I have nothing to listen to so recommend me some songs in the comments :)


I have nothing to listen to so recommend me some songs in the comments :)

21 0
re: Haha thanks, I might!
Uhhh music, lets see... *looks through my music* have you tried listening to....Fall Out Boy? Panic! at the disco?
^(joking, but that really is the majority of my music)
good grief by bastille
warmth by bastille
stupidity tries by elliott smith
you should listen to modern baseball!! theyre on hiatus right now but they have some good songs
what's your choice genera?
we don’t care by BØRNS, Kiwi by harry styles, tantrum by waterparks
1234 by colony house, crazy little thing called love by queen, little grace by Hippo Campus, Gene Kelly by Felix hagan & the family