Collage by Back-2-me


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thx for the spam
ur welcome! 😋
can we chat? I need someone to talk to
sure what's wrong?
I had some sort of attack at school and my hands were sweaty and I could speak or breathe and I was shaking and I was a little dizzy. do you know what it is?
*couldnt speak or breathe
I'm sorry that happened to u and no I don't know I'm sorry :(
but u should tell you parents about they might know I'm no use sorry
ok. chat?
I just want to have a convo. no one else is answering me
okay that's fine well how are you today? and I'm Liz but real name is Elizabeth
call me Bella, which is a nickname. Twilight. my friends think I act like Bella, so I got caught with that nickname. or call me Skittles. I love Skittles. that's a new nickname I made up for myself.
hehe I love skittles so I'll call u that 🙂 hehe nice to meet u btw
nice to meet u Liz.
yea :) how old are you?
I'm in sixth grade, but I can't tell my age. I just changed my username to RainbowSourSkittles
nah don't worry about it it's fine but I kinda guess ur age cuz I have a sister who is also in ur grade
cool. what grade r u in?
I'm in 9th I'm 15 years old
*hugs u* don't worry those older ppl can protect u and give u advice gtg tho sorry 😔 I'll tty Tomorrow tho
promise it's nice talking to u and getting to know u
ok. bye. I'll tell you more tomorrow. we are out for snow
hey :)
hey! RP?
if you want, you can make your own character
sure but just so u no I suck at it hehe I really don't rp a lot but I'll do it and naw I'll just go with it u can pick
dirty or clean?
I would prefer clean 😂haha but which ever u want I won't mind lol
okay and I'm very sorry I didn't answer yesterday xc my step dad turned off the wifi off
hey :)
....?? u alright?
awwwwww :( ur sick?? 😣