Doing this with Aldc__love


Doing this with Aldc__love

15 0
r u on
yes I am
I used to dance
but my mum made me quit
plus I wasn't very good. some lessons she was so horrible she sent me off stage for not being perfect even though that was my best
so yeah I quit
wow your mum is hard on u
I got to go my iPod is about to die I will be on in like 10 mins
That was my teacher my mum thought the teacher was horrid like I did
so my dance teacher BULLIED ME OUT OF DANCING
Evil teacher I hated her
what that sucks oh by the way I am back my sister gave me her charger
lol I figured that
Now I roller skate and I'm a GG
I play netball and touch rugby
I play netball 2
p.s. GG means Girl Guide
u will like my next thing I put up
lol I'm so old fashioned
u there