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could you please stop, I let my lil sis on here and I really don't want her to see these things, and your really addicted to black d--ks, and didn't your say u were 12, honestly if you are, looking at theses things are really out of your age and really gross.
this is so gross, and like what the girl above said, if u r only 12 that is really young to be looking at this stuff. and u really need to stop.
what u did to my college of my friend is gross, and so, so, so, so, so, gross.
delete all this stuff now it is inappropriate
stop this right now
can u please stop that
this is really gross get off PC
can u please stop that it's so inappropriate
like really
u really need to stop
eeewww stop posting these pictures
bruh I just reported these picks so yeah u need to stay age u pervert u crazy like nobody wants to see this like ur disgusting and that is not worth it do u show ur mom and dad this??????NOOOOOOO U DONT U NASTY EVERYBODY JUST REPORT HER PICKS
brah u is an nasty hoe
I'm 12 and I have a school device stop following me and delete the collage you remixed of me
the heck's wrong with u. Pcc is a place for being creative not for being a freakin bรฎtch
U should be ashamed...U had the guts for posting this shรฎt....seriously...
๐ข๐ข๐ข๐ข๐ข๐ข she offended me already with these pic's I'm black and I WILL prove it!
ลตtf, plz don't post this,like what one of the other people said I also have a school device and I can get caught with things like this,and I saw this page coz my lil sis was messing around with my school iPad and got on this page by accident,she is only 11 and she saw all of this,if you like to look at dรฎรงk's be my guest but plz don't post it on here coz a lot of us really don't want to see,I have no problem if you like things like this but your 12 I think one of the other people said and that's young and other young people are on this. plz stop
oh and I'm a little bit African so sending things about black dรฎรงk's is honestly offensive
my problem is that everyone is saying that this is so offensive and gross, and it is, but then WHO LIKED THESE POSTS???????? There HAD to have been SOMEONE!!!! This one has 9 LIKES!!!!????!!
nasty y would u do this
what's wrong with you
it's funny how everyone who comments bad stuff comments on all of them. lol. Just thank them for looking at your page and taking time out of their lives to comment on EVERY SING ONE even tho they are "gross and inappropriate". lol. nice try guys.
why do you post things like that? You should Delete this account and make a new one