Hey guys if you celebrate Halloween comment what your going to be this year


Hey guys if you celebrate Halloween comment what your going to be this year

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you liked the collage where Gigi said she thinks I am mean
do you agree
if so I am sorry
but I must protect my sister and I think you have the right to know that Gigi has done awful stuff to ava
also I will be Harley Quinn
oh sorry I just realized I liked it didn't mean to. listen I have a lot of things I would like to say cause I go to school with both of them and I see live what happens so I think it's nice that you are standing up for what you believe in but you only hear the story's from a side
and I don't want you to think I'm mean ether
do you believe me
if you see either of them being mean, please let me know ASAP okay? sorry if I am being demanding but you know how it is
did you block me
a witch can u tell me yours 👻
cool I'm being disgust from inside out
I'm being a evil marshmallow
I'm being a pink lady