I bring this edit back to the surface of my account (two days to late) as a representative of the short story that I just posted on @etcetera_. It's called Paper Butterflies. And this edit goes well with it, I think. ✨


I bring this edit back to the surface of my account (two days to late) as a representative of the short story that I just posted on @etcetera_. It's called Paper Butterflies. And this edit goes well with it, I think. ✨

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I'm so excited for Christmas 😭😭😭 not really cause my mom says im one the naughty list and I won't get presents
I read Paper butterflies and I think so far, it's spectacular! And for some reason, reading Vincent's letter got me thinking about how my life would be being deaf? By the way, this edit is beautiful. I can't help to admire it βœ¨πŸ‚
this is goals😍😍!!
I just love your posts! where on earth do you get your pictures?
I think this perfectly suits the short story😊 Wonderful, if I must sayπŸ’•
love it!
Hiya girly!! How've you been πŸ’•
the first memory that pops in my head would probably be when i would go to my great grandmothers house when i was younger, before she passed away. she always had an evergreen scented candle burning in her kitchen which left the smell in my memory to always remind me of her😌✨
this is so pretty