Collage by thicktities


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girl we did say no šŸ˜‚
and you said why?ā˜ ļø
how are you??
oh alright? did something happen?
yeah i didnā€™t even respond after
it annoyed me too
yeah itā€™s whatever haha. what have you been up to?
same :) wanna come chill with me?
sweet :) come over whenever
okay. door is open for you
yes maā€™am :)
*lays in bed on my phone while i wait for you*
*smiles when i see you and holds my arms out* come here
*rubs your waist and smiles* good iā€™ve missed you though
*leans forward and softly kisses you* how are you and jett?
really? *laughs gently* thatā€™s good he eats a lot though. iā€™m glad you are healed now
dxmn *laughs and holds you on me* youā€™ll have to send me recent pics of him
hurry back :( i have to leave in like an hour
hope about you mind your fxxking business bxtch
at least Iā€™m not a hxe who asks to have a ons with some and then is all over the guy
ohh we cause drama what the fxxk are yā€™all doing now
he left me first. I was trying to give him room
plus we didnā€™t ask for your opinion bxtch
we will post soon :) i have work soon and carter is at work rn
*rubs your thigh and smiles* should i add your name in on my bio?
pending :(
i mean yeah iā€™m only interested in you
okay *smiles and nods*
okay iā€™ll try to post before work
iā€™m working on it nowwww
i was like dxmn hahah but i see what you mean now
iā€™ll hit you up after work or when iā€™m on breaks okay? itā€™s 1 now and i get off around 11
hello anyone, iā€™m axel x