💕Just Let it Out💕Reposting because why not? Ranting and letting out is a good for you 👍🏻⭐️♦️(Plus I have nothing really to post... Anybody have any ideas on what to post?😅)


💕Just Let it Out💕Reposting because why not? Ranting and letting out is a good for you 👍🏻⭐️♦️(Plus I have nothing really to post... Anybody have any ideas on what to post?😅)

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I have no ideas for posts either 😔, but I would like to rant, lately I have been feeling really sad because I am lonely, wnd I don't want to annoy my friends and I am scared because my parents are so stressed all the time and I don't want to be at home but school is over for me and I just want to be alone, well not really but I want to go to school because there I am happy and have company but now it is over and I don't want to wait until I have to go back like in a month
otherwise I'm actually fine haha
ahaha I have 3 bUT THATS STILL A LOT
I'm just gonna say it, what is the point in living? I don't mean like I don't want to live, I do want to live but what's the point in anything if one day we all are going to die and yet we work so hard to do good in school or work but it doesn't matter, because one day we are all going to be dead and I don't like thinking about theses things but I do. I just keep thinking that one day my friends, family, idols, me...... are just gonna die and I'm afraid that every second I spend not doing anything I'm wasting my life. so do you have any thoughts?
reply) well you are right, I should try to talk to my friends, and you do help! 💕
me too☺️💕
thx for the spam!!!😄😊⚽️
I am always so pressured to do what other people want. people always point out my flaws and try to make me "better" but it just brings me down. I can't be perfect and I'm never going to try to be perfect! I am just going to be ME
this actually made me feel better!
*hugs back* thx, that helped a lot
thx! happy 4th to you too!!😄🎉😊
Thanks ever so much for the spam!! 😱😱💞🌿😘
thanks! I think it's silly how people think they need makeup to look pretty🤔
hi you sound really nice!!!
Re:// Yes, of course you can repost; I would acctually recommend that you did. Thanks for asking
thanks again!
your welcome ! and ahaha, I wouldn't be surprised if I actually wrote kittens instead ! 🌿✨
The world is full of so many expectations, that society expects us to follow. And this seems so ridiculous. Why can't we wear or do something because it's not "in trend" or "good enough". So many people expect us to do things, that some of us don't feel comfortable doing. Some people are pressured to do what's "in style" to feel beautiful or cool, and that's not true. You are beautiful no matter what you look like, it's the inside that counts.
I used to have glasses. People thought I was a nerd. I'm actually not good at math at all, although I am in AP classes. One day I was put in a group with one of the "popular boys", a "nerdy boy" and my other friend with glasses. My friend doesn't think she is that great at math either. The "popular boy" says; "why don't you do the math for us, you're smarter, you have glasses" and me and my friend were like "actually, we're not that good at math, so why don't you stop stereotyping us?" and we tried to do the math and the "nerdy boy" (who is actually like extremely rude) says to me "you are terrible at math, you got it wrong charlotte." I'm not saying it's not good to be smart, bc it is. it's really good to be smart. but I'm not good at math, I've been trying to be but I can never keep up with the others. I don't like stereotypes, and I don't think anyone should. People with glasses are expected to be smart, people with blonde or red hair are expected to be dumb (not true!! they're smart!), and so much more. I don't even understand why people use stereotypes. As being the "nerd", it's hurtful! Why can't people see beyond what people look like, and see what's inside?
can I rant a bit more
I was in English class one day, and the "popular boy" (not the same one in my math class) sitting across from me starts talking to me. I do gymnastics, and he was really surprised by that for some reason. (I have contacts now at this point) And then he starts going "Charlotte, give me the answers! Come on!" and English is actually my best class, so that wasn't a problem. But he's begging me for answers bc I was once a "nerd". I keep saying, no Riley, you figure it out yourself. You're smart. And he's like no I'm not, I wish I could be smart like you. But how can you be smart and popular at the same time? and I'm like "study." and he's like ughhhhh but I'm only on chapter 4 and you're on like chapter 93022020 or something. And I literally threw the book at him😂but there's another story of stereotypes
and it hit him in ya know that part😂
and he was like ow ow ow
it was so funny tho
and I'm best friends with a really popular girl & she's telling the popular boys "she's not a nerd, she's not a nerd, stop stereotyping her she's really cool" and they're like fine and now people don't do that as much as they used to, but I hate stereotypes. And people start to think the popular people aren't smart either. It's really sad. Yes, some of them are having trouble. But I don't see why the smart people make fun of people who aren't smart. Why can't you be smart and popular? Why can't you be nerdy and sporty? What's wrong with that?
I tagged u for a handwriting tag
I just don't know a lot and it sucks. I'm sick, but I don't know how much I'm not straight but I didn't know how to come out to people who matter, I love being with people but I don't know how to make friends
sometimes I feel like giving up.... like I seriously just want to quit and I wish I was in invisible so I could hide from this world... or that I could just escape into a place where only I exist...
I always feel like I don't fit in... which I guess is a good thing bc we all are so unique and every individual is special in his/her own way but I see so many "perfect" ppl out there that are so, well... idk PERFECT. there hair is perfect they are popular they have cool clothes etc. I just HATE. how the world tells us that we have to do certain things and wear certain things to be accepted. why can't we just come as we are and let the haters hate. because they are ... and it's gonna sting but it's not going to knock us down because we are strong and we are beautiful and we won't listen to anyone who tells us otherwise! (wow this actually made me feel really good inside:) ) thanks for this. no really... THANK YOU. it is extremely helpful and sometimes ppl have so much to say but they feel like they can't talk to anyone but this is a place where they can and its nice. so yeah:) thanks again.
stereotypes. I hate them. so, I'm blonde, with blue eyes, all that jazz, so when I started my new school everyone was like "oh okay dumb blonde alert". but then, we did end of term exams and I got pretty much straight A's so then everyone thought "I was wrong she's a nerd". like... what?! I can be blonde and smart at the same time right? I'm also on the hockey netball and rounders teams, but no body thinks of me as good at sport? why..... why can I only be one thing at a time? can't people accept me for ALL the things I am? or why don't they get to know me properly before they judge me? except for my best friends, people only know me from the outside. ~Lucy 🌟🌿💕
^ ik exactly how you feel
thanks:) you really are making a difference 😆💕👏🏻☺️❤️😘
I agree with so many people commenting on this! at my old school I was always referred to as the "smart one" and now I'm the "sporty one". I think that labelling is terrible! at schools there's always the "popular group" or the "cool kids". what makes them cool or popular? I just don't get it! and what makes a nerd, a nerd? Or an pretty kid, so pretty? on other social media not many of my friends have them so when I do TBHs for people I have to lie, because mainly the "popular kids" have social media". I have to say that they're so nice and pretty, even if I don't believe it, and then once I gave someone my honest opinion and she removed me because of it! and when we get to sit wherever we want during lessons there's always 2 groups, the so called popular ppl and everyone else! I've had enough of it, I really have
When I don't feel pretty, or I need encouragement, but no one is around to help. You say what you feel to your parents, but they get mad. They love you dearly, but can't understand what your going through. That's what friends are for, right?
I have two things
I have a stupid crush on my best friend but they don't like me and the issue is now whenever I say "I miss you" or "I wanna see you" they just change the subject I don't know if they just feel awkward or if they just don't care anymore. Have I seriously lost a friendship because of my stupid crush? Fml
my new haircut people have called me crùel names and say that I'm tranśgender (the most common name being: d!ćk girl) and though it doesn't really bother me people ask me if I am and I mean I haven't put much thought to it but why do I have to be femalė or malė I mean I don't know can't I just be me? again fml.
i'm just so annoyed. i'm not a feminist by any means, but i think that girls should be able to wear what they want. at my school the dress code took away everything except for skirts knee length or longer and jeans for girls. no tank tops, so leggings, so sweatpants, no shorts, basically nothing. their reasoning? guys are getting distracted. so instead of teaching the guys to keep their eyes away from our bûtts and chests, they take almost everything we wear away, including things that we think we look good in; hence making us feel better about ourselves. we have to keep makeup to a limit, as well. i feel like natural beauty is good to promote, but some girls are so insecure about themselves and they need makeup to feel a little bit better. i cannot stand my school🙄
alsO i'm catholic. so i go to ccd. this is my last year, but this is also my last year of rec/middle school softball. my ccd is on thursday nights from 6-8. my games are on thursday nights from 6-8 for rec, and 4-6 for school. softball can definitely get me somewhere in life, and i have a passion for it. ccd won't get me anywhere. i think i should be able to quit, especially if it's something i'm not going to use and something i don't enjoy. with games and the overload of homework, it's just too much for me! i get missing assignment grades, all because i'm there for 2 hours, then i have to shower and eat dinner, THEN do homework for all my subjects in school. it's ridiculous. i try explaining it to my parents everyday, but either of them will give in or even try to explain my situation.:((
it actually felt really good to just rant like that
why do people in America think it's not cool to not have a phone?
when I moved to the states I wasn't surprised when I got bullied... or when I had no friends...
I wasn't surprised when I moved to the States that I was going to be bullied. or have no friends.