Opinions on these types of OC's?


Opinions on these types of OC's?

83 1
🌸same even though I did that years ago👽👌🏽
it like, someone else worked really hard on that art, and your claiming it as your own.
awe thank you! ^-^
yes, agree :)
I agree unless it's just for the base not the whole thing
kinda.. I guess you can draw inspiration from the pony but now recolour it
my little pony ocs made by vases are so annoying
Same! wth!
I'm not very good at drawing..so I just use bases or anime pictures. I don't know if there from a real anime or not.
It is, and people should stop doing that. Using it as a reference image is fine, as long as you're learning how to draw. Drawing skills only come by practice. Just copying things blatantly won't help polish and hone a talent, it's showing that you're to ignorant or lazy to actively put effort into trying to improve and explore your character.
Tip for budding artists: Like something? Trace over it on a blank sheet of paper. Learn to draw, don't color over parts. We aren't in kindergarten anymore. It's time to take the pencil in our own hand and learn how to hold it on our own. It will take time, but it will be worth it. After you learn proportions and start free drawing better you can get apps to draw on. I recommend SketchbookPro.
If you're tracing an image, do it on a separate, blank sheet of paper, and trace over it a few times before moving onto another picture. This way you will gradually learn how the lines come together and proportions are formed.