1. Contest entries please 2. Uhh Kim lip is a queeen 3. My school day was cut short 4. I feel like making advertisements or/and magazines is my dream job idk


1. Contest entries please 2. Uhh Kim lip is a queeen 3. My school day was cut short 4. I feel like making advertisements or/and magazines is my dream job idk

41 0
if your comment is related to
a part of my captions
put the number talking about it
in front of your comment
- just something I’m trying out
- also wth pc fix the send bar
this is really pretty, I love the colours
did you update to iOS 11??
re:// oh ok because apparently it f-ed up PC comments
4. I can totally see you doing that tho
Excuse me, I haven't seen your stuff in so many time and it's just as amazing as I imagined likE, W O h