I'm gonna kill him. 
Gosh, I'm just so... angry and confused and hurt and nothing makes sense. 
And he probably doesn't even know how I feel. 
And I can't tell him. 
But it hurts so fricken much. 
I want to read his mind. Cause like, we played board games


I'm gonna kill him. Gosh, I'm just so... angry and confused and hurt and nothing makes sense. And he probably doesn't even know how I feel. And I can't tell him. But it hurts so fricken much. I want to read his mind. Cause like, we played board games

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Cause like, we played board games and card games together on Sunday, and it was fun, but at the same time, it's just... it feels different. The way he's acting is different. And I know if he's around anyone else, he'll probably drop me in a heartbeat. Why are most outernet so cruel? Wow. Apparently all I can talk about is my friend and Black Butler.
Iā€™m sorry things are like that but I really truly hope that you can figure it out and Iā€™m here for you anytime šŸ’•