I'll give you a shoutout if you give me one! Thank you!


I'll give you a shoutout if you give me one! Thank you!

13 0
Hmmm....Try some font apps like Phonto or We Heart It has some cool pics! Also if you Collab with someone with a lot of followers than maybe you would also get more followers. I think your collages are great but maybe different fonts and more elaborate photos! Overall itโ€™s a beautiful account! Remember to check out the apps, Phonto and We Heart It! ๐Ÿ’“
So all you have to do is: remix me a photo and a quote. then I will make the collage and post it on my page. I will also remix you the collage I made and then you can post it on your page too! but you have to make sure you give credit to the other person or else people think you stole a collage.
ok awesome!
I will