Collage by c-o-m-m-o-n--s-e-n-s-e


13 0
and 97% of rapists are never convicted.
I don't know why you're not against rape. idk it's almost like you're super inconsiderate or something
^when have I EVER said that I'm not against rape???
well lately you've been on some sort of tangent where the last few posts have been against those who are against rape
please show me those posts???
this one, the teach men not to rape, the playing the victim...
how does this one show that I agree with rape?? all this is saying is that 60% of males who are accused of rape are actually innocent and did nothing wrong. meaning there was no actual rape involved.
can you give me a source? because honestly this sounds like bs
What do you mean recycling is inefficient?
just that. it's inefficient.
According to the FBI, the number is 8%. but in all honesty, almost all sources cite different things, and it is impossible to know for sure the actual percentage. But I can almost guarantee its not 60%
then I can almost guarantee that all of your sources are lies.
no source I've ever been on has said a number near 60%, so even if you've found one, I doubt it's as reliable as you are making it out to be, because all of these different numbers conclude one thing: we don't know exact numbers!!!
your answer to everything seems to be "we don't know".
and your answer is "my opinion is fact, yours is wrong"
when have I ever said "my opinion is fact, yours is wrong"?
it's not always what you say, it's how you act when people disagree.
well you don't respond very calmly when someone disagrees with you either.
ok but I don't insult them for their opinion, and I don't act like mine is 100% correct. you tend to do the opposite
I would really like it if you put a source on your posts?
@c-s because you're spouting out bs that doesn't fit with any credible source
then what sources do you have against this post?
here are all kinds of statistics about rape. you should take notes.
I'm done with this conversation as well. have a nice day
Yeah but the other 40% actually did it. (If that's even correct)
It sounds like you're fighting for rapists honestly, you say you're against rape, but you seriously turned yourself into the rape loving person everyone thinks you are