Insomniacs out theree
-Yours Truly 
October 31, 2017


Insomniacs out theree -Yours Truly October 31, 2017

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how are you?
this is SO beautiful and poignant. wow.... I'm a poetry fanatic and I've seen COUNTLESS poems, but this is just... superior. you have got such talent and such a gorgeous way of expressing yourself. I love your rhythm, tone and style. this is just an unbelievable price of art! also, you said in the poem you realize you are all alone. not anymore, ok? I'll be there for you. I'm Mimi, 9th grade. friends?
thank you 😀
And sure. Thyreign. 6th grade
aw, that's such a beautiful name! what died it mean?
Thy-relating to ones self. Reign-to conquer.