My OC is in the remixes


*click* My OC is in the remixes

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what about Percy Jackson, Humger games, Or a Harry Potter RP?
does it matter my characters gender?
(can they be "friends?" but polar opposites) Lilac is the daughter of Iris. ~Goddess of rainbows~ She loves bright colors and is really terrible at fighting. She has a crush on Percy, but doesn't let anyone know, annabeth would kill her! She makes friends easily and is usually happy. she can be oblivious, but very smart at other ones.
could we start at like...dinner? training?
Please help! I'm trying to get votes for a contest! I need you to help! If you want to me, check out my latest post! It will give you instructions on where to vote. I need your vote! There is a prize!🏆✨ If you vote for me: You'll receive an optional icon, independent shoutout, follow, and spam! So please vote for me! Thank you for reading! -Amity_Shield
Lilac: *is looking all over camp for Paige, but stopping to talk to other friends along the way. You just disappeared somethings, so she wasn't worried. Only Curious.* (quick question. Are you against LGBT? Just wondering.)
would u like an icon
Lilac: "Paige? Where'd you go?" She calls out and then stops back in your cabin. "anybody seen Paige?" She is determined to find out where you always go, but never is able to.
Lilac: The woods? Why..? Nevermind that! Thanks Nico!" She ran towards the woods. She was going to find you before you left. Find out why you always run off.
Lilac: Runs into the woods without any certain place in mind. She begins to walk quietly, so you don't know she's there. Lilac fights the urge to call your name. But then you might run off.
Lilac: I can't help myself. It's hard for me to stay quiet. "Hello?" I ask quietly. Shoot! I cover my mouth. I probably ruined my chance for today.
Lilac: I hear the phone ringing. Are you calling someone? Why wouldn't you Iris message them? After all, my mom makes the prettiest of rainbows. I crouch behind a nearby tree. I know people don't like you, but I've tried to be friends with you. But you're hiding something from me, I can feel it.
Lilac: I can tell you're scared of whomever you're calling. I want to comfort you, but you can't know I'm here. So I just keep listening.
Lilac: What on earth...? But you can't leave! You're my friend. I'm going to keep listening before running back off to camp. Could I tell anybody? Well...Nico knew you were here, so maybe I could tell him.
Lilac: I run back to camp silently. I'm really worried about you. I think that man is trying to kill you.
Lilac: "Nico!" I call out worriedly.
Lilac: "Paige!" Gotta act normal
Lilac: "Paige!" Don't leave camp! You won't be protected. Plus, you're my best friend! at least say goodbye!
Lilac: "Nico, if you trust me, don't ask questions. I need to find Paige now!"
Lilac: "I think she's in danger....Or us."
Lilac: "If I knew that do you think I'd be asking you for help?!"
Lilac: "Well she was talking on the phone to some guy, and he said she wasn't safe here. He said she needed to leave. And when the man asked for a name, she said Grace instead of Paige."
Lilac: "What is it? I'm really worried, but we have to keep that phone call between us. Got it?"
Lilac: "Okay, now come on! Should we tell an adult...? No time!" I start running towards the woods.
lilac: "Nico! Come on!" I yell over my shoulder and enter the woods.
Lilac: "Paige!" I keep running, occasionally looking back to see if Nico is still behind me.
Lilac: "Paige!" I yell out, louder
Lilac; "Paige!" I look at Nico. "You go left, I go right."
Lilac; "Paige! please stop running. What's going on?"
Lilac: "Please. I'm really worried. Is someone threatening you?"
Lilac: "Then why are you going?"
Lilac; "Who?"
Lilac: "What the heck is going on?! Nico! what do you mean?!"
Lilac: "Paige..Is that true?" I say with a twinge of pain in my voice
Lilac: "it's true, isn't it?"
L: "No! We will just...hide it."
L: "Shut up Nico! You aren't helping!"
L: "You can't go. We can hide this somehow. You need to stay so we can figure this out."
l: Nico, For the last time, would you shut up?!" I look at Paige. "it's not your fault, don't apologize"
L: "Why have you done this? You think you know someone..." I tried to be nice. I even told Nico to stop. But I feel betrayed.
L: "Sure you haven't. Just like you told me everything about you. What am I supposed to believe now?" I say, raising my voice
L: "Yeah. He's not the only monster." I turn around and grab Nicos shoulder, pulling him back towards camp.
L: "Yeah, I know Paige. That's not why I'm mad. But don't worry. I won't spill your little, or shall I say, big secret."
L: "Because you an trust me with anything. That's what friends do." I say semi accusingly.
L: "Who are you?"
L: "What's your name? You're age? I have a feeling you lied about those too."
L: I shake my head. I can't believe you couldn't even tell me your real name. "Sure you don't."
L: "Anything else I should know, P-Grace?"
L: I turn to walk away. I don't know who you are anymore. And to be honest, I don't care. "Goodbye, Paige." I say Paige on purpose.
L: I stop. I want to know why you're telling us this.
L: I shake my head. Do you really trust me? Because I don't trust you. "Okay then."
L: I stay silent. I'll let Nico and Grace talk.
L: I stay silent. You may trust me, but I don't trust you anymore.
Ld "You've been dying this whole time an- Thawing out?!"
L: "What the heck?! How long were you frozen?"
L: "That doesn't answer my question. How long were you frozen?"
L; "Okay, Nico is one thing, but you too?! That's just great. I'm hanging out with people that should be sitting in rocking chairs and playing bingo. No offense."
L: What am I supposed to do? You're seventy and I didn't even know. "Well then. I'll be going if that's all you have to say."
L: "Okay. Then start talking."
l: "Honestly Nico, we've been hunting someone down and you're not expecting a war?"
L: "How?"
L: sarcastically "Great options! You couldn't be any more vague at all!"
L: "So what are we supposed to do?"
L: "Nico..?"