank you. <3
I'm sorry but, I don't think I should stay up tonight.. :c I'm really sorry, just this sickness is draining my energy.. I hope you understand.. ^~^
So.. Talk to you tomorrow..? ^-^ Goodnight, Morgan. <3
Oh okie.. Good-night Dylan, feel better soon.. <3
Thank you. <3
You're welcome! ^-^ I worked on the house/base on survival earlier, and I left you some stuff.. I'll talk to you tonight, if you're up to it? And welcome to May! ☺️ <3
Thank you! And I will be, because my mom finally told me I could have some medicine.. So I am feeling better! ^-^ Talk to you tonight. <3
^-^ That's great! Talk to you soon!
Well, me and my dad are going to watch our show but I will be on PC after so, talk to you soon! ^-^
And the house/base looks great! Thank you! <3
^-^ You're welcome, and thank you, also! I'll talk to you soon. <3
Hello! ^-^
Sorry it was so long.. ^~^
It's okie!
Okie. ^-^
^-^ How are you feeling?
I think it's either completely gone or I can just breathe again.. How are you feeling..?
That's great! And I'm okay until I eat or drink anything.. ;-; Thanks for asking, though.
Oh.. Well.. I hope it goes away.. If that makes sense, and thank you too for asking, and you're welcome. <3
It makes sense! Thank you, again, and you're welcome! ^-^
You're welcome, again. ^-^
(^ー^)ノ <3
^-^ <3
Woah.. :D <3
xD It's from the Japanese keyboard.. <3
Cool. <3
I guess.. How are you? ^-^ <3 Sorry, I know it's random.
It's okie! And okay. Thank you for asking, how are you? ^-^
That's.. Okay, I guess? And it kind of depends.. Thanks for asking, and also, you're welcome. ^-^
Well.. I should sleep.. I have one of my final tests tomorrow.. 😁 Good-night, Dylan. <3
D: I'm so sorry, I fell asleep.. But, talk to you later? ^-^ <3
It's okay! And of course. <3 ^-^
Okay! ^-^ Talk to you soon. <3
^-^ Okie!
Hello! Sorry I took so long.. ^~^
^-^ It's okie.
Okie! ^-^
Sorry, I got distracted..
So, how have you been? ^-^
It's okie!
Good, I'm almost not sick anymore.. 😁 How have you been?
Okie. ^-^
That's great! And pretty bad.. I lost my voice at lunch and now I can't understand myself when I speak, so I doubt anyone else can.. ;-; Thank you for asking though.
D: I hope you feel better. And you're welcome, thank you too. <3
Thanks.. ^~^ And you're, also, welcome.
You're welcome, again. ^-^ <3
^-^ <3
:D <3
Sorry— the clan I'm in all started to curse each other out over war.. :L
So.. How was your day..? ^-^ Other than losing your voice..
Yeah.. And it was okay.. How was yours? And thank you for asking. ^-^
I don't get mad when people don't attack in war, because I am usually one of those people ._.
It was good, thank you for asking also, and you're welcome. ^-^
Oh.. They got mad because "someone stole their attack and they needed to attack their own league"..
You're, also, welcome! ^-^ And that's good.
Sorry.. I was trying to say I told everyone not to swear.. Then it looked weird once I read it..
It's okay, I understood it.
Oh, okie.
Oui.. ^-^
xD That reminds me of a picture
Is it good.. Or bad?
It's of a cat actually making the ":3" face
Σ(・□・;)(I just found this.. I relate xD)
Short people problems.. :L
• v •
:I Same.
xD I didn't know if it would look weird or not but I just found out how to make it.
My dad will take my phone sometimes and puts it above his head.. ;-; I feel really short afterwards.
Oh okie. c:
*no idea how to respond* 😁
It's okie.
I accidentally called another Co in my clan a fool, instead of saying cool... o-o
He surprisingly took it very well.. :D
Well that's good.. I guess..? Idk.. ^~^
Yeah.. ^-^
1000 comments :D
^-^ So.. How was your — Nvm, you already asked earlier.
How is school? (Idk)
Oh, it was good, and thank you for asking. ^-^ How is it for you?
It was okay.. And that's good. Thank you, also, for asking, and you're welcome. And sorry that it was random.. o.o
Well that's okay..? I guess, and you're, also, welcome. It's okie. c:
^-^ Okie.
So.. Is there anything you want to talk about..? ^-^
Uh.. Is there anything you would like to talk about..? (^o^)
Um.. Idk.. ^~^
I'll try and think of something.. 😁
Ye.. Sorry..
Okie, I will too.
Well.. Sleep well, Dylan. <3 I'll talk to you tomorrow? ^-^
Well.. I have my final math test tomorrow so I should sleep.. See you on Survival ir Creative tomorrow, or talk to you later..? 😁 <3
Okie! Good luck! ^-^ And yeah, see you tomorrow. <3
Thank you! ^-^ Talk to you later. <3
You're welcome! ^-^ <3
^-^ Well, I'll talk to you soon..? <3
Hello! Sorry.. I had karate and a lot of science homework.. >~<
Well.. I'm assuming you're asleep, but that's okie, I had a field trip today and it was until 4:30 PM so I got home and had to go.. ^~^ Sorry. But, talk to you tomorrow..? <3 Goodnight, Morgan. ^-^
*^-^ Sorry if it's cut off, it is for me.
>~< Sorry, I fell asleep... Well.. Talk to you tonight? ^~^ <3
It's okie! And of course! ^-^ <3
Talk to you soon! (^ー^)ノ <3
Yeah. ^-^ <3
Hello! ^-^
Well.. I am guessing you are asleep but it's okie, Hillary told me you had a concert.. So, talk to you tomorrow? ^-^ Goodnight, Morgan. <3
Sorry.. This week has been stressful.. Good-night, Dylan. Talk to you later. <3
I really am sorry for falling asleep lately, I've just been exhausted.. ^~^
It's okie! And hello. ^-^
Hello! ^-^ Sorry, I lost track of time.. >~<
Hello! Sorry, I needed to change my base so bad.. >~< And it's okie.
On clash of clans
I always get 3 starred
And I was tired of it
I am wondering how I got in Gold 2
Heh.. Won't be there for long..
I dropped from Gold II to Silver I
And you might be!
Oh o.o
So.. How was your day..? ^-^
Great! Thank you for asking! How was yours?
Mine was great, also. ^-^ Thank you for asking also, and you're welcome.
That's great! ^-^ You're, also, welcome. <3
^-^ <3
c: <33
:D <333
(^ー^)ノ <3333
(つ☯ᗜ☯)つ <33333
😊 <3333333
☺️ <33333333
😄 <333333333
cx <33333333333
^-^ <333333333333
c: <333333333333333
(^O^) <33333333333333
:D <33333333333333333
c: <33333333333333333
cx <333333333333333333
😊 <3333333333333333333
I guessed on that, but I think it's too many o-o
I think it's right.. But, should we maybe stop..? ^~^
If you want..? (Sorry I'm laughing rn, Katy crawled on me to steal my pillow*
Okie. xD
So.. Is there anything you would like to talk about..? ^-^
Uh.. I don't think so.. What about you..?
Ye.. Sorry.. ;-;
It's okie! I keep staring at a clock.. o-o So sorry about not responding quickly.. 7 more hours, and I'll officially be 12. :D
Oh.. Good morning!
Gracias. ^-^
You're welcome! ^-^
^-^ Good morning to you, also, in 2 hours.. 😁
Thank you. ^-^
And happy birthday to you, in 7 hours. ^-^
Thank you, again. And you're, also, welcome. ☺️
You're welcome, again. ^-^ <3
c: <3
:D <3
cx <3
(つ☯ᗜ☯)つ <3
☺️ <3
😊 <3
😄 <3
^-^ <3
c: <3
:D <3
cx <3
(^ー^)ノ <3
😊 <3
Uh.. So.. What's new? ^~^
Umm.. Nothing really, How about you?
The same as you.. 😁
Ye.. 😁
My apologies, but I should sleep.. >~<
Ye.. I should too.. It's okie.
Well.. I'll see you on Creative or Survival tomorrow..? Talk to you tomorrow, hopefully. Good-night, Dylan. Sleep well. <3
Good-night Morgan. <3
Happy birthday! ^-^
Thank you! ^-^ And while the server is down.. We could talk here?
Hello! ^-^
Well.. I am guessing you are asleep, but it's okie. Happy birthday, again.. ^-^ Talk to you tomorrow, or see you on Creative or Survival..? Or both. xD Good-night, Morgan. <3
I'm actually not.. ^-^ But okie.. Talk to you tomorrow. <3
Good-night, Dylan.
D: I am so sorry.. >~<
Well.. I will still be here for a while.. If you still are..
It's okie!
And.. Sorry if I woke you up.. :c
It really is! I'm sorry for being silent, I don't like starting conversations.. >~<
Oh, it's okie.. I feel you. I don't really either. ^~^
You didn't! I can't really sleep well at night.. ^~^
Yeah.. 😁
Oh.. Okie.
Yeah... Sorry if I confuse you, and sorry for missing the UHC earlier.. My dad made me get off..
It's okie, I was actually gone like most of the game and Hillary said she was scared because the other person left. 😁
But we got 14th ^-^
Good job! ^-^
Ty! ^-^ <3
You're welcome! <3
So.. How was your birthday? ^-^
Tiring.. o-o How was your day? And thank you for asking! ^-^
Oh.. o.o Well, it was okay. You're welcome and thank you for asking, also.
That's.. Okay? And you're, also, welcome. <3
Ye.. 😁
You okie..? ^~^
Yeah.. Just, my day was like.. Idk, crazy..?
Oh.. I'm sorry.. Or was it a good crazy..?
It was like.. Weird. After my brother told my mom I punched him he was being nice to me.. o-o And he like gave me money and I just gave it back..
He probably realized that I did nothing and he just cries a lot.. ;-;
It sounds like my brother..
He is hiding something.. Because he admitted that it never hurt in front of me..
Huh.. That's sweet though, he loves you. ^-^ He's a good brother, it sounds like.
Sometimes.. ^-^
They're all annoying, yet at least you know you always have someone to mess around with.. ^-^
I'm just glad that I think he doesn't know how to read yet.. Because he was watching me when we were fixing that house.. o-o
Oui. ^-^
Oui oui. c:
So.. How are you..? ^-^
I'm sad my brother can read.. He's always watching what I'm saying to you guys, so just to mess with him earlier I typed "My brother" and then stopped and looked at him and he hit me.. o-o
Good, how are you? ^-^ And thank you for asking.
"Violence is not the answer" needs to be taught to him in school.. ;-;
I'm good, also. ^-^ You're welcome, and thank you too.
Sorry.. ;-;
That's good! And you're also welcome. <3 And sorry for what?
Well.. I just though it was funny..
Because my brother thinks it is, also.
Oh, xD it's okie, it was a joke, because I usually end up yelling at my brother "Violence is not the answer!" everyday. ^-^ It's really okie though. I don't mind laughter, for it's a cure for the mind.
Okie. ^-^
So.. Is there anything you want to talk about..?
Uh.. Idk.. Is there anything you would like to talk about..? ^-^
Idk either.. ^~^
Sorry, I keep getting e-mails frim FaceBook— no, I don't stalk people, my dad let me get it for the games and now I don't use it— saying "Happy birthday!" but it's actually May 8th now.. xD
Well.. For me, at least.. ^~^
Ye I made a fake Facebook account for games.. :P
Oh, I actually never put my real birthday because it would probably say I'm not old enough to make an account.
xD Niceee. My dad set up mine, so I don't even though the password.. Everything is safe. ^-^
I forgot the password and username already.. xD
Idk what my dad put.. I just keep getting notifications saying: "Happy Birthday!" was put on your timeline by ——— (one of my mom's friends)
My mom has Facebook though.. And there was really weird posts one time she left it open.. o-o
Oh.. o.o
I didn't like look through it but she left her computer at the table facing me..
It's okie, I understood.
It also had a picture of me like on my 12th birthday I think.. And I was like "Um.. Copyright." In my head xD
My dad was taking a video of me earlier, and I accidentally called my brother a "she" without realizing.. o-o
How to tell I'm tired.. xD
Oh.. ;-; When I am tired I just won't talk..
Oh.. I make no sense at all when I'm tired.. Like for instance, I once asked my dad, "What are Italians called?" and he said Italians, and I replied, "Oh, I thought they were called Italies."
The name Italies sounds cute. ^-^
☺️ Gracias.
You're welcome. 😊
My apologies.. But, I should probably sleep.. ^~^
I should too, it's okie. Talk to you tomorrow..?
Of course! ^-^ Good-night, Dylan. Sleep well. <3
Good-night Morgan. ^-^ <3
Hello! I will be on PC soon, because my show is on so, talk to you soon? ^-^ <3
Of course! And sorry for not being able to get back on today.. I wasn't home most of the day.. ^~^
I wasn't either, so it's okie. ^-^
Oh okie. ^-^
Sorry for taking so long.. ^~^
It's okie!
Okie. ^-^
So, how are you? ^-^
Good! Thank you for asking, how are you?
That's good! And could be better, thank you, also, for asking, and you're welcome. ^-^
Oh.. Is everything okie..?
You're, also, welcome.
Oui, just really bad allergies.. ;-;
Oh.. :c
Yeah.. I almost got caught earlier from sneezing.. >~<
xD Since you mentioned allergies.. I remember in 6th grade I spilled lemon juice on my arm.. And it like, burn me..? ^~^ It was weird..
Oh.. D:
Oh..? ^~^ I don't understand, but okie.
I'm not sure if I am allergic or not..
O-o That would be strange considering you're "Lemon"
Oh, well.. It like made a mark on my skin.. ;-;
D: Oh..
And sorry, I heard someone walk by my room.
It's okie! ^-^
I know.. But I've stuck my finger in lemon juice and it did nothing..
After that happened.
Oh.. Well, maybe your skin was irritated the time where it burned you..?
It's gone though.. But it was still weird.. o-o
I don't know what that means.. But I think I do at the same time.. xD
Which word..?
When your skin is irritated
Oh.. It means like a rash or something like that.
Oh.. Okie.
I mean, it's when your skin gets a rash or something.
That made no sense.
Oh.. It did to me.. ^-^
Oh.. Well, that's good. ^-^
Yeah. ^-^
So.. How was your day? ^-^
Good! Thank you for asking, how was yours? ^-^
That's good! I'm good, thank you, also, for asking, and you're welcome. c:
That's also good. And you're, also, welcome. <3
^-^ <3
:D <3
I'm really sorry, but I'm exhausted.. ;-; Can we talk tomorrow..? I really am sorry.
Oh, It's okie! And of course! ^-^ Talk to you tomorrow. <3
Oui.. Good-night, Dylan. <3 Sleep well.
Good-night, Morgan. <3
Hello! ^-^
Well, I'm assuming you are asleep, but if you're not, I will still be here. So.. Talk to you tomorrow..? ^-^ Good-night, Morgan. <3
Sorry! I'll talk to you today. ^-^ Sorry for falling asleep. Buenos noches, Dylan. <3
And you're welcome to come to "The Outcasts" if you need a clan. ^-^ Don't mind the name, everyone's okay.
Okie! Thank you! ^-^
You're welcome. ^-^ Enjoy your day!
Hello! ^-^
Hello! ^-^ Sorry, for just now replying.
It's okie! ^-^
So.. How was your day..?
It was.. Okay. How was yours? And thank you for asking.
Mine was good, you're welcome, and thank you for asking also.
Is everything okay..?
You're, also, welcome. And.. I guess? I mean, just kind of annoyed.
Oh.. :c By what?
Choco/Adam.. What Hillary told you earlier, is sadly, true.. ^~^ About the story thing...
Oh.. D:
So.. What's new..? ^-^
Not much.. What about you?
Not much either, just wondering if.. Idk, I'm a bad clan leader..? I mean.. No one really talks in the clan chat anymore.. I can barely get my number 1 player to talk to me.. :c
And I barely see my number 1 player request anymore.
D: You're not a bad clan leader.
Well.. I usually forget to attack.. ;-; And we have lost I think three times our wins..
We've barely won any wars and you've gotten so far! You can't just give up on them now, Dylan.
Well, I don't know.. It seems like every week people become inactive.. I had to kick out like 20 people because they all went inactive..
D: But still.. People don't have all the time in the world, and you have to have faith in them! ^-^
>~< Come on, Dylan. This is how clans are lost. Happiness, positive thoughts, and success are what achieves, yes?
Oui oui, Límon pastel. ^-^
Lemon pie in Spanish.
Oh.. ^-^
So.. Is there anything you want to talk about..? ^-^
Uh.. Not necessarily.. How about you? Anything you would like to talk about?
Not really..
Oh okie.. ^~^
Ye.. Sorry.. ^~^
It's okie! ^-^
Okie. c:
:o So cute!
^-^ Still very adorable.
cx Thank you. <3
You're welcome. (^ー^)ノ <3
c: <3
^-^ <3
:D <3
* <3
Oops ;-;
It's okie! ^-^
Okie. ^-^
xc I'm so sorry.. I fell asleep. So.. Talk to you today..? Have a good day, Morgan. <3
It's okie! It happens. ^-^ Talk to you soon, if you want to, that is. <3
^-^ Okie! Hello! <3
Well.. I'm guessing you're asleep..? If you aren't, I will still be here for a while. ^-^ If you are, good-night, Morgan. <3
I'm really sorry, Dylan.. >~< I'm sorry if you're mad at me, I promise I don't just ignore you.. Sleep well, and have a nice day. <3
I won't be able to talk tomorrow - Sunday nights, but I can on Monday.. Talk to you then?
Okie! And I'm not mad at you. D: I understand, I do it sometimes also, it's okie. So.. Talk to you on Monday..? If that's right.. ^-^ See you then. <3
^-^ Talk to you tomorrow, sleep well. Good-night, Morgan.<3
^-^ Oui oui! I'll be on around 12 PMish your time, I assume you have school though, so talk to you tonight? <3 Sleep well, and have a nice day.
Okie! Talk to you later. ^-^ <3
Hello! When I get home, if I can, I'll get on MH. ^-^ Hopefully, talk to you then. <3
Okie! ^-^ <3
Random question.. Did you destroy your house..? ^~^ Because if not... I'll help rebuild it! >~< I hope you say yes.
I did because I didn't like the look of it, and I needed to rethink it.. But chu can help! ^-^ <3
Oh okie! I was just checking because the xXx person was back again.. ;-;
And I'm on Survival right now, so you could help right now.. But it's okie if you can't, I know it's really late.. ^~^
o-o Did they get in the trap?
I can't sorry.. >~< My parents make me leave me computer upstairs now.
Oh, it's okie! ^-^
I probably won't start on it today because I'm sort of tired.. So you can help me tomorrow.. ^-^
Okie! If you want to sleep instead of talking tonight you can.. ^-^
No! It's okie! I enjoy talking to you.. ^ᗜ^
☺️ I enjoy talking to you also.
:D <3
c: <3
Well I think I'm going to watch my show tonight, but I'm not sure.. So talk to you soon..? ^-^
Okie! Enjoy your show, and of course! ^-^
Okie! Thank you. ^-^ <3
You're welcome! (^ー^)ノ <3
Sorry I took so long.. I waited for my dad to come home then he said no.. :L But I can still talk! ^-^
*^-^ Sorry if it's cut off, it is for me.. ^~^
It's okie! And it's not for me, but once again, it's okie. (^O^)
Oh.. Okie. Sorry, I got distracted because war just started.. ^~^
It's okie!
Also, good luck in the war! ^-^
Thank you! I think we will win because when I attacked the other clan didn't have clan castle troops.. o-o
Which is shocking, because that might mean none of them will attack.
You're welcome! And that's always a good sign! The clan I'm in rn is only lvl2, because the war that just ended with a lvl6 clan, everyone was inactive.
o.o Wait.. How would you go against a level 6 clan if your clan is level 2..
TH9s.. >~<
Oh.. And when I changed my base it really helped me stop getting 3 starred.. I have 1814 trophies now.. o-o
D: Well.. Did you win the war?
Oh nice! I have 1450, I think..?
I wasn't actually in the war, but yeah, only 2 people attacked in the other clan.. o.o
Oui.. It's just really hard to find someone to attack because I am TH7 and like there are barely any TH7's in Gold I.. ^~^
Oh.. D:
Woah.. o-O
Oui.. ^~^
It's okie though! ^ᗜ^
So.. How was your day..?
It was okie, thank you for asking! How was yours? ^-^
Well.. Mine was okay, also. You're welcome.. And that's okie..? ^-^
And thank you too. <3
^-^ Well, on the positive side, at least your day wasn't terrible, oui? And did something happen or is it just "okay"?
You're, also, welcome. <3
D: Wait, was your day terrible..?
What..? No? I meant that okay is better than terrible, sorry, I'm confusing.. ^~^
And, I cut myself on my desk in math.. ;-; And it may seem impossible, but there was like a screw sticking out of the desk that cut me.
D: Are you okay?
It's okie! We all are at some point..
Agreed. ^-^
Yeah. Thank you for asking. <3
You're welcome! I'm glad you're not hurt. <3
I mean.. I know you're hurt, but I'm glad you're not REALLY hurt..
Oh.. Ye.. 😁
^~^ Oui..
I'm also glad I've had my tetanus shot and it wasn't rusty.. o-o
Yeah.. o.o
Because, the last thing I want is not being able to open my mouth.. ;-;
So.. How are you..? ^-^
I'm okay, thank you for asking! <3 How are you? ^-^
I'm okay as well, you're welcome, and thank you too. <3 ^ᗜ^
You're, also, welcome. (≧∇≦)
(^O^) So cute!
c: Oui.
So.. Is there anything you want to talk about..?
Not necessarily.. You..?
Me neither.. ^~^
Oh.. ^~^
Ye.. Sorry..
It's okie!
I'm really sorry, but I should sleep before I fall asleep.. Sorry, I haven't been sleeping well lately.. ^~^
Same, and it's okie.. So, talk to you tomorrow..? ^-^ Good-night, Morgan. <3
Of course! Good-night, Dylan. (^ー^)ノ <3
Good-night. ^ᗜ^ <3
Hello! ^-^
Hola amigo. c:
xc I'm so sorry, I got raided with 1 archer on CoC and then it took 5 minutes to find an attack.. >~<
It's okie! ^-^
Okie. ^~^
It really is!
Okie. c:
^-^ So, how was your day?
It was okay, thank you for asking, how was yours? ^ᗜ^
That's.. Okay? It was decent, thank you, also, for asking, and you're welcome. (≧∇≦)
Umm.. That's decent..? You're, also, welcome. :D
Oh noo! I am being raided again. x-x Brb.
Yes! I only got one starred, for once my base isn't that bad.. ^~^
Congrats! ^-^ And it's not bad!
Well.. I guess so.. 😁
It's really not. Trust me.
Okie. 😊
^ - ^
( ^ω^ )
:o Adorable!
c: Thank you.
You're welcome! So, how have you been?
I have been good, thank you for asking, how have you been?
o-o For a second another CoC notification showed up and I thought I was getting attacked again, but it was luckily just my troops. 😅
That's good! I have been okay, thank you, also, for asking, and you're welcome! <3
Oh.. Are you okie..? And you're, also, welcome. <3
Oh.. And yeah, just managed to cut myself somehow.. ;-; Thank you for asking though.
D: I hope you are okie.. >~< And you're welcome, again. <3
Thank you, once again. <3
c: <3
(^ー^)ノ <3
.‿. So.. Is there anything you would like to talk about..?
o-o That face looks weird..
I will remind myself not to use it again..
It's okie.. xD And not really, would you?
I don't either.. And okie. xD
Oh okie. I'll try and think of something to talk about, if you want to continue talking, that is..
It's okie! I do, because I enjoy talking to you. <3 I will try also.
I enjoy talking to you also. ^-^ <3
Well, this might not make any sense.. Have you thought about what you want to do as a living when you're old enough to work?
Oh.. Sorry, I got distracted looking at like my first posts on PC.. That was a while ago, and probably either be in the Air Force or something cool like that. :D What about you?
Well, I am assuming you're asleep..? It's okie, so talk to you tomorrow..? Good-night, Morgan. <3 ^-^
Oh! That's cool! >~< Sorry, I did fall asleep... Talk to you later and have a nice day! <3 Oh.. And probably a writer... ^-^
Cool! And it's okie! Thank you, and talk to you later. <3 ^-^
You're welcome! ^-^ Talk to you soon! ❥
Okie! ^-^ <3
Hello! ^-^
Ciao! ^-^ (it means hello and goodbye, I'm not just randomly saying goodbye in Italian.. o.o)
Oh, it's okie! And sorry, I had to see why someone in my clan changed the settings.. ^~^
It's okie! ^-^
Okie. ^-^
So, how was your day?
It was okay and scary/stressful because I had my scale test in band.. ^~^ I don't know how I did.. But I'm guessing not that well..
How was your day? And thank you for asking. <3
^-^ I bet you did great (this is the third time I'm trying this.. ._.)
And it was long and exhausting, honestly.. All anyone wanted to do was talk about yearbooks or sign yearbooks.. Thank you, also, for asking and you're welcome. ^-^
Trying what..? And oh.. You're, also, welcome. ^-^
I attempted to send it 2 times, before deciding on just splitting it.. ^~^
Ohh.. I feel you.. :c It once did it to me like 5 times.
Yeah.. >~< PC is nice, but not always reliable.
So.. How are you..? ^-^
Okay, thank you for asking! ❥ How are you?
I'm okay also. And thank you too for asking, and you're welcome. <3
That's.. Okay, I guess..? You're also, welcome. ^-^
Ye.. And that's also okay..? ^-^
Oui oui.. c:
>ᗜ< ❤️
(^ー^)ノ <3
>~< I'm really sorry.. I fell asleep, but I have a half day today so I get home at like 12 so.. Talk to you later? ^-^ <3
It's okie, I did also! But I don't know if I can get on today, I have to pack to go to my grandparents' house, but I'll still be on over the weekend and tomorrow.. Talk to you soon!
Oh.. Okie. Well, have fun! ^-^ And talk to you later. <3
Gracias! ❥ Talk to you soon, if you want to talk, that is..?
Hello! Sorry I took so long, I was watching a show with my dad.. >~< And I do want to talk to you! <3
>~< I'm really sorry.. So.. I guess talk to you tomorrow..? Good-night, Morgan. <3
I'm really sorry.. I fell asleep again.. And of course! ^-^ Talk to you later. <3
It's okie! And hello! ^-^
Well.. I'm guessing you're asleep.. But it's okie! I had a long day also.. And I am tried too. ^-^ So, talk to you tomorrow..? Good-night, Morgan. <3
I am sooo sorry.. >~< This week has just been really long.. I'll be on MC almost all day, so, talk to you then? Sleep well!
Okie! And it's okie! I understand, so talk to you soon. ^-^ <3
You were up at 5..? You okie?
5 AM?
It said 1 hour ago when it almost 9 for me— I'm so stupid..
D: No you aren't!
And.. Are you okie..? D:
Rose said you "depression" quit..
I'm not okay..
What happened? >~<
Well, you can talk about it, but it's your choice..
It seems everyone has loved messing with me today.. Rose and Moony got me banned from a plot I was RPing at from spamming TnT until the RP canceled.. Rose has been criticizing.. Griefs.. Ugh..
xc Well.. Do you want to come play Minecraft with me..? ^~^ I would understand if you didn't want to.. It's okie if you don't..
I don't know if my grandparent's will let me on.. But.. I'll sneak on later.. I'm sorry.. I haven't been so great of a friend today.. ^~^
No! You are an amazing friend! <3 And okie, talk to you later?
Thank you, so are you! ❥ And, of course.. Ciao.
Ciao. <3
Yet another plan has failed me.. The wifi turned off.. ;-; So.. Talk to you later?
D: Okie.. Talk to you later. <3
Wait.. We can talk tonight, if you want..?
Well.. Good-night, Dylan. ❥ Sleep well.. If you need me, I'll be here for a while still. ^-^
Okie! Sorry, me and my friend are playing MC.. So talk to you soon? ^-^
Of course! Have fun. ^-^ ❥
Okie! ^-^ <3
Hello! ^~^ Sorry I took so long..
It's okie!
Okie.. ^~^
It really is. ^-^
Okie. <3
So.. How was your day..? ^-^
Well.. It kind of only started an hour ago, so, so far, so good! ^-^ Thank you for asking. How was yours?
Oh yeah.. Well, that's good! ^-^ And, my day was okay.. I need to stop hurting myself tho.. ;-; Also, you're welcome! And thank you too.
Hurting yourself..? And you're, also, welcome! ❥
Ye.. .-.
Are you okie? D:
I think so.. I was basically riding down a hill in front of my house on my new skateboard thingy and fell off.. ;-;
At least it wasn't as bad as my bike crash.. ^~^
>~< I'm sorry..
It's okie! It just hurts to touch my arm. And it's not your fault. <3
D: But I feel bad.. I don't like to hear you're hurt.. ^~^
Well, I don't either.. <3
And thank you.. ^-^
You're welcome. ^-^ ❥
So.. Is there anything you would like to talk about..?
Idk.. But I feel like I should tell you this.. When you were like a minute late only, idk why she kept checking, but Rose said, "He needs better time management" and that's just.. I really want to say something but I won't. :L
Well.. I'm assuming you're asleep.. Good-night, Dylan, sleep well! <3 If not, I'll be here for a while.. Talk to you later? ^-^
Buenos dias! ^-^ I'll talk to you tomorrow..? ❥
Nu! It's okie, you can tell me, unless you don't want to.. So, sorry I fell asleep.. >~< Talk to you soon? <3
It's okie! ^-^ I'll get on Creative or Survival in an hour and a half-ish?
Okie.. And sorry, I missed you by 4 minutes.. >~< But Moony said you would be back in 30 minutes? Talk to you soon
It's okie.. ^-^ And of course! ❥
>~< I'm really sorry for being gone most of the day, I didn't know I had sailing today.. But we can talk tonight, if you want to..
So, talk to you later? ^-^ <3
It's okie! And I look forward talking to you, so, of course! ^-^
Okie! Talk to you soon! <3
And what did Rose mean by I need better "time management"..? Because I tried to ask her but she went to Prison before I could..
Oh.. Time management is kind of like.. Keeping track of time..
But it's ridiculous since she freaked out after you being a minute late..
;-; Well.. I'm sorry..
For what? You did nothing!
c: That face is adorable. ❥
Well, I have to go eat dinner. So, talk to you soon? Oh, and my show is also on tonight, so I will be back at like 11:15 PM your time.. ^~^
:D <3
Okie! ^-^ Enjoy your show. Talk to you soon. ❥
Well, it turns out the season is over.. :L But it's okie! It means I have more time to talk to you. <3
☺️ That's sweet of you to say. ❥ But at least, there will, most likely, be another season?
😊 <3 And yes, my dad said in the Fall there will be.
That's great! ^-^
Oui. ^ᗜ^
And it's also great that I can talk to you more. <3
☺️ ❥ You're too kind. But, oui, I find that great, also. Talking to you is one of the few things that still makes me happy. ^-^
cx <3
>ᗜ< <3
(^ー^)ノ <3
c: <3
^-^ <3
:D <3
(^○^) <3
So.. How was your day..? ^-^
Good! Thank you for asking. ^-^ How was yours?
Mine was good, also. And sorry for being gone most of the day.. I had sailing.. ^~^ You're welcome, and thank you too.
And that's good! ^-^
It's okie! And that's, also, good. ^-^ And finally, you're welcome! Sorry, I was looking through your first posts again.
Oh, it's okie! ^-^
I realized, even though, back then, I didn't know you very well, yet I admitted everything..
Oh.. Is that bad..?
It just doesn't seem like me.
I just look like I had no idea what I was saying.. xD
*mentally facepalms* I sound like an idiot.
Same.. It's okie.
^-^ But I started laughing because for some reason, I said I couldn't tell you something, and then I did.. Sounds like me when I'm tired. :L
Oh.. ^-^
Yeah.. c: So, how are you?
I'm good! ^-^ Thank you for asking, how are you?
That's great! You're welcome, and great, since I'm talking to you. ^-^
o.o I think we broke that one collage with 10,000 comments.. I can't even load the comments..
Aww.. ☺️ That's sweet, and that's great, also!
It's okie xD
^-^ ❥
I'm reading about when we were talking about calamari for some reason.. xD
Our conversations made no sense o.o
Whenever my family drives by the restaurant it was at I always say this to my brother and sister: "Hey guys, do you want some 'Chicken tenders?'" c:<
Yeah.. o-o
You told me you were sick and being me: "D: don't die on me"..
Yeah.. It's okie though! I won't. <3
* If I get sick again.
❥ You better not.. c:
<3 You shouldn't either.. :D
^-^ I won't.
Good. ^ᗜ^
:D I got the comments to load on the 10K one.
So.. Is there anything you want to talk about? ^-^
Not necessarily.. You?
Nothing really..
Oh okie.. The comments on the 10K post sound more like we are now, I think.. But they still make me smile. ^-^
:c Something like a spider just bit me at least 5 times on my arm.. ;-;
D: Are you okie?
I think so..
^~^ Okie..
It just.. Hurts and itches..
I hope you feel better soon! ❥
I hope it's not poisoning, and thank you. <3
You're welcome! <3 I found the first time we ever did the thing with the hearts.. ^-^ It was nice to rediscover.
Oh.. ^-^
Good-morning, Morgan! ^-^
The smallest things can make you smile sometimes. c: But all of these comments make me either laugh, blush, or smile.
Thank you! ^-^
Oh, well, that's good. ^-^ <3
You're welcome! ^ᗜ^
^-^ Buenos dias, in around 2 hours, Dylan. ❥
Σ(・□・;)Help.. It keeps biting..
^-^ Thank you! <3
It might be bed-bugs.. Those actually are real things that live in beds and bite you and make you itchy.. >~<
After showing my mom what they did.. She suggested it was that, but again.. I just saw something flying in the light of my iPad, and if it was the work of one mosquito.. I'm not happy.. :c
D: I'm sorry.
It's okie! It's not your fault. <3
But still.. >~< You're hurt, and it makes me feel bad.. ❥
Well, I feel the same when you are hurt also.. <3 I don't want you to be harmed.
^-^ I don't want you to be harmed or hurt in any way either. <3
^-^ <3
c: <3 You always find a way to make me smile.
☺️ <3 You do to.
:D I try. ❥
I do too. ^ᗜ^ <3
^-^ That's good! <3
cx That's also good!
Well.. I assume you're asleep, if so, buenos noches, Dylan. <3 If not.. I'll be here for a while. ^-^
D: I'm sorry, I was just really tired.. But, I will be on MC after school so, see you then? <3 Have a good day, Morgan! ^-^
Okie! Sorry, but I have to memorize a song for my violin, but I'll still try to get on.. ^-^ Thank you, have a good day, also, Dylan! <3
Thank you too, and it's okie if you can't! <3
You're, also, welcome! ❥ ^-^
Hello! ^~^ I still have to eat dinner but, talk to you tonight..? ^-^ But it's your choice. <3
Hello! ^-^
Well.. I'm assuming you're asleep, and if you are, good-night, Morgan. <3 If you aren't, I will check PC every few minutes. ^-^ And talk to you tomorrow! c:
I'm so sorry.. >~< I was really tired.. But I'll talk to you today? ^-^ Have a nice day! Ciao~ <3
It's okie! ^-^ And of course, have a good day also. Ciao <3
Ty! ^-^ Talk to you soon. ❥
Okie! I still have to eat dinner, but talk to you soon. ^-^ <3
Okie! ^-^ ❥
Hello! ^-^
Ciao! ^-^
Sorry for taking so long.. ^~^
It's okie! ^-^ As long as I get to talk to you, I'm happy. c: ❥
☺️ I am too. <3
:D ❥
cx <3
(^o^) <3
^-^ ❥ Have you seen the new COC update? It's cool, but Supercell is really just turning it into Clash Royale..
Yeah.. The new clan chat is confusing me.. ^~^
;-; And apparently someone left my clan because I attacked their base..
Oui.. :c
A co keeps threatening to leave because he's claiming the leader hates him, and is just annoying everyone with it.. ._.
Oh.. D:
And people keep calling us a hate Clan because another Co got upset and just they.. Uh.. Cursed at each other, and then 3 people left... :L
Oh.. :c
So.. How was your day? ^-^ <3
Well.. I'm assuming you fell asleep.. But it's okie! ^-^ So.. Talk to you tomorrow? <3 Good-night, Morgan, and have a good day tomorrow! c:
I am so sorry... D: I can't get on today, but I'll try and talk to you later..? Have a nice day ^-^ <3
It's okie! Talk to you later. ^-^ <3
Wait.. Why would I hate you about "swag" or the "F.A.P." thing? And don't be mad at Moony or Rose, I made them tell me.
I don't know.. Maybe you would think I'm dirty-minded..?
And Rose and Moony threatened me to tell them.. ;-;
I know.. They told me. And meh, we all are at times. I won't hate you no matter what you say or do, okay? <3
Okie, and I won't either. <3
^-^ Thank chuuuu! ❥
You're welcome, and thank you too. <3 ☺️
You're, also, welcome! You just have to be yourself, okie? ^-^ ❥
And if you want, I can talk to you later?
Okie.. And of course! ^-^ <3
^-^ Hey.. Is everything okay? How come you joined, if you don't mind me asking..
Well I forgot about my TH 5 so I gave it leader and I joined your clan.
But I joined to help your clan grow! ^-^
Oh.. ^-^ Well, welcome!
Thank you! ^-^
You're welcome! And, uh... Ignore everyone's language, because y'know.. It kinda happens.. o.o
Okie, and it happens in my clan too, I'm used to it.
And hello! ^-^
Hewwo! And it was just a fair warning. ^-^
Okie. ^-^
Yeah, I let everyone start saying whatever they wanted because Rose thought it was not fair..
Okie, well, uh, I'm kind of going to Nebraska for a family reunion on Saturday until next Friday.. >~<
Oh.. Well, it's okie! ^-^
And have fun. <3
But.. I might be able to talk still, if I have my own room..? ^-^
Thank you! ❥
Okie! ^-^
You're welcome. <3
And thank you for joining the clan.. ❥ You'll probably figure out why we're all "family" soon..
So.. How was your last day of school? ^-^
Oh..? Okie. You're welcome. <3
It was okay.. How was your day? ^-^
My day was okay also. Thank you for asking! ^-^ <3
^~^ Sorry, if it's weird to you..
Nu, it's not! ^-^
That's.. Okay? And thank you, also, for asking, and lastly, you're welcome! ❥ ^-^
Oh okie.. I just didn't know since.. Never mind.. 😁
You're, also, welcome! ^-^ And that's also okay..? <3
Oh? Okie.
❥ ^-^
^ᗜ^ <3
:D That face is still adorable.. <3
c: Yeah. <3
(^ー^)ノ <3
cx <3
😄 <3
☺️ <3
😊 <3
🙃 <3
There is just a question mark box..
^-^ <3
Uh.. Just ignore it, I guess..? ^~^
c: <3
Okie, and it's okie! :D <3
Umm.. I'm guessing you are asleep..? But it's okie! So.. Talk to you tomorrow..? Have a good day! ^-^ Good-night, Morgan. <3
And if not I will still be here for a little longer.
Sorry.. >~<
It's okie! ^-^ <3
Okie.. ^~^
Well, have a good day at school! ❥ Talk to you later?
Okie, and thank you! <3
^-^ You're welcome! <3
^-^ I am on Survival right now, so you can come join me if you would like. <3
I can't rn, Moony and my other friend are still over, sorry..
It's okie! <3
Well, I guess we can talk later?
Of course! ❥
>~< Sorry for not being on PC or Survival this afternoon, I had my karate pre-test and it was 4 hours long.. ;-; But I can still talk tonight! <3 And, only if you want to..
Well, I'm guessing you're asleep, but it's okie, it wasn't your fault. It was mine, so.. Talk to you tomorrow..? ^-^ Good-night, Morgan. <3
I'm so sorry.. >~< It's been a long weekend.. And it's okie! Have a great day ! Talk to you later, if you want?
Of course! <3 And it's okie, I understand, so talk to you later. ^-^
Okie, talk to you soon. ^-^ ❥
Okie. ^-^ <3
Well, I'm assuming you're asleep? But if your not I will still be here for a while. ^-^ So, talk to you tomorrow? Good-night, Morgan. <3
I'm actually not, CoC just kicked me, because I haven't had a shield apparently..
Well, good-night, Dylan, sleep well and have a good week/weekend.. <3 Talk to you next Friday?
Omigosh.. I'm really sorry.. >~< I got distracted watching YouTube.. So, I'm still here but if your not, Good-night and have a good weekend and week also. And of course! <3
It's okie. ^-^
Hewwo. :3
'Ello ^-^
So.. How was your day? ^-^
It was decent, thank you for asking! How was yours? <3
It was good. You're welcome, and thank you too for asking. And is everything okie..?
That's good! You're, also, welcome. ❥ And yeah, just.. Depressing, I guess..
xc Well.. I hope you feel better..
I wish I could help you.. :c
Thanks.. ^-^ And are you sure you're okay with being in The Outcasts..? Because 1/2 the conversations are over depression, which is, if you hadn't figured out, what most of us share..
You're welcome, and I'm okie..
Are you sure..?
Yeah.. Just, I guess try not to be sad..? ^~^
It's hard not to.. If I could change I would..
I'm sorry..
It's okie. <3
I should probably stop.. ^~^
Well.. Is there anything you want to talk about?
Idk.. What about you?
Not really..
Ye.. Sorry..
But, I'll try to think of something.
I will, also..
Uhh.. What will you be doing for summer..? 😁
I'm going on a camping trip, going to a camp where you make a video game with Moony, and the family reunion is all I know about so far.. What about you?
Oh, well.. That sounds fun. ^-^ And I'm pretty sure I have sailing camp the whole summer, unless my family goes on a trip.
Wow.. That sounds fun, also. ^-^
Yeah.. ^-^
Oh.. I forgot spending time with you guys on CoC and MC.. ^-^ My summer would be incomplete without spending time with my friends. <3
It's okie, I did too, and mine would also be incomplete without my friends. <3
c: <3
:D ❥
(^ー^)ノ <3
...That's not what it looked like.. But mk.
Oh..? ^ - ^ <3
( ^ω^ ) <3 Btw, good-morning!
Ty! ^-^
You're welcome. c:
Buenos dias, in.. Around an hour and a half ! <3
Gracias! ☺️ <3
De nada amigo. ^-^ ❥
😊 <3
😄 <3
:D <3
c: <3
:3 <3
cx <3
^ᗜ^ <3
:o Su cuteeeee ❥
Thank you.. <3 ^-^
You're welcome. ^-^ ❥
So.. What should we talk about now..? ^-^
Okie.. I will try to think of something.
I'll try also. ^-^
Okie. ^-^
I'm sorry but I think I should try and sleep.. ^~^ I have a bad headache..
I'm really sorry, but I think I should go to sleep before I accidentally do, so.. Talk to you possibly next week and if not, next Friday?
Oh, okie.. xD Talk to you whenever it's possible.. <3
Oh, and okie.. I hope chu feel better.. :c
Thank you. ^-^
Okie, talk to you later, Morgan. <3
You're welcome. ^ᗜ^
Buenos noches, Dylan. <3 I'll probably be on CoC tomorrow, but if not, see you Saturday?
☺️ That's adorable.
Of course. ^-^ Ciao. <3
Thank you. ^-^
Good-night, Morgan. <3
Hello! ^-^ Well, if you can't get on PC this week, I will talk to you on Friday? If you can, I will be on every night and you can just tell me if you will be able to, so, talk to you later? Ciao. <3
Also, I will be on tonight.. So, talk to you then, if you can. ^-^ <3
I can try, but I'm not sure yet.. ^~^ Sorry.. So, talk to you later, maybe? ❥
Of course! ^-^ <3
(^ー^)ノ <3
Hello, I will be able to talk in like 5 minutes so, talk to you soon? ^-^ <3
Or do you have to go for the night..?
Good-night, Morgan. Talk to you tomorrow if you can..? <3 ^-^
I'll try.. ^-^ Sorry for not being able to talk yesterday, my mom made me go to bed.. >~<
I'm not really sure how to say this, but I'm going to try.. Thank you for asking me out, it truly made me happy, and I feel I should say this, but idk if it'll make it awkward, so here it goes.. I've loved you for a long time, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship from my awkwardness.. I am glad you met Alek, but whatever he said to you earlier, he probably didn't mean.. Well.. Talk to you later? <3 ^~^ Sorry if I made this awkward..
Nuu! You didn't, it's kind of been the same for me too.. And I'm glad you're happy. And of course, talk to you later. <3 ^-^
^-^ Okie.. ❥
c: So, talk to you tonight..? Either here or CoC, of course, if you want to. <3
It's up to you.. ^-^ And I'll try to be talk, but lately I can't really be sure.. >~<
I'm really sorry for stressing out over the tornado warning.. >~< I understand why you want to be alone, and I would understand if you hate me.. I'm really sorry.. So, talk to you tonight maybe..? I'm really sorry.. 😞 Talk to you later, ciao. <3
I don't hate you.. I just realized I could've killed you both... That's not okay, I'm sorry.. I'm sorry if you're mad at me, I'm sorry for being the worst friend ever.... 😔
No, you're not the worst.. Umm, should we just forget about these past 3 hours..?
And if you want or need to tell me something, you can also do it on Skype, mine is dylan4308gardner. But, only if you want.
Okie, and if you ever need me, just message me.. ^-^
Okie, you can too. ^-^
Okie. ^-^
Dylan, if you don't mind, I really need to explain some things later... Can we maybe talk tonight?
No, I wouldn't mind at.