Face reveal?? Idk? Anyways it's my last day in San Francisco and I'm vv sad:( I love this city so much😔I'm going to Japantown for the 2nd time today because I loved it that much. Also I really just use Snapchat to look at the filters (how basic) so yeah?


Face reveal?? Idk? Anyways it's my last day in San Francisco and I'm vv sad:( I love this city so much😔I'm going to Japantown for the 2nd time today because I loved it that much. Also I really just use Snapchat to look at the filters (how basic) so yeah?

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caption got cut off: so yeah? I don't really use it for socializing purposes. okay. bye. this caption was super random oh my god.
I only use sc for the filters too
cccccuuuuuutttttttte but I've seen you before (I'm not a stalker I've been here since dm)
you're fréaking adorable and San Francisco sounds like fun
I'm not wrong
ur soooo pretty
it's been good. i was swimming laps at the pool and mr. brightside started playing which made me excited and caused me to go into turbo-speed mode. that was fun
thank you!! and oh my gOD YOURE SO CUTE AND PRETTY
wow I'm actually funny for once. and yeah my mind just went goes COMINGOUTOFMYCAGEANDIVEBEENDOINGJUSTFINE whenever I hear that song
^ np! and wow same daisy
no prob :)✨❤️
You're beautiful!
UR SUPER PRETTY😍 also hahahaha we should trade weather sometime😉