Collage by CreatingPoetry


19 0
It's an angry poem!!!! 🤬
this is amazing as always <33
all the words you used & the flow is rly nice!!!
This is beautiful <3 And your name is so pretty, I'm Inès! (I'm sorry if I already told you that, I haven't been on here for a few moths haha)🤍
Ik ben goed :)
wow i love the power which lies in every single word, great job !! & thank you so much anouk, you're so sweet ♡ yess this weather causes me a headache :(( & of course <33
that sounds amazing, i love cookies !! my weekend was great, my grandparents were here for five days (they drove back home today) & i spent a lot of time with them.. how was your easter ?? do you have any special traditions by the way ??🫶🫶