This girl is trying to tell me that this pic is not me but it is in this pic it is all the girls in my fam and more of me so tell me if u think this is not me and tell me if u thank I am telling the truth or a lie


This girl is trying to tell me that this pic is not me but it is in this pic it is all the girls in my fam and more of me so tell me if u think this is not me and tell me if u thank I am telling the truth or a lie

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so your gonna tell me that a girl that claims to have three different types and noses and four different mouths isn't fake plus the profile pic
I'm gonna log out and I forgot my password so I can't sign back in
I am telling the truth this is my fam and me in it
truth yo
are u saying I am lieing
is it all you or is that your sisters and me
not me I was gonna put em
I am not saying that you are lying I am telling you that that is u and your family