REVIEW!! This movie was cool!πŸ’–


REVIEW!! This movie was cool!πŸ’–

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I loved it
it's amazing
I couldn't go cause we went out for dinner!! I planned to watch it, but my family decided to go it for dinner last minute....😭😭😭😭
I KNOW!!' πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ”πŸ˜­
sorry for the random magnifying glass!!
ya totally
it's me rainbow dashie anyway someone is bulling me idk why her name is incredible_artist01
good thingβ˜οΈπŸ‘
ok let me deal with her
thank you she is a little s**t no offense is your following her!
nope I'm not following her
I lloooooooovvvveeedd the movie!😍 especially the end!πŸ˜‚
same! I agree with everything you say hereπŸ‘Œ
I Agree The Story Was Pretty Wonky. The Weird Thing Is That The Main 6 At Canterlot High Have Counter Part From The Main 6 At Crystal Prep(Some Being DisHarmony And Some Matching)(Ex: Pinkie Pie & Lemon Zest)Anyone Else Notice That? And The End, OmgπŸ˜‚That Was Hillarious, I Really Enjoyed The MovieπŸ˜‹
I totally agree, but I think it would've been nice if at the end they showed more if the Equestria Twilight Sparkle