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and i’m saying “hubba hubba” to your bicep, your tattoos, the background, and everything besides your face 🌚
just kiddingggg!! your face is sooo hubba hubba 😻😻
i love this picture 🙊
you’re so so handsome, h ot, good looking, s exy, charming, etc. 😣
i’m literally speechless right now and i can’t stop looking at you 😣😣
i’m always going to be picking number 2 whenever you tell me to pick a number from now on
i don’t like those names either
okay, i don’t like your attitude :(
i’ll just not take you out of the game at all then
you’re too late, i already listened to it
and i’m about to listen to it again after listening to the song in your caption
it’s by frankie valli, right?
you’re silly
i don’t think you’re ugly
so i’d never tell you a lie like that
and i’ll never go “hubba hubba 😬😬” either
that’s just mean, and i’m not that mean
i don’t know if you’re going to freak out over my picture the way i freaked out over yours 😣
yours is so much better
i wasn’t using emojis? 🤨
you probably have me confused for another girl you must’ve been talking to- one that wasn’t using emojis at the time 🙄
no no nooo :( you can’t do that
i like being daddy’s good girl </3
you just demoted me and only i can demote you 😣
i listened to it and i liked it :)
also, i’m watching arrested development right now and i’m on the first episode- micheal’s dad saying “i got the worst f ūcking attorneys” had me dying 😭
oops, it’s michael, not micheal
see, this is why i don’t like the name michael- i sometimes end up switching a and e 😔
anyways, michAEl asking his sister if she was trying to cry also made me laugh
now i’m blushing spongebob too 🤭🤭
hehehe, thank you, daddy <3
tell me, tell me, tell me!! pleaseeee
i was going to say inappropriate things too, but i didn’t want to weird you out 🙊
i was just a tiny bit upset 🤏🏼 which is why i decided to start watching the show, because i didn’t want to talk to you at the moment- but then i got over it 🌚
don’t ever demote me again, daddy 😣
yess, it’s by selena gomez :)
hehehe, i’m gonna start calling you pumpkin now 🤭
what’s up, pumpkin?
i’m liking the show so far!
yes you can, daddy
please, please, please tell me :(
or else you won’t get any kisses from me ever again
and i mean it 😠
oh stop it, you’re making me blush 🙈
you’re the perfect one hereee
becauseee, i felt like i was annoying you when you gave me attitude- even though you say you didn’t :( and then when you demoted me, i don’t know why but it confirmed to me that i was maybe getting annoying
i don’t know, i’m just a bit weird- i’m sorry
it is from the show 🤭
the very beginning of the second episode
where t-bone says to michael’s dad “what’s up, pumpkin?”
eeee!! you like it? 🤭🤭
i was sure you wouldn’t have liked it :,)
nuh uh, i’m not falling for your trick again, mr meanie pants 😠
you have to tell me first, i’m your baby 😣
you’re right, i don’t mean that- i was just trying to scare you 😣
no no, it’s okay- don’t apologize
i guess i just misinterpreted your tone
so i’m the one that should be sorry
i’m glad i didn’t and don’t annoy you though :,)
i’m promoting you back to mr cool- now i know how it feels like to be demoted even for just a few minutes </3
yayyyy!! i can start calling you pumpkin now
hi, pumpkin 🤭
you’re surprised i like selena gomez? 😧 i’m surprised you’re surprised i like her
i’ve always been a huge fan of hers- which is why i asked you the last time for your opinion on her and benny blanco being engaged
aww, that’s so cute of you- i’ll definitely continue saying that then, since you think it’s cute 🤭
you’re cute 🙈
now i wonder what kind of things you would’ve said to picture 4 if you chosen it 🌚
if you had*
you can’t get mad at me if i demote you again in the future though- remember, i have memory loss 🌚
hmphhh, but i like calling you “daddy” 😣
what about “daddy pumpkin”?
and “princess,” i like it when you call me that :,)
oh, i can see why
i used to listen to pop music a lot
i can post it and delete it once you see it
i’m pulling an ash move- i’m not going to tell you what i wanted to say 🙈
just like when you neverrr gave me any details like you were supposed to last time
i’m not going to demote you right now, that’d be evil
and i want to be daddy’s good girl right now, not daddy’s evil or bad girl
you’re my daddy pumpkin <3
makes me melt every time you call me your baby and princess
also when you call me “daddy’s good girl” 😣
the music i listen to is random right now 🫠
no no nooo 😣😣
daddy can’t go to sleep soon :(
i think it’ll be 50/50- you won’t want me to delete it but at the same time you might want me to delete it so no one else can see
but you have to be on while i post it so i can delete it before you go to sleeppp
i’m telling you, i’m becoming you 🫡
remember what? 🌚
okay, good!!
even though now that you said that, it made me want to try to see if i can be evil 🌚
ooouu, baby pumpkin is cute!
yes sir 🫡
whatever daddy says
it’s not too crazy at all- it’s just me in some lingerie
now i can’t do that since you already know 😔 i’ll post it right now
nooo 🤭
people can’t get suspicious because i’m not cuter than you 🙄 if anything, you’re cuter than me
i don’t know what you’re talking about 🌚
you’re funny for that- or it can be called, “valentina’s boyfriend does not believe she truly has memory loss”
i like this name for my condition better
i keep yawning, but i’m not sleepy sleepy
i don’t have any plans for tomorrow so far- do you have plans for tomorrow?
ugh, now i don’t know if you’ll enjoy the pictures that much because of the scribbles 😣
hehehe, i was going to say “raw and rough, next question.” on this picture of yours, but didn’t know if you would’ve liked that 🫣
ewww, i don’t like that emoji 😟
🙈 this one is better
i dont know, i think your hands wouldve look so much better on my instead of the flowers 🌚
on me*
but i’ll definitely wear this next time 🫡
🤭 can i delete it now, daddy?
no, i like that name for my condition 😠
but you’ll let me know when you’d be heading out, right? 😣
eeee!! you always make me feel like 🤭 so i’m happy i’m making you feel like 🤭 too
yes, i know that 🙊
what if i forget to wear it next time, daddy?
mhmm, only for you 🤭
no no nooo 😣
you know i suffer from memory loss 🌚
i meant “valentina’s husband”, not boyfriend 😣
ashton james reynolds 😠
“mrs not-reynolds” is harsh </3
i love being mrs reynolds
so take it back 😠😠
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too and i also hope you sleep well tonight
hopefully you get no nightmares
i miss you </3
i’d listen to ‘all too well’ right now, but you banned it 😞
hii, good morning, daddy pumpkin <3
take it off or rip it off? 🤔
either way, i like it when you undress me 🙈
thank you for finallyyy acknowledging my condition and how i suffer from it
good boy daddy, you’re accepting it 🤭
i should get “ashton’s wife” tattooed on me
so if i ever forget and you try to convince me that you’re not a stranger, the tattoo will confirm that it’s true
thinking about getting it under my breast 🤔
eeee!! 🤭 that’s my boy!
you had a picture of me in your wallet 😣
i do like that dream, it’s cute 🤭
i slept pretty well, super comfy and warm- i missed sleeping with four blankets on me
how did my handsome boy sleep?
you can always buy me new sets 🙈
i think i would too 😓 and then i’d kill myself
good point- if that’s the case, i’ll just get it tattooed all over my face
like how you supposedly did, even though you got them removed so quickly </3
mhmm, that way you can see it every time you f ūck the sh īt out of me 😇
yes, i get what you’re saying 🤭
that’s super cute
i know it was just your dream, but that made my day
you think four blankets is crazy? :o
sometimes these four blankets isn’t enough to keep me super warm 😣
what did you work on this time?
you think i’d look good in red? 🙊
we can do that- dying while holding each other
you told me that yourself 😠
i had said something and you threatened to get your tattoos removed and i was like “no no no” and you said it was too late and that you were getting them removed as we spoke
and i was so heartbroken </3
but then you said you were getting a portrait of me tatted on your face
now who’s being naughty? 🙊
i’ll consider it :)
i waaasss going to ask that but who am i kidding? you’re very handsome, meaning lots of girls are going to want to flirt with you unfortunately </3
how many blankets do you sleep with then? 🤨
i’d say yeah- for me to use four blankets it’s cause it is really cold 😭
oh, so you basically have a routine where each day of the week is dedicated to a specific workout?
or maybe not a specific workout, but specific parts of your body that you focus on?
i’m not sure how to word my question properly 😭 i feel like i’m not making sense
what do you plan on eating today then?
is blue your favorite color?
blue and red it is 🫡
okay but you still removed the first set of tattoos 💔
i’ve seen so many inspo for lower back tattoos
usually they’re all so pretty 😣
yes, i know that 😇
then what are we going to do if one night we’re cuddling and sleeping together and i need four blankets while you only need two?
daddy’s going to have to sleep with four blankets too
i understand that- sometimes it’s the same thing when it’s h ot outside
ooouu, back day 🙊
i wish i could watch 😣
oh, you’re going to watch the game with some friends?
or family?
i wasn’t going to say that this time, silly
maybe 🌚
nooo, it’ll look messy if you do that
or you can just tattoo my name across your chest in BIG letters 🤭
we’ll seeee :)
speaking of tattoos, i had seen one of the cutest tattoos ever and it was a little baby foot 😣
just the outline though, no shading
sorryyy, something came up but i’ll be back <3
but what if you let go of me in the middle of the night and i start freezing?
i do get 😠 at you for going to the gym
but you’re the boss and i can’t tell you what to do 😞
you wouldn’t listen to me anyways </3
i bet you’re pretty happy right now considering ravens are winning
i’m serious, mr reynolds 😠
i want my name in a pretty font across your chest
you’d get my middle name tattooed too? 🤭
you’ve seen them before too?? and you think they’re cute?? 😣
what if we get matching ones? i get a foot and you get the other foot
i can’t help it, babies are so cute
i’m back, daddy <3 now you’re being cute
one of my friends was going though something and i was trying to help her feel better :,)
i’ll remember that 😑
and i’ll note it down too
in case one night you do let me go, i can be mad at you
yes, i was looking up the score every now and then :,)
i wouldn’t mind looking at it every single time you’re not wearing a shirt
and it won’t get old
hehehe, daddy’s cute 🤭
but if you that, you’ll just make me want to have babies as soon as possible 😣
thankfully i did- at least that’s what she told me
how long are football games? 🤨
that one felt like forever
i know it started at 1:30pm, because i looked it up this morning and i remember checking it around 4 something and it was still going 🤨
i miss you, i miss you, i miss you </3
“and nothing else 😐” 💔
you have such little faith in me
i’ll try to forget that your favorite animals are giraffes
and that you like egg rolls
and that you’re not a fan of pasta or coffee
and other stuff 🙄
you should feel like blushing spongebob :) because every time i’d look up the score and see ravens are winning, i kept imagining how happy you were 😣
i love you more <3
because it’d mean that you’d have to get me pregnant- i’m not gonna have babies with anyone else
not to show off or anything, but i am wonder woman 🌚
not to mention, YOUR personal wonder woman 🤭
3-3.5 hours? 🫢 yeah i’m not going to let you play football at all anymore- even if ravens need you to make the team better
imagine all the tackling you have to do or go through during that time 😣😣
and i have the sweetest boy ever 🤭
when are they playing again?
monday :( i’m so upset
but i only have one class on monday
guess what i’m watching right now 🌚
sorryyy 😓
i’m going to get “ashton james reynolds is my husband” tatted on my forehead so that every time i look at myself in the mirror, i’ll know
yayyy! you forgave me 🤭 i can take back tattooing my forehead then 🌚
seeee, i knew you’d be happy- it’s literally your favorite team :,)
of course i’d be checking
i wouldn’t dream of getting pregnant by anyone else, no sir 🙅🏻♀️
i think you’d complain when i start getting mood swings more often when i’m pregnant
you’re gonna be like, “why did i get her pregnant 🙄”
yes they will- they’d have the most amazing and coolest parents ever
because you’re my superman
so their mom will be wonder woman and their dad will be superman
haha, very funny 😑
i’ve been a ravens fan ever since you said they were your favorite team 🙊
i’m determined to copy you in everything 🌚
i know :( that’s why you should just kidnap me so i can be with you 24/7 😣
yesss :) you put me on
because you already forgave me 🤭
look who’s being naughty again 😣 you’re going to get me wet by thinking about it
i get so happy when you tell me you feel like laughing snoopy :,)
or even blushing spongebob
you saying “you’re my dream girl” instantly reminded of that one song that says that- that’s so cute 😣
i’ve heard it on tiktok a while back
i feel like i’d want your hands on my baby b ump at all times
and imagine when our baby kicks inside of me, we’d be able to feel it 😣
if you’re not with me when our baby first kicks, i know i’d immediately call you to come feel it
UGHHHH, i need to stop thinking about this 😣
mhmm, but we’d be cooler
i’m on episode eight :)
we have to be cuddled up together while watching it though, if not forget about kidnapping me 🌚
there’s another game?
i’ve never heard of the bengals, so steelers better be winning
unless you’re rooting for the bengals, in that case i hope they’re winning
i’ll get it tattooed if you get my name tattooed on you too, it’ll only be fair
well you better keep telling me when i make you feel like spongebob or snoopy, it makes me happy :)
oh no, you don’t sound too obsessed at all 🌚
you may or may not be my dream boy 🤭
good, because i love having your hands on me 🙊
you’ll stay with me 24/7? no breaks at all from you?
that sounds like the dream 🤭
mhmm, our baby 🙈
so far, it’d have to be gob- he’s pretty funny
there was this one time where he was chasing michael on a segway and it was hilarious
episode seven- where michael is chasing after his dad then all of a sudden, gob appears out of nowhere on a segway chasing after michael 😭
who’s your favorite character?
the steelers and ravens are rivals?!
never mind, i take it back- i’m glad the steelers lost
okay, so we both don’t like the bengals either? got it 🫡
where should you get your name tattooed on me? 🤨 do you mean where should you get my name tattooed on you?
what happens if you have to go to work though? or school? 😣
i’d have to be home all alone </3
i love you too <3
when i first saw him on a segway, i immediately thought of the movie paul blart: mall cop
because paul is always on a segway and is funny
you’ll get me a segway? 🤭
are you talking about when she’s driving with michael and it’s right before they crash?
if so, then yes 💀 but they don’t end up hitting him and michael said it wasn’t gob 🤔
i thought tobias was pretty funny at first too- especially when he was crying in the shower after lindsay got the role he wanted
yes sir, got it 🫡
i’ve heard of the chiefs before 🤔
let me go look them up real quick
okay, i don’t like like chiefs either then- plus, i saw they’re playing against the broncos tomorrow and i’m rooting for them
hm, on your chest, neck, face, torso, thigh, v-line, back, arm… everywhere 🤭
you were supposed to say you’d take me with you or you’d stay at home with me 😞
bad daddy </3
they said the movie was terrible?? 😟
why would they stay and watch it then- let me guess, they’re from your mom’s side?
both of the movies are good and funny
how considerate of you 🤭
but i know you’ll only be getting me one because you think i’ll be too heavy to carry 💔 i see how it is
you’re not completely wrong though- lucille did think it was gob at first and was trying to scare him, but when michael told her the guy isn’t gob, she let go of the steering wheel and michael had to take it but they crashed
why did i think you had already finished the show but were just rewatching it? 🌚
no, i don’t know- i don’t know anything about the broncos
i just said i’m rooting for them because i remember one of my favorite high school teachers used to be a broncos fan and would always represent the team
do you like the broncos?
daddyyy, i’m getting sleepy 😣
i don’t know how you can have your tv on but not fall asleep- i was asleep for a while right now even though i had arrested development playing to keep me awake
i had to wake myself up
but i’m here and i’m not going to go to sleep until you go to sleep 🫡
hehehe, i got you twice 🤭
yes yes, i get what you mean
i also have ‘cousins’ and ‘aunts’ and ‘uncles’ that aren’t related to us but we consider them family
oh, i knew that 🌚
for a moment there, i was like he must’ve really liked that show for it to be his favorite even though he still has two more seasons to go
but never mindd :,)
uh oh
i just looked them up too and they’re playing against the rams tomorrow
does this mean you don’t like the rams?
oh okay, i thought you weren’t going to like them 🥲
we can both like the broncos then :)
rewatching it four times is so real 😭
i like to rewatch shows and movies too- instead of looking for another thing to watch
you don’t like the rams 🫢
eww, ew, ew, ew- i used to h ate seeing spongebob rounded and shiny 😭
he was kinda creepy looking like that 🥲
of course the ravens will be our top favorite 🫡
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you very much and i hope you sleep well!
hii, good morning, mr reynolds <3
would it be because you didn’t get enough sleep?
yeah, i have
but i’ve watched twilight so many more times than the notebook :,)
mm, i don’t mind the rams since they are a team from cali- but at least you have a reason to dislike them
i’m clueless when it comes to football, so you better get started on teaching me about it 🌚
of course i remember rounded spongebob, he was creepy so how could i not remember
and you’re kidding about the memory loss file, right? 🌚
i looked it up and it made me smile, but i don’t know why i expected a smaller dog house
snoopy will always be better though 🤭
if you had said that sooner, i probably would’ve started watching the show earlier- especially since it involved something about snoopy 😣
another planet is funny
whenever i sleep in too late, i always feel like it’s the next day or wayyyy too late- but i’ve never felt like i’m on another planet 😭
i slept reallyyy comfortably under my ten thousand blankets 😇
never leave your side, that’s what i’d do 🤭
i love vampires
we could have a vampire baby, how cute would that be
well, you can say “cali”
it’s not like i’m going to judge you for it
maybe 🌚
we like the chargers, noted 🫡
why are there so many games today- i looked up the chargers and they’re playing against the raiders today 😭
i feel dumb though, i thought the raiders were a california team, but they’re from nevada- or play for nevada 💀
see, this is why we should have a mini ash
so you can play football with him, it’d be so cute 😣
it’d be funny if you do make one, but i’ll make sure to deny everything 🌚
you’re right, it comes out in season 2
and we were just talking about twilight 😣
i need it
i miss you :(
i think i’m going to die </3
LOLLL, i know which one you’re talking about 😭😭
that’s so funny to me
you’ve watched hotel transylvania? not to be mean, but i’m surprised 🌚
you calling me your california girl made me want to listen to the song by katy perry
that’s a lot of information, and you know i have memory loss 😣
but okay, nfl games are mostly on sundays 🫡
wait, really? i’m not so dumb after all then 🤭
that’s so cute to think about, you’re cute 😣
what if we end up having more mini me’s though? rather than an equal number of mini you’s and mini me’s
you’re right, now i’m back to feeling dumb 🌚
i’ll just be stubborn and continue to deny everything even if you pull out the list 😭
it’s sold out :(
where did daddy go? 😠 i was super close to dying
super super close 🤏🏼
talking about hotel transylvania is making me want to watch the movies again :,)
when dennis said “bleh, bleh, bleh” to mock his grandpa, it was soooo cute 😣
you’re so sweet 🤭 thank you, daddy pumpkin
are you watching a game right now?
our girls playing football would be cute but i wouldn’t want them to get hurt
i feel like if i see one of our babies cry, i’d cry- and then you’d have to deal with two crybabies 😣
you’d put me in a nursing home? :( how rude
it says ‘twilight’ on the front and has a graphic on the back of edward, bella, and jacob but as a wolf i think
and it has some like fur around the hoodie part
it was $80 though 🥲
you went out without my permission?
just kidding, just kidding!
it’s okay, daddy <3 did you have fun?
also, i’m going to go out to run some errands- i need to buy some things i need
just giving you a heads up :,)
i need your opinion
i know you said you’re not into car stuff but you’re a guy and you should know this, maybe, but i want to get a car cover thingy, would you say i should get one or not?
you do deserve a thousand kisses 🤭
why wouldn’t i like that answer? 🤨
it’s not because of the weather though, it’s because it gets d irty fast 🥲
but i thought you would’ve said something like the cover could ruin the paint of the car or something
i washed my car this morning and i know it’s going to get d irty by tomorrow morning
and i don’t mind washing my car and stuff, but washing it one day and it getting d irty by the next day bothers me so much 😣 cause all of my blood, sweat, and tears were for nothing </3
thank you, daddy <3 you’re my dream boy
and thank you for your input 🫡
this makes me want to ask for your advice/ opinion on everything now 🤭
and i was asking now because i’m standing in line to buy one and i was thinking to myself, what if it ruins the paint though 🤔
hehehe, my husband 🤭🤭
i’m almost done though! i just need to go to two more places and i’m done <3
i’ll be right back
daddy pumpkinnn
do we like the 49ers?
oh okay, i had seen a jersey of that team and of the bills i think?
anything football related makes me think of you
but i’m going home now <3
i’m back, daddy pumpkin!! i hope you didn’t die
we h ate the bills? noted 🫡
thank you for telling me what redzone is, it did sound chaotic at first, but then i understood 😭
and you’ll be the best dad ever ever ever! 🤭
i won’t have to bring out the cardiac defibrillator because i can just smother you with kisses and bring you back to life
or our mini val can smother you with kisses- or the both of us
that way you can come back to life and we’d stop crying in the process :,)
if i have to stay at a nursing home, you have to stay with me too :(
no no, $80 is expensive for a sweater
eeee!! you saying that makes me actually want to drop out so you can take care of me while i stay home 🤭
i don’t want to go to school either </3 even though it’s just one class, but still
i’m on episode twelve right now and gob listening to marta’s call with her mother has me dying 😭
he thinks she’s cheating on him with a guy named “hermano”, but that means brother 💀
oh, my poor boy :( good thing you’re not allowed to die
i’m guessing 8pm your time?
i’ll definitely be checking 🫡 if i don’t forget 🌚
LOLLLL, you’re a meanie pants 😭
memory loss from the defibrillator is real and it’s not to be joked about 😔
you don’t know the pain that comes from it, but i do
you’d sneak into my room? that’s so cute 🤭
that means you have to stay on the nurses’ good side so they’ll ‘let’ you sneak in
i should’ve known that it snows in maryland 🌚
since everything’s closing for tomorrow, does that mean that you don’t have any plans for tomorrow?
random question, is tobias g ay? 🌚
ooouu, you’ll be complaining? i wanna see that
oops, you’re right, how inconsiderate of me </3 i’m sorry, daddy pumpkin
you’ll always be my husband
don’t ever think about divorcing me because i’m telling you right now, i’ll always say no to that
eeee!! you’d still cuddle me when we’re old?? 🤭
stoppp, you’re gonna make me cry :( and then noah said, “yes i do, that’s what brings you back to me”
i was so so sad
have you ever worked virtually before?
that might be a silly question, sorry 🥲
depends on traffic- i have to check how traffic is before leaving my house
i put an alarm at 10:15am though, so i know when to start checking
oooh, okay 🌚 because there are some things he does that make me wonder why lindsay is still with him- but if that’s just how he is, then never mindd
i still can’t believe it either- and you’re silly for saying that 😑 you are not benny
don’t ever say that again, mr reynolds 😠
wait 🌚 cause now i just saw a tiktok of them at the golden globes
she looked so so gorgeous and he’s just.. there 🌚
no, you can’t just toss out the divorce papers because you could easily change your mind and get them from the trash or something 🙄 so i’d need you to shred them first before tossing them out
even when we’re corpse bride and groom? how adorable- you’re adorable 🤭
if i’m sad, daddy has to be sad too :( and if daddy’s sad, i have to be sad
just kidding, you don’t have to be sad when i’m sad, but i do want to be sad when you’re sad
we can be sad together
unless i figure out a way to take away all of your sadness, then i’d gladly take it all away
you saying meetings makes me think of suits and thinking of suits is making me want to see you in a suit 😣
😑 you would not be like 🤭
you’d think i’m dumb for sure 😭
you never check traffic before leaving for class? 😟 it’s always so helpful, that way you know if you’d be leaving too early, just in time, or too late
i wanted to ask when i was watching the first couple of episodes but when you told me he was your favorite character, i didn’t know if you’d get offended or something 🌚 but i just had to know
it’s the other way around- you’re out of my league 😣
i do insist 😠
hmphh, i don’t want us to argue ever again 😣
but what if i want to go on a super fancy date? you’d have to wear a full suit
or who knows, maybe watching you change into a suit will make me go crazy and want you to f ūck me 😇
and that’ll stop us from going on the date- or at least you wouldn’t have to wear the suit anymore 🌚
but i’m just speaking nonsense, so ignore me 🌚
okay okay, sorry, pumpkin 🫡
my very cute and handsome daddy pumpkin 🤭
yess, i remember that- i felt bad for my boy
i love you too, very very very very very very very much
nuh uh, i’m the boss, daddy 😠
and i say daddy’s out of my league
no no noo :( daddy :(
it’s barely about to be 10pm for me 😣
actually, never mind, i just realized i sound selfish and i’m sorry :( if you’re tired, you can go to sleep
you are, daddy- you’re the best <3
i was just picturing us f ūcking- you wearing a suit and me wearing a dress 😣😣
you’d be pounding me so hard while i scream your name
you’re holding my legs against you, my ankles on your shoulders 🤭
okay, i need to stop 😣
i wanna go on a date soon, daddy :(
hehehe, we can thank t-bone for the “pumpkin” part
because daddy always listens to me, that’s why 😇
you don’t want me to feel bad, but i already do :( daddy, you can go to sleep if you want- i don’t want to keep you up if you’re already tired
i’m curious to know who you’re listening to though
you’re the best husband i could ask for <3 the bestest
hehehe 🤭 i can’t help it
it is low cut, specifically a red low cut dress
and when i was picturing us doing it, we both had our clothes on except you didn’t have the blazer on
and i didn’t have any panties or bra on, just the dress
you’re giving me ideas on what to wear for our future date now 🌚
you don’t have to wear a suit on our first date if you don’t want to, daddy- i don’t want you to feel forced to wear one
i don’t know 😣 i think any date would be cute as long as i’m with you
you’d have to surprise me 🫠
like daddy would say, can’t argue with that logic
i am daddy’s spoiled girl 🤭
i’ve never listened to the whole album, but now i want to, just to copy you 🌚
i know i keep saying this, but you’re so cute 😣 you always think about us or me and that’s cute
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you so so much! and i hope you sleep well too :)
and i’ll just hopefully dream about you f ūcking me 😣
good morning, mr reynolds!! <3 i don’t want to go either 😣 i’m so nervous
🤭🤭 one of these days i’m gonna want to see you take my panties off with your teeth- i bet you’d look so h ot doing it 😣
i got worked up last night, it was the worst feeling ever since you went to sleep 😣 and you’re lucky i didn’t give you all the details, or else you would’ve probably gotten worked up too
silly daddy 🤭 what if you wear a suit for our first date, we do it, and i can’t walk afterward? 🤨 how will we go on our date if i can’t walk?
then we don’t have to go to a restaurant :)
and you can’t make fun of me if i s uck at dancing 🌚
i love my daddy so so much too <33
i’ll listen to it while i’m driving to school 🫡
i didn’t dream about that :( instead i had a stupid nightmare 😠
so, you’re gonna have to show me what i missed out on in my dream 😇
sorry i didn’t tell you i was heading to school- i took a shower, got ready, made h ot chocolate so i wouldn’t come to school on an empty stomach, and then had to stop to get gas before going :,) and now i’m on campus but waiting in my car
but now i’m even more nervous and i don’t know why, considering we’ll probably spend most of the lecture talking about the syllabus i think
we’ll see if i even remember allll of the details 😣 i’m probably going to sound out of order
eeee!! you’re right! 🤭
now i can’t wait to see you in a suit
how sweet of you <3 i’ll just follow your footsteps
and hope i don’t accidentally step on you :,)
i mayyy have liked it, i mayyy have not 🌚
you’ll never know 🤫
it was about zombies- i had to hide in a building with others and we had to lock all the doors and entrances but there were too many zombies
i’m in class now, i’ll let you know when i’m out <3
mi amorrr, i’m out of class- i’m going home now <3
daddy!! i’m home <3
it’s okay, don’t apologize :,)
i kinda wish it snowed here but at the same time i don’t, i wouldn’t want to be shoveling snow off the walkways
class was okay, the professor was just going over the syllabus so today was an easy day
a normal date and dress fancy anyways? that sounds like funnn 🤭
babyyy, i liked it
i’ll tell you the songs i liked: false alarm, rockin’, secrets, stargirl interlude, sidewalks, six feet under, love to l ay, a lonely night, ordinary life, and all i know
i added six feet under and all i know into my favorite songs
i really liked future’s part in ‘all i know’
have you watched the walking dead? 🌚
you did pass it onto me but it’s worth it because it means you’re the one who didn’t have nightmares
thankfully you are alive <3 you can get val time for the rest of the day
i’m all yours
listening to music always makes things better or less boring- i know i can’t live without music
yes, unfortunately i have three classes tomorrow :(
mhmm, sureee you were 😑
say what now? 🌚
let me go listen to the song again, and this time actually look at the lyrics
mm, kinda- he has some bangers
but if you don’t like him, then no, i don’t listen to him 🌚
stoppp, really?? the walking dead is my favorite show
i’ve rewatched it so many times 😭
i’m tempted 😣
even though you’ll probably eventually get tired of taking care of me :,)
i don’t like ‘a lonely night’ anymore, daddy 😠
“better when we’re both apart”
“we’re no good for each other”
nuh uh, you’re not allowed to listen to that song anymore :(
even if you do get tired early, please tell me
i don’t want to keep you up late when you’re tired
mm, are you sure that’s the reason? it’s not because you’re old? 🌚
just kidding, just kidding!!
but tell me all about your day! i know you said you didn’t have any plans for today, but did you end up doing something or no?
mhm :( i think i’m going to end up dropping out of one of them though
i dont want your classes to start though :( i want daddy to be available at all times for me </3
when did you say that? i don’t know what you’re talking about, mr stranger 🌚
what are a couple of songs you like by him?
so that i can listen to them if i haven’t already
at least i survived 😔
you remember me saying that? 🤭
i think you mean the GORGEOUS mother of OUR kids 🌚
“my kids” hurt my heart </3
now when i talk about our future babies, i’ll say “my babies” 🙄
i stopped listening to it the night you banned it 💔
is this you telling me we’re both better apart and we’re no good for each other? :(
even if that is you telling me that, you can’t get rid of me 😠
my old man <3
i’m just kidding, i know you’re not old 🌚
you worked out at home?
if you can work out at home, there’s no need for you to go to the gym anymore 🙅🏻♀️
but good, you stayed home and stayed safe <3
i feel like i know which one i want to drop, only because i don’t want to be getting out at 6pm on thursdays
which means i definitely won’t have mondays off because i’d have to stay enrolled into the class i had today
butttt, i’m going to email a professor about a class i really want but is closed, hoping to convince her to let me in her class 😭
they’ll end by 1pm? that just made me sad :( my last class tomorrow ends at 3 something
which would be 6 something for you :(
hehehe, daddy, i’m just messing with youuu- of course i remember you said you’d be dramatic
that’s alllll? 🫢 i thought you’d say more songs than that
like you’d say, “harsh but fair” 😑 mean daddy
mhmm 🌚 do you think my babies will be cute?
eeee!! you called me a good girl 🤭 gave me butterflies
mhmm </3 you can continue to listen to it if you want
i don’t want to be ‘controlling’ or whatever :,)
does the weeknd even have love songs? 🤨
the only ‘love’ song that comes to mind by him is ‘die for you’
but i don’t know, i have to listen to it again
more stuff and more people, huh? and who’s among the people? girls 💔
we had already agreed a long time ago that you’d lift and carry me everywhere </3
i’d rather have early classes too, but if it’s at 8am, then i’d rather have late classes instead 😭
cause then that means i would have to wake up at around 5am and leave my house at around 6am- depending on traffic
since when did i become “mr cool”? 🌚 but that’s the thing, the class is asynchronous
so i can’t possibly ask that professor in person
yeah but what if you start to lose feelings for me when we’re both busy or when i’m busy? :(
ashton james reynolds :(
the most recent song by him that i’ve listened to is ‘i’m dat n’, you should listen to itt
or you can listen to ‘solo’, also by him
they will be our babies 🤭 i hope they get your eyes
yes you should 😇
but you’re my daddy, you can control or boss me around 🫡
yeaahhh 🥲 most of his songs are like that
i’m going to go run a quick errand, i’ll be back <3
wait what
shut up
you have my heart beating fast now
ashton :(
get on right now and tell me you’re not second guessing your feelings for me :(
i know i won’t lose feelings for you, i’m just worried that you will
and i included the part where i say “or when i’m busy” because you brought up a good point that by the time your classes end, i’ll barely be starting mine and then what will you do during the time that i’m in class and you’re not? :/
no no no, i won’t be so busy that we’ll never talk
i literally don’t do anything besides go to school- as lame as that sounds
i should’ve just not said anything
it is my fault, i was the one who brought it up in the first place
it’s just when you brought up how your classes will end at 1pm for you, it’ll be 10am for me, and i’d be in class- i’d be getting out at 3 something on tuesdays and thursdays, plus the traffic, let’s say i’d be getting home at around 4:30 maybe- it’d be 7:30pm for you
so it made me think about whether you’d get tired of our time difference :(
and thinking about that made me worry about whether you’d lose feelings for me at some point :(
but i love you so so much, and i really don’t want to lose you
no, i wasn’t thinking that
hmphh, did i upset you? you said you’re not mad but i feel like i upset you- not about the situation, but upset at me
i think you have to officially marry me now or get me pregnant so you can never leave me :(
because if you want to leave me while we’re married, i can just never sign the divorce papers
and if you get me pregnant, well, we’d have to raise our babies together, meaning you can’t leave
should i just shut up?
also, happy one month anniversary
you’re right, i’m sorry
i don’t want you to think i’m going to lose feelings for you, because i’m not- i’m truly not
oops, i almost said sorry again
i hope you know you’re my favorite everything too
and yeah, conversations like this are important
i also hope you still love me
eeee!! that’s so cute, you’re so cute 😣
that instantly made me smile
you should note that down for when we get married, so you can include it in your wedding vows 🤭
your wedding vows to me, okay? just to me- you can’t marry anyone else 😠
i was going to be sad for the rest of the night- mainly because i made you sad and caused you to overthink
but then you made me smile :,)
no, daddy, you can’t rely on just remembering it- you have to actually note it down because what if my memory loss rubs off on you? 😣
and that was super adorable
i don’t care if it’s too soon to say this, but i can’t wait to marry you 😣 you’re the best man i’ve ever known <3
i’m crazy about you
we’ll have two weddings 🤭
i can’t say that because i still made you overthink, and that’s enough for me to be sad about
you like my cooties though, daddy 😇
that means you’re going to have to buy me two wedding dresses then, daddyyy 🤭
as soon as we started talking? eeee!! daddy knew what he wanted from the start 🙈
fine, fine, fine, whatever daddy says 😣
is listening to ‘all too well’ still banned?
i like giving you my cooties 😇 i love everything about you too!
two wedding rings too?? 🙊
daddy’s so cute and sweet <3
i would marry you even if you didn’t get me two of anything- as long as i get to be happy with you forever and ever
eeee!!! i love you, i love you, i love you!! 🤭
we’re both lucky we ended up with each other <3
nuh uh, i just wanted to see if you would change your mind about it- but i like that you still don’t want me to listen to it because it shows i can prove i’m a good girl as long as i don’t listen to it 😇
and maybe if i listen to it without your permission, i’ll finally get spanked 🙊
well, i love you the most and mostest!! in case you tried to say you love me the mostest, i already said it 🤭
try* not tried
speaking of cute things- i saw a video of snoopy and woodstock earlier today that was sooo cute!
and i thought of us when i saw it- you were snoopy and i was woodstock
it was a video of a couple of different clips of them, like one of them was them going to bed and when snoopy covered both of them with the blanket, the blanket covered woodstock completely since he’s tiny while snoopy covered himself up to his neck
and other clip was both of them wearing wigs and it made me think of how i want to copy you in everything
then another one was of woodstock running up to snoopy and jumping into his arms!! daddy, that was so cute! 😣 because i run and jump into your arms
and the other one was of them walking down a sidewalk all happy while holding hands but woodstock looked so tiny compared to snoopy 🤭
anyways, i’d tell you to stay up with me for a little longer but it’s 2am for you :,) so you can go to sleep, mi amor <3
don’t worry though, daddy, i’ll still be a good girl 🫡
tucking themselves into beddd- there you go :,) i was trying to say that but i don’t know why my brain wasn’t working at the moment and couldn’t think of ‘tucking’
we can just use two blankets, daddy- you said you can keep me warm, so i doubt i’ll need ten thousand blankets
i can’t help it, i like copying my daddy 🤭
or trying to copy you
i like running into your arms and having you catch me
goodnight, my daddy pumpkin <3 i love you very much and i hope you sleep well too!
te amo <3
good morning, mr reynolds!! i hope you’re sleeping well if you’re still asleep <3
maybe you’ll remember it later today
sometimes i don’t remember my dreams until later in the day :,)
“mon amour” is my love, right?
i can call you “mi amor” and you can call me “mon amour” 🤭
well, i already call you mi amor, but still
you should feel like blushing spongebob because “te amo” is stronger than “te quiero”
no, i’ve never watched that show
the only thing that i have seen from the show is the meme where tina is twerking, i think
or whatever she was trying to do 😭
i will fully dress up as you one day, you’ll see 😇
and i’ll follow you everywhere and say everything you say
you don’t feel great? what’s wrong?? :(
i’m going to miss you too </3 i have a gap after my second class so i’ll be talking to you if you’re not busy by that time :,)
like at 12:30pm
you are? 🙊
you’ll have to tell me which movie you end up watching once you do watch one
give me a second, i’m walking to a little study room area
“my angel” and “my heart” 🙊
oh daddy, that would make me melt 😣
if you call me “mon coeur,” i’d call you “mi corazón,” which also means “my heart”
i do love you 🤭
it was a lot of back movement, so maybe she wasn’t trying to t werk- but again, i don’t know 💀
eeee!! thanks for that great idea, daddy! i wasn’t thinking about buying a fake mustache and beard, but now i HAVE to 🤭
this is gonna be so much fun
oh for sure! it’ll be difficult to tell us apart
what if your mom’s mom did get you sick? 😟
i’m gonna have to fight her for getting my man sick 😠
have you watched a movie yet while i was in class?
i missed you a whole lot </3 a valentines day cup with snoopy and woodstock? i wish i saw ittt
how cute of you though, to think of me 🤭
my two classes were okay i guesss- but now i’m confused on which class to drop :(
i have another class at 2pm </3
te amo, te amo, te amo!! <3 eres mi corazón y mi vida
you will be able to tell us apart, daddy
because i’ll still be calling you “daddy”- even if i try not to, i know i will call you that 🤭
but when it comes to looks, good luck 🤭🤭
i won’t, i’ll be veryyy careful and sneaky
oh? good thing it’s not the flu then
i’m glad you’re feeling a bit better now though <3 daddy’s not allowed to die
make sure to drink lots of water and take lots of vitamins ☝🏼
i’ve heard of that movie before, but i’ve never seen watched it
wait a minute 😣 please tell me that friend of yours is a guy and not a girl
because i’ve never heard of guys being obsessed with twilight </3
no, i haven’t emailed the professor yet because i don’t know what to say
i’m confused on which one to drop because i had the class i was going to drop today and the subject was interesting to me- but that would mean i’d have to stay until 6pm on thursdays if i stay enrolled into the class
and we’d have like four exams for that class
but i also liked the class i had yesterday and if i drop that class, i’d have mondays off
ugh- wait, i don’t think i’m making sense
okay, one class is something about literacy and the other one is clinical. if i drop the literacy one, i’d have mondays off and get to leave school super early on wednesdays. but if i stay in the clinical one, i would have to stay until 6pm on thursdays and we’d have four exams, i think. and one of the exams is literally right after another exam for a different class. but if i drop the clinical one, i’d have a big gap in between my classes on tuesdays and thursdays and i’d have to come to campus on mondays
i hope that makes more sense
that’s because you’re my mr intelligent pants 🤭
i’ll call you “daddy” with a low voice 😇
i forgot about contacts 😣
daddy, i just said you’re not allowed to die- meaning you can definitely not kill yourself 😠
okay, good boy, daddy 😇
he forgot her birthday AND is going to cheat on her? 🫢
mad at daddy 😠
but, i’m in class right now, so i’ll talk to you in a bit <3
hi daddy, i miss you
i’m almost out <3
and it’s very windy outside 😣 the wind almost took me 🌚
anyways, i’m not heartbroken anymore, you said you two aren’t friends anymore so 😇
also, i decided i’m not going to email the professor- one of my friends is in the class and she said it’s somewhat of a workload
the gaps would be about 4 hours, maybe longer?
but i talked to my friend about it and she told me that the clinical class is really difficult and one of our friends had to drop it because he failed two of the exams
so, even though it’s an interesting subject, i’m pretty sure i’m going to drop it- the same friend and yet anotherrr friend wants to take it next quarter so we can take it all together
sorry if i’m being complicated or confusing, i’m walking right now to my car and this wind is annoying 😠
like you said though, i would also rather have to drive to campus for one class rather than having to stay on campus late
i’ll just use your belts 🤭
and i’ll stuff socks into your shoes so they don’t come off my feet when i wear them
i don’t mind your shirts fitting me big though
you’d have to give me the flu too so we can both suffer together
i’m not a fan of florence pugh- i don’t know if i spelled it right, so i don’t watch stuff she’s in
why are you banning me from watching it? did he actually cheat on her?
i’m driving back home, daddy pumpkin- i’ll talk to you in a bit! <3
i’m back home now, daddy <3
well, it almost did- not once, not twice, but three times throughout the day
i guess so, yeah- i thought online classes would’ve been easier
i’ve had gaps longer than 4 hours
last quarter i had a gap of 5 hours on mondays
but i’d also go to the library- i’m going to keep going to the library to copy you 🌚
silly daddy 🤭 i don’t talk to him, that’s why i said she told me that he dropped it
i’ll have classes mondays-thursdays and my gaps will be on tuesdays and thursdays
at least i’ll be able to talk to you some more during my gaps!
they will? can't i just poke some more holes into your belts to have them fit me? 🌚
even daddy’s boxers??
maybe you had something other than the flu 🌚 i don’t think i’ve ever lost consciousness when i had the flu… that’s scary 🌚
oh yeah no, if it’s gory i can’t watch it
even though now you’re making me want to see what it’s about
i can handle the walking dead
that’s understandable actually and it doesn’t make you sound lazy
i think my school does have that, but i don't know where those places would be on campus
even though i’ve seen people take naps in the libraries on campus
that’s so real 😭 i always have a small blanket in my car in case i ever want to nap in my car while i wait for a class- but as you already know, i don’t really take naps 😔
they do s uck, but at the same time, i’m also glad i have them- i can catch up on work, like you said :,) knowing me, if i go home, i won’t want to catch up, but if i’m in the library, i have to
and i get to talk to you 🤭🤭 that’ll be the best part of my gaps!
eeee!! you’re the best daddy ever! 🙈
i’ll make sure it won’t be lots of holes so you belts don’t look ugly when you use them 🫡
so your*
when we sleep together, i’m going to be wanting to wear daddy’s shirts and boxers 😇
and daddy hasss to cuddle me, or else i’d freeze with daddy’s two blankets
my poor boy :( how long ago was this?
hmm, okay- tell me, tell me, tell me!
i wouldn’t get mad at you 🌚
i feel like snoopy laughing all sneaky 🤭
it’s definitely because you’re too tall
do you still feel cramped in your car even when you lean your seat all the way back?
yeah, i remember 🤭 i liked teasing you about being a smarty pants just because you’d go to the library
well, we’ll see- i can try to get my work done first before talking to you orrrr i can talk to you while doing my work
i can wear nothing at all if daddy wants! just that, if i sleep with no shirt on, i’ll want daddy to have his hands or lips on my breasts- i like it when daddy’s hands and mouth is on them 😣
middle school? i thought you’d say something like early last year or something recent 🌚
i’m glad middle school you stayed strong and got through it 🫡
it showed the close up of them hitting the ground? 😟
that does sound like an odd movie, but i gotta say, that’s what her boyfriend gets for cheating on her 🌚
you think you’re funny 😑😑
i wouldn’t have said “i didn’t know he cheated on her” because you told me that he did- everything else is accurate though 😔
i think i also would’ve told you to baby me and tell me that you love me 😣
and i would’ve asked for a million kisses
does that mean that we can never do it in the car? 😣
i knew you were going to say that at some point :(
i like talking to you though </3
if i don’t wear any clothes while we sleep, will you also be sleeping with nothing on? 🤨
imagine one day you get mad at me for some reason and when it’s time to go to sleep, i sleep with no clothes on 🤭 daddy won’t be able to stay mad at me for too long
you were wrong, i do care 😠
what was your costume? i bet you looked super cute, even though you were sick
your parents let you go trick or treating knowing you were sick though?
i’m glad you agree 🌚
you are funny- i just like to say “you think you’re funny” to certain things being said 😔
i can’t watch the movie, silly- you banned me from watching it and i have to listen to you like a good girl
because i never want to make you sad :(
but you said it’s not really roomy 🤨
i’m ahead of you- i already thought of some places 😇
hmphh, i know 😣
you don’t know that 🤭 we can handle ourselves, daddy 😇
daddy’ll get rough with me? 🙊 now i wanna get you mad so you can be rough 😣
and who’s your favorite football player? i need to know so i know who my favorite football player is too
that’s so adorable though 🤭
hm, interesting- i was about to say something, but since this was a long time ago, what i would’ve said doesn’t apply anymore
well duhhh, you always make me laugh :,)
daddy :( not saying i’d break up with you, but you already know what to do if i ever try to break up with you, you have to say “no”- just like if you ever try to break up with me, i’ll also say “no” 🤭
how’d you know i’d get shy? 🙊
i’ll tell you a few, there’s inside the car, on top of the kitchen table or on top of the kitchen counter, in the shower, up against the wall anywhere inside the house, on the couch, etc. 🤭
eeee!! you have me blushing and smiling so hard right now
you’re right 😣 and i can’t be daddy’s bad girl- i love being daddy’s good girl too
that name sounds familiar, but okay, he’s now my second favorite football player 🫡
what was i going to say 🌚
oh, i was going to say, what if something terrible had happened to you while you were sick and out trick or treating, and no one knew you were sick?
but you were a kid when you were sick, so you can’t really answer the question now
you’re not sleepy yet?
mhm! no breaking up with each other, EVER 🙅🏻♀️
this is random, but when you have time, you should listen to ‘nothing’s gonna hurt you baby’ and ‘heavenly’ by cigarettes after s ex
you know me so well 🙈
yayyy! that just made me excited 🤭
i just thought of a scenario in my head 🙊 but i’m keeping that to myself
te amo, mi corazón <33
then how come you don’t spank me as a reward for being a good girl? :(
i don’t know anymore, because i looked him up and i’ve never seen him before
maybe i just said his name sounds familiar because of lamar, like from kendrick lamar, and jackson, like from michael jackson
yes yes! you are my first favorite football player 🤭 i was hoping you’d say or ask something about it
yeahh, which is why i was like maybe it’s a stupid question to ask :,)
and if you die, i die 🪦🪦
you might not like them- but i was listening to them earlier today while i was walking to class and they made me think about you
especially ‘nothing’s gonna hurt you baby’, because that song just makes me think of how sweet you are and how you’d never want to hurt me
i don’t know how to explain it
let me know when you’re getting more sleepy, please <3
you said i can’t say it, but i’m still going to say it 😇 i’m not telling you because you didn’t give me any details the last time
spanking is a punishment and being rough should be also be a punishment
even though i’d want you to be rough with me every now and then 😣
aww, i made daddy pumpkin laugh 🤭
i didnt forgettt- the steelers have to lose this saturday 😠
you’ll always be my favorite football player though, i don’t think anyone could ever take your place :,)
but at least i know you don’t just want mini val’s 🤭
you liked them?! eeee!!! that makes me super happy!
i always think about you, you’re on my mind 24/7
i never want anything to hurt you either- not me, not anything
you can go to sleep if you want :( i don’t want to keep you up especially since it’s about to be 2am for you
oh this is difficult 😣 maybe i’ll tell you tomorrow
i don’t knoww, i like being your good girl
i’ll just have to be bratty one day for you to punish me
okay, good! i know i make you feel like blushing spongebob and laughing snoopy but i like it when you tell me when you feel like that 🤭
yes sir, understood 🫡
do you think the steelers are going to win? 🌚
it did make me happy 🤭
you still like that song by kali uchis?? 🙊 okay, i definitely should not have any nightmares tonight
i was happy but now i’m happier 😇
so happy that i can’t be sad about you actually going to sleep because i know you need to rest 😣
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you and i hope you sleep well!
hii, good morning mr reynolds!! <3
i slept super well 🤭 how did you sleep?
i think you will forget 🌚
i think i’ll have a hard time being bratty too 😣 i’d end up switching from being bratty to being sweet so quick
i always feel like laughing snoopy and blushing spongebob when i talk to you- always, always, always
so, i’m glad
you do think the steelers are going to win 🫢
if not, you would’ve immediately said no
bad daddy 😠 you’re always supposed to say the ravens are going to win
the game is going to be in maryland?
aren’t all of the nfl game tickets expensive? 🌚
you’re so cute <3
you’re going to be so happy!! 🤭 my classes were cancelled for today!
did you get cold when you woke up?
also, i hope this isn’t a weird question, but do you sleep with socks on or without?
but if you wanted to be nice, you could’ve spanked me while we were doing it 🙄
i love you so much more <3
daddy pumpkin, i already told you i care about what you care about, so this isn’t boring to me- especially not when you’re passionate about it
plus, knowing all of this will help me become more like you 🤭
wait, what does same division mean? is it like they’re in the same rank?
you should go join them just for this game if you’re having doubts about them winning
i’ll be your number one supporter 🫡
oooh, i h ate resellers
and at least you’ll watch it at home for free
imagine if you’d spent all that money to watch the game in person, and the ravens end up losing 😟
well, my morning classes for today were going to start next week and my afternoon class was just switched to asynchronous today
maybe “cancelled” was the wrong word to use
you do get more val time 🤭
oh my poor boy </3 i know the feeling when your hands hurt from the cold, it’s the worst
makes my fingers all slow and stuff
i also sleep without socks, so no demoting you
my feet get so cold when i sleep without socks though, but for some reason i just don’t like having socks on when i’m sleeping
unless they’re absolutely necessary- and even then, i sometimes wake up with a sock missing 😭
great, now that you told me that and i know, you won’t spank me 😔 i just know it
you won’t regret it, think positively 😇
i must be slow or something because i don’t get it 😣
you think there’ll be videos of explanations for the divisions? that way i don’t annoy you with my stupidness on this subject 🌚
oh, good decision 🫡
sorryyyy, i didn’t say anything but trust me, that made me smile a lot whole lot and kick my feet up in the air 😣 and i was going to say you’re so cute, but i didn’t want you to think i just keep repeating myself
even if they were actually cancelled, i’d be so happy still
my professor posted today’s slides, so i’m going to be taking notes now to get it over with- i’ll be back <3
hii! i’m finally done :,) i had to watch the lecture too because the slides weren’t really detailed today
wait a minute
boys have sleep overs? 🌚
demoting you again hasn’t even crossed my mind
you just reminded me about it though
that was so funny to me 😭 i love that spongebob meme
you already knew since day one that i’m impatient, what did you expect? 😣
okay, maybe not since day one- but early on 🌚
i’ll look for videos on tiktok since i don’t watch youtube
i have to know this information because what will i do if i get asked about it and i don’t know what to say? i’d b low my cover, and i cannot let that happen 🙅🏻♀️
i’m not lying to you, daddy 😠
you have to believe me 😣
yes, surprisingly i feel like i learned a lot than i usually do
maybe it’s because it’s a subject that i’m actually interested in, but yes, it was interesting
oh 🌚 thought you guys would sleep in the same rooms or something and watch movies- like us girls
i’ll make sure not to forget 😇 so you should be on the lookout
you have been a good boy, you’re right
so you learned i was an impatient girl early on and you still decided to stick by me? awwww 😣😣
youtube is boring to me 🌚
i’d only watch it now if i want to watch barbie movies or the monster high movies
i’ll definitely report back to you 🫡
you always think i’m doing something cute 🤭
if one day you get tired and stop telling me that i’m cute, i think i’d die 🪦
daddy, would you still love me if i was blind? 🌚
yeah, all of my classes are psychology classes now
i’m not a smarty pants though 🙅🏻♀️
does that mean i can’t ever ask you to sleepover at my house with me? 😣 ima have to lock my room door so you don’t end up leaving at 3am </3
just kiddinggg
i always wondered if boys have sleepovers, and now i know
remember, it’s called, “valentina’s HUSBAND does not believe she truly has memory loss”
had to make sure you actually see ‘husband’ this time
cute, cute, cute <3
that’s not a stupid question- to answer your question, i think so? the last time i watched a monster high movie was back in july, but it didn’t have ads because the movie was broken into parts
you found that cute? awww 😭
i thought you would’ve thought i was exaggerating :,)
nope, i will never get tired of that 🙅🏻♀️
no you wouldn’t </3
how about if i was pretending or lying about being blind?
noo, i’m not
all night?? i thought it’d just be at 3am 😣
if you try to escape all night, you won’t get any sleep
we both know you’re my husband though 😓
i think i like my name for my condition better 🌚
“valentina’s amnesia” sounds cute and simple though 😇
umm, i’m not sure if it was pirated or not- even though it most likely was, but it’s still uploaded on youtube
the quality of the movie was fine though, but it was a random person who uploaded it- not the official monster high youtube page or whatever
also, i went on youtube to see if there are ads in full movies. i checked one monster high movie that was the full version, and it didn’t show any ads in the progress bar- but i didn’t actually watch it, so i’m not sure if the ads are hidden or something
so i guess it just depends
even you feel like you could be blown away? 🙊 my poor boy </3
i think you’re lying to me about arrested development being your favorite show 🌚
maggie lizer, the attorney, was pretending to be blind- she was with michael for a bit
i don’t know why, but i thought they were cute together, despite her literally lying about being blind
are you mocking me or actually forgot what you were going to say? i can’t tell 😑
i remembered it because it was the funniest and one of the most stupidest names i could’ve ever come up with 😭 it’s funny because it’s stupid :,)
you rented it?
i thought you watched it on hbomax or hulu- yesterday when i looked it up, it gave me a list of where you could’ve watched it
so i assumed you watched it on either app
oh my gosh, i used to love monster high- the dolls and the movies
i still do 🌚
you can’t pretend we were michael and maggie to make it okay, because they didn’t even up together after that </3
also, sorry for replying late- i went out to buy some snacks because a new episode came out of a new season for a show i like 🤭
i was waiting foreverrr for it to come out and now i’m watching it
riiiight 😑
that’s what i was going to do but it’s harder to remember that than actually saying it all 🌚
oh, i get that
wait 🌚 that means i can watch midsommar if i want to
oh i’ll make sure our mini val’s get into it
if i’m not watching monster high with them, you will 😇
your sister didn’t watch monster high?
she reappears in season 2?! do they get back together??
the rookie :)
they finally came out with the first episode of season 7 yesterday
i like when you do impressions of me, it’s funny
i know, but the more you tell me i’m not allowed to watch it, the more i want to 😣
and you’ll have the old disney princess movies with them too- i need them to like ariel, rapunzel, and cinderella
memory loss at its finest 🌚
oh, well at least they thought about it i guess 😔
you probably have heard of it or seen it on tiktok
no lol, roller coasters scare me for two reasons
the first reason is that i’m scared of throwing up on the ride and the second reason is that i’m scared i’ll die 😭
do you like roller coasters?
you’re becoming me and i’m becoming you- we’re switching identities 🤭
you’re going to be sooo mad at me 🌚
i’ll let you guess why
i do, yes :) but belle isn’t my favorite disney princess
do you like beauty and the beast?
my memory loss is rubbing off on you then, good to know 🤭🤭
oh, that’s a bummer 😔 i got happy for a second that you might’ve known what the show was
NEVER EVER?? it’s never crossed your mind? 🤨
aww, how cute of you :,) but yeah no, i don’t like roller coasters
when we’d have field trips to amusement parks in middle and high school, i remember i would rather stay with everyone’s bags than ride one 😭 and if my friends forced me on a ride, i’d have to keep my eyes shut
i don’t know how to feel about you saying that 🌚
take that back, i am your good girl :(
i figured, considering that’s the only princess movie you asked about
have you watched the live action one?
we’ll be lost but maybe it’ll be funny
i’d be like, “who are you?” and you’d be like “who are you?” and then i’d be like “i asked you first” and so on and so on 🌚
i’m surprised only because i thought you would’ve at least seen it on tiktok, not because you don’t normally watch stuff- that’s how i found out about the show, through tiktok
i was only a bag holder for my group of friends, and yes, it did get boring but it was better than freaking out on a ride
you better have not </3 or else i’d cry
hm, very interesting response
i honestly don’t remember if i’ve watched the live action or not
i’m leaning more towards i haven’t though, cause i looked it up and i don’t really recall watching it
but i have memory loss, so 🌚
ughhh, you’re right 😣😣
what will i do if i can’t constantly annoy you by saying “wrong girl” </3 my memory loss will have no purpose
but you not remembering me or us sounds scary 😣
hopefully you do start seeing it on your for you page 🤭
you think so? that just calmed me down a bit :,)
oh no, what’s wrong??
you can go to sleep if you’d like, you should get some rest since you don’t feel well :( i hope you feel better soon and i hope whatever you’re feeling goes away
what can i say- that’s the beauty of my condition, you never know when it’ll activate or happen 😇
you say that now, but watch, the more you hear “wrong girl” from me, the faster you’ll get tired of it 🌚
you’re so right 🤭 that’ll be the key to snap you out of your memory loss
thank you for that information, sir 🫡
i don’t know, maybe? only because i know and have heard of couples breaking up because they wouldn’t have anything in common- so when you said we don’t like a lot of the same things, basically meaning we don’t have anything in common, i got scared :,)
you’re right, it was fun when you were watching it and updating me about it- it was cute too
i’ll accomplish that goal, just you watch 🤭
even if it takes a superrr long time, but i’ll get there
ugh, you’re the best husband ever 😣
oooh, i understand what you mean
just think of the positive things, like how you don’t have to stress about your classes, assignments, or exams just yet
think of this long break as something you’ve earned because of alllll your hard work- i mean, i bet it’s not easy being mr intelligent pants 🌚
i’m sorry you’re feeling that way though
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i hope you sleep well and i love you too!
leave me and my 10 billion blankets alone 😭 at least i won’t be freezing
good morning, mr reynolds!! <3
i don’t forget to say “wrong girl”, i enjoy saying it 🌚
there just hasn’t been an opportunity to say it again
i like getting mad at you 🤭 it’s funnn
that’s what you think 🌚
just kiddingg, i didn’t notice i wasn’t mad at you yesterday- but thanks for reminding me to get mad at you today 😇
mhm! i wouldn’t want to grow with anyone else that isn’t you
no it doesn’t 🌚 you worked veryyy hard for that name/title
you earned it 🫡
my poor baby :( i don’t know if working out is a good thing to do while you’re sick- you should be resting and taking medicine or vitamins
i love you too <3
okay, $7,000 is craaaazy, but i kinda figured
it’s the nfl, so why wouldn’t the tickets be expensive
i can’t wait for you to stay home and talk to me too- i’ll make sure not to get mad at you during the game if you pay more attention to it than to me 🌚
see, i’m a good wife 😇
no zombie nightmares 🙅🏻♀️
i went to sleep a little late but i slept good i guesss
how did you sleep??
you have been a good boy :) which is why i haven’t purposefully said it without reason to just yet
you’re supposed to find me very serious and scary when i’m mad 😣
you’re going to be busy? </3 okay, who’s getting your attention at that time?
oh my gosh, my shayla 💔💔
my shayla 😔
i did have classes today, yes
i’m a big fan of being mrs reynolds 😣
sounds better than mrs intelligent pants
mr intelligent pants suits you and only you
well it depends on the seats, no? the seats you want to purchase
that’s the thing though, i’m such a good wife that i’m not going to get mad if you pay more attention to the game than me
because i know how important this game will be to you
as it is to me too 🫡
noo, i couldn’t
at what time did you wake up?
you’re a bad liar 🤥
your pants will catch on fire
ooouu, that kind of rhymed 🤭
but you’re my shayla 💔
someone is taking my shayla 💔💔
actually, not it’s not a someone, it’s multiple people
my day hasn’t been that interesting- i stayed home and watched a lecture for today and took notes
getting my notes done for today’s lecture took a longggg time, you have no idea
i kept having to pause the video lecture and take notes
and its been freezing in my room </3
cute, cute, cute <3 you and snoopy are both cute
although you’re cuter
you won’t feel so isolated when we have little genius babies :)
it does get cold here, i’m literally freezing 😔
my four blankets aren’t helping
“i think” 💔💔
i need to have a talk with whoever is taking away my shayla 😔
i do care about it, the ravens better win
have fun <3 i love you and i’ll miss you too
aww, now that i’ve stopped seeing babies everywhere, you’re the one seeing them :,)
but okay, 13 babies it is 🫡
i hope you’re having a good time
you usually wake up at 10:30am? i don’t know why i thought you’d wake up like at 7am or 8am
okay fine, i’m a spongefraud- “liar liar plants for hire” never crossed my mind
i had to look it up
did you guys have fun? what did you guys end up doing?
mm, well, i didn’t learn anything :,)
i also took notes for another class but i didn’t really pay attention to the lecture for that class
i was in bed taking notesss, but every time i’d get up to go to the bathroom or the kitchen, i’d get cold
it’d take a while to get completely warm again after getting back in bed- i think i need to add an extra blanket
speaking of blankets, i saw aeropostale is selling a snoopy/football blanket, it’s soooo cute
nuh uh, you said you think first- there’s no taking it back 🙅🏻♀️
well, it’s scary but i’m brave 🫡
i missed youu
that’s goodd, i’m glad you had fun :)
i h ate going to classes in person but i feel like going in person is better in a way, than watching recorded lectures- only because in person, i can’t tell the professor to pause what they’re saying so i can catch up with typing. nor can i tell them to rewind and stuff
while when i’m watching the recorded lectures, i often find myself pausing the lecture to take down notes that the professor is saying and stuff- and doing that always takes more time than the initial lecture duration
but if i go in person, i’m usually busy trying to take down the notes from the slides, missing what the professor is verbally saying
i don’t know, it’s weird :,)
oooh, i know what you’re talking about- i just don’t see myself wearing one of those 😭
technically it’s peanuts, not just snoopy
give me a second to consider forgiving you
okay, time is up, you’re not forgiven
just kiddingg, you’re forgiven
or are you? 🌚
does that mean that you’re feeling better?
i don’t know yet, probably rot in bed unfortunately
what are your plans for tomorrow? besides work
i second that
so that saying is actually true? people remember more stuff when they hand write their notes?
but yeah, i type my notes
my lecture classes are an hour and fifteen minutes long
at least for this quarter
and taking notes for just one lecture today took me over two hours and a half
loll, i would’ve been confused if you would’ve said it looked old
you’re forgiven 🫡
you should watch ‘taken’ if you haven’t already
i watched it today, it was a good movie
did you take any medicine today?
if you still feel sick in the morning, you should take some medicine with you to work just in case
or before you leave to work
do you consider yourself to have neat handwriting? or messy?
but aren’t there other students in the class that are also typing? so i don’t think they’d get annoyed just by your typing
it might not be terrible for you, but it’s terrible for me </3
you don’t have to move it to the top of your list, it’s just a recommendation
like, i’m not going to get upset if you don’t watch it
well you better also take it with you to work, even if you have to leave it in your car
i remember i’d take pepto bismol with me to school sometimes and i’d leave it in my car in case i end up needing it
i’m not saying i always take it with me, just when i’d have a really bad stomachache or something
ehh, i don’t know
i don’t wanna talk about itt
well, i do wanna talk about it but at the same time i don’t- i wouldn’t know where to start
you can’t be worried- you won’t be able to sleep well if you’re worried
mm, maybe i’ll just tell you tomorrow
you have to go to sleep, you have work tomorrow
today technically, since it’s 1am for you
no, you didn’t do anything
i don’t want you to be sleep deprived at work though, so you should go to sleep
yupp, he told me some very interesting things
give me a second while i gather my thoughts
hii, good morning, mr reynolds <3
i hope you actually took some medicine before heading off to work, or else i’ll be mad at you 😠
i also hope you’re having a good shift
i’m feeling better i guess :,)
hii! what’s up, pumpkin? 🤭
good boy <3 so so proud of you
how was work??
there probably will be, we’ll see 🌚
i mean, i’m feeling better than yesterday
please don’t think that :( i’m not going to get sick of you </3
this is random, but buster’s beef with annyong is funny 😭
i just watched buster try to get a bagel from annyong and it was funnyyy 😭😭
i told you you should’ve went to sleep :(
do you have work tomorrow? if you do, i’ll not allowing you to stay up late
yeah i usually do say something like that or have a reaction when you don’t say something like you plan on talking to me- so i can see why you were worried, i’m sorry
i don’t know, i was kinda moody because of what i was told, but it had nothing to do with you
but yeah, i am feeling better
honestly at first i didn’t know “annyong” meant “hello” and when they’d get mad at him for it, it was also funny
does he stay throughout the rest of the seasons?
oh wait, at first i would feel bad when they’d get mad at him for saying that, but then when i found out it meant ‘hello’ and they’d still get mad, i found it funny 💀
i’m so happy right now!! 🤭
never ever?? i know you said you work mondays, wednesdays, and fridays, but you confirming that you won’t work on weekends made me happy 🙂↕️
i wouldn’t consider what happened important though
what the heck- so they take him away?
actually, ignore my question
i don’t want to be spoiled 🌚
you won’t guess what i bought 🤭
both- happy because you don’t work weekends but also happy because of something else, something that i bought
how was your nappp?
good i’m guessing?
you wanted to talk to me about another woman? i see how it is </3
i’m on the last episode for season one
no, but i really really want to
i also saw a halloween snoopy crewneck on forever 21’s page- it was cute
butttt, it’s not related to snoopy
i bought some sonny angels! the cherry blossom series
and i got all six of them 🤭
they’re so so so so soooo cute
i just know you looked so cute being confused and disoriented
you always look cute 🤭
well, what did you want to talk to me about regarding maggie lizer?
gonna listen to ‘the other woman’ by lana del rey now
the other woman 💔💔
daddy’s a heartbreaker 😿
i feel like i’d still watch the sad show because of you, but it also depends on whether it’s interesting or not 🌚
unfortunately i do, yeah 😔
and you say you want me to drop out so you can take care of me- just imagine how much money i’m going to spend using your cards
although now that i think about it 🌚🌚
mm 😑 are you sure you think they’re cute? i won’t get mad if you think theyre ugly or weird
you’re happy that i’m happy i got them? you’re the best husband ever!! 🤭
no no, you meant “woman”- maggie has been on your mind </3
yess, they’re collectable figurines! there’s a lot of different series for them
no, i don’t look cute when i wake up
because when i wake up, i’m all grumpy and sad because you’re not with me in bed </3
do you know in what episode she shows up in season 2? you’re making me want to binge watch it to get to it faster 🌚
the other woman has time to manicure her nails 💔
the other woman is perfect where her rival fails 💔
and she’s never seen with pin curls in her hair anywhere 💔
the other woman enchants her clothes with french perfume 💔
the other woman keeps fresh cut flowers in each room 💔
there are never toys that’s scattered everywhere 💔
and when her old man comes to call 💔
he finds her waiting like a lonesome queen 💔
‘cause to be by her side, it’s such a change from old routine 💔
the other woman 💔 will always cry herself to sleep 💔💔💔💔💔
the other woman will never have his love to keep 💔💔💔💔💔
and as the years go by, the other woman will spend her life alone, alone 💔💔💔💔💔
you have to add another trillion kisses now
now that i’m thinking about it, i can’t think of any sad shows 🌚
i can think of sad movies, but not shows
eeee!! that was such a perfect response, daddy! 🤭🤭
i still feel bad that you went to work while you were sick, but that gave me butterflies 🤭
yes, that makes sense :) i was just saying that if you actually think they’re ugly or weird, i wouldn’t get mad ‘cause at first, i used to think they were weird because some of the figurines were naked with the exception of like a hat accessory or something
but the more i’d see them, i then started to like them- not all of them though, there are some that i think aren’t cute :,)
as soon as you said “those little cats that people collect” i knew you were talking about calico critters 🤭
i love calico critters, they’re also cute- i have three tiny ones in my car
although they’re not always cats
you’re so cute <3
the ravens better win tomorrow so you can be super happy and i can be happy that you’re happy 🙂↕️
you ignored me being sad that you wouldn’t be with me 😠
mad at you </3
now i feel bad for making you look it up :,) i thought you would know- if i had known, i would’ve looked it up myself 😓
good thing i’m on season 2 already 🫡
the other woman 💔💔💔💔💔💔
imagine me being spongebob when he’s laying on the floor as if he’s dead
with his tongue sticking out 😭
aww, that means daddy’s becoming me!! 🤭
you don’t sound dumb, i know it’s a thing to keep the sonny angel hoppers in cars because those can stick on to things- as for calico critters, i don’t know if it’s a thing
i have my calico critters in a little container thingy where i keep my cash, but it’s always in my glove compartment
i hope that someone is your sister or cousin 🌚
or else i might lose my mind </3
i am ready 🫡 ready for the game and ready for your complaints
that’s if you still plan on complaining
yeah yeah, whatever you say 😣
now if i have a question, i’m going to look it up before asking you- so you don’t think i’m dumb
i feel like there’s always opportunities for you to make a me impression 🌚
only if they’re the hippers, not the ones that you can stand up
excuse me, they’re protecting my money 🙄
sure they’re tucked away, but they’re making sure no one steals my money
but you said i’d be hearing you complain :( i was looking forward to it </3
you not saying anything has made me come to the conclusion that you’ve been in another girl’s car </3 i’m gonna need the night to myself 😔
thank you very much
you’re just saying that because you’re my husband and you don’t want to get on my bad side </3
and usually you’re always on spot when you do an impression of me, it’s funny and cute 🤭
uh huh, uh huh- FIERCE protectors
last week i went out with one of my cousins and i don’t remember where we went but i asked her to look in the container to see how much money there was, and when she opened it, there was only a dollar, quarters, and the little calico critters 😭 we both started dyinggg
or i can just act like i know what you’re talking about 🌚
nuh uh, it still counts </3
don’t talk to me anymore, ashton james reynolds
i’m going to a market with my cousin, i’ll be back <3
noo you don’t 🌚
okay fine, your val impressions are always accurate 🌚
i know that’s sarcasm, but i’ll take it 🤭
i’m glad that made you laugh- if you had seen it in person, you would’ve been dying like how we were 💀
“in simple terms” okay, so you do think i’m dumb 😓
i hope they do give you something to complain about considering you’ve been in another girls car </3
i’m mad at you if you can’t tell 🙄
wait, not mad- ANGRY
or maybe not even angry, more like furious 😠
i’m going back home now, let’s see if i still want to talk to you when i get home 😇
you’re my #1 enemy while i’m your #1 fan 💔
in my defense, it was the day after i got back from my trip
i took the money out before my trip and completely forgot about it when i got back 😭
good thing i always carry my card with me though, i don’t go anywhere without it
you should start carrying some cash in your car- not a lot, but some
in case of an emergency or something
that’s because you’re a boy 😔 you should carry some legos or h ot wheels in your car 🌚
i was kidding, jeez 😣
that’s nothing 🙄 you can easily get up and go get water whenever you want
unfortunately i’m stuck talking to you 😿
i’m back home now, mr ashton james reynolds
daddy 😣😣
your profile picture is hubba hubba 😻😻
it’s doing things to me 😣
definitely going to be staring at it for a while
my handsome guy is adorable 🤭
noo, you said it yourself “i’m enemy #1”- your words, not mine 🌚
you don’t have to, it’s just a really good suggestion 😇
i’m trying not to sound controlling 🌚
or what would you play with when you were a kid? 😭
legos and h ot wheels were the first small boy things/toys that came to mind
yes you do, i didn’t like that attitude 🙄
i know i give you attitude just a tiny bit, but come on now 😣
eeee!! i think this is the first time you’ve ever said “yay” to me 🤭
it was like a “yay 😐” yay, but it’s still a yay 🤭
oh yeah, there were a couple of moments where the thought of you and another girl made me want to drive off the freeway, but i did get home safe 😇
i’m not going to lie, i was going to ask you to change it, but i like it 😣
your last profile picture was acceptable though, because you were just showing your back
i really liked that one too though 😣
it’s fun getting mad at you because then you give me what i want 😇
i’m daddy’s spoiled girl 🤭
you wouldn’t mind if i was controlling?? 🤨 liar liar, plants for hire
did you actually? 😑 that emoji is making me think otherwise 🌚
you forgot 😣🫡🤨
i consider this 🫡 the ash emoji
you’re right, “just a tiny bit” was a bit of a stretch- zero attitude, i give you zero attitude and yet you give me some 😓
that’s better, thank you, daddy pumpkin 😇
uh huh, i’ll acknowledge that when you stop hopping into other girls cars </3
no no, you don’t have to- i like the one you have now
i’ll let it slide this time because i’m nice 🙂↕️
don’t ruin the fun for me, daddy 😣 i know that
daddy, i think it’s your memory loss taking effect, but we had already come to the conclusion that i’m the boss, not you 🌚
nuh uh, i think you’d see me as toxic if i were controlling, not cute 😓
i feel so proud of myself, saying legos and h ot wheels on my first try 🤭
ooh, i miss playing outside as a kid- what are a couple of games you’d play outside?
that’s fair- i started using the 😣 and 🤭 emojis when i started talking to you :,)
you can’t remember because it’s never happened 🙅🏻♀️
and if something never happened, how can you possibly remember it? 🤭
you’d walk like sad george michael just because you won’t be able to get in a car with a girl? 🤨
mad at you </3
what can i say 🤭 i feel like laughing snoopy right now
no, not “wrong guy”- it was definitely you, we came to that conclusion in one of my dreams
that sounds like a challenge to me 🫡
now i’m going to be all like “daddy, you can’t do this 😠”, “daddy, you’re now allowed to go out 😠”, “you didn’t ask for my permission to do this 😠”, etc. 🤭
ohhh okay, that still sounds nice though
we’d play soccer, kickball, hide and seek, tag, freeze tag, cops and robbers, red light and green light, and some other games but those are the ones that come to mind right now
i’m going to ignore that 🌚
if it’s a guy giving you a ride, you can get in the car, but if there’s a girl in there, you’d have to get out. also, if a girl is driving and offering you a ride, i’d rather you not pay attention at all and just keep walking 😇
you’re not allowed to die though, you know that
now i’m back to being mad at you :( you didn’t even give me the chance to say “daddy, i need you 😣” so you could stay awake longer
i probably wouldn’t have noticed that if you didn’t point it out, but now we’ll never know because you pointed it out before i read the typo
anyways, goodnight, mr meanie pants </3 i hope you sleep well and i love you too
you better not dream about getting into another girls car or something 😣
good morning, mr reynolds <3 because i was mad at you 😣 you deserved to be called mr meanie pants rather than daddy pumpkin
my poor boy :( will you be taking a nap today then?
it felt real to me </3 i was finally the boss
nightmares don’t come true though, just the nice dreams 😇 like me being the boss 😇
i will feel bad, but i’m going to be strict now- like right now
ashton james reynolds, you’re now allowed to get into another girls car anymore 😠 and i mean it 😠
i don’t think we ever called it manhunt, but we would play hide and seek at night- most of the time we’d play that game would be at night
why’d you only focus on the part about random women? 🌚 i said if it’s a guy, it’s okay- i didn’t just say girls 🙄
“i’ll pull out the val wallet picture” 💔 instead of just getting out the car 💔💔
never going to try to say “daddy, i need you 😣” ever again </3
you’re lucky you saved yourself by saying besides talking to me in a whole other comment 🌚
but yes, i’m excited 🙂↕️
it’s a sign that you should watch it 🤭
terrible horrible nightmares? 😣😣 like what?
are your cousins coming over to your house to watch the game?
😟 ashton james reynolds, i am not that mean to say something like that 😠
i’m putting you in timeout
see? i am the boss 🤭
aww, daddy, that sounds perfect!! you’re the best 🤭
but you don’t have a picture of me in your wallet, so you can’t possibly do that 🙄
you only had one in your dream
good boy, daddy <3 you will drive yourself everywhere from now on
yeah, well, i didn’t get to say it last night </3
i’ve never seen the show, but i looked it up on tiktok and they’re both about police but they have different styles- like the rookie is more drama and serious, while brooklyn 99 seems to be more comedy
i’m watching your favorite show :) the gene parmesan bits are funny- especially the one where michael and george michael are in mexico looking for ann and then gob shows up before gene shows up 😭
gene parmensan, how you doing? 🥸
meanie 😠
but not all of your attention 😣
it’s okay though! i did say i was going to be a good wife and not get mad at you for paying more attention to the game than to me :,)
hmphh, i was going to say you can’t get any kisses 😣
no kisses, no cuddling, no touching, no calling you “daddy”
i am the boss, daddy 😠 i literally just put you in timeout
don’t make me make you stand in the corner of a wall until you think you can be a good boy
no, daddy, it’s not enough 💔 that’s why you should get my name tattooed on your face 😣
were you purposefully saying you never heard of her because the family would forget about her? 😭
so far it has been funny, but i also think season one is funny
i finally watched the scene where george michael walks by the snoopy house :,)
they’re playing at 5pm 💔 time is getting closer and closer 😣
maybe it’ll be a punishment for me too, but if i take all of this away from you, there’s a chance you’ll finally admit that i’m the boss 😇
yes i am 😠😠
you wouldn’t put me in timeout 🙄 you’re too nice
no, daddy, you said you got them removed, rememberrrr
eeee!! that was cute 🤭 that’s exactly how i am
oops, i mean, that was not cute, mr reynolds 😠
yeah, it was after she broke up with him
but then michael invites ann to his father’s ‘funeral,’ and ann and george michael end up getting back together, but michael ends up regretting it 💀
i doubt that- you’d be so happy, you’d probably cry happy tears 😿
it’s okayy, don’t feel bad
you did say you were going to clean and get stuff done so :,)
ashton james reynolds 😠😠
how many times have i told you that you’re not allowed to die 😣
and you don’t know that unless you actually put me in timeout 🌚
it’s not memory loss, silly
look, you had “val’s my beautiful wife” tattooed all across your face but got it removed so you can get portraits of me tattooed instead
see? i remember 😇
but i still need you to get my name tatted again 😇
daddy’s funny 🤭
well i take it back, it wasn’t cute 😠
something along those lines, yeahhh
i’m already on episode nine :,)
i’d cry happy tears because if we broke up, it would mean we’re getting married 🤭 i wouldn’t be your girlfriend anymore, but your fiancée and then your wife 😇
less than thirty minutes until the game!!
okay fine, the only touch you’re allowed is a high five- while you’re in timeout
hmphhhh 😣😣😣
i h ate being a good girl, i h ate it, i h ate it
i’m never going to get spankings or get put in timeout :(
why are you doing this to me? </3
it’s not a lie, daddy’s a lie 😒
mad at you </3 don’t talk to me
yess, i’m on the episode right now
she’s pregnanttt, something i’m not because daddy’s being a big meanie 🙄
fine, i guess we don’t have to break up at all 😣
just kidding, just kidding!! we can’t break up with each other at all 🙅🏻♀️
daddyyy! sorry, give me a second- i was cooking and now i’m eating, i’ll be back <3
i’m back, daddy, sorry
0-7, you must be happy right now :)
then i think that would give me butterflies, and i’d probably want to take you out of timeout 😣
orrr it might make me want to extend your timeout even longer
depends on my mood 😇
but you’ll probably forget to give me spankings </3
you don’t want to spank me
that’s because you didn’t give me the chance to say “daddy, i need you 😣” last night- keep up, daddy 🙄
you went to sleep </3
daddy is a lie, a big big lie 😠
it’s not my fault i want daddy all to myself 😣
it’s daddy’s fault
your fault 😠
so she’s not pregnant? 🌚
mhm! never ever ever
0-21 🤭
you say that as if the ravens s uck 🌚
i made pollo empanizado con arroz 🙂↕️
it was my first meal of the day and it was very yummy
youd get extra timeout because i said so 😇 don’t question me 😠
i have to be strict and give you timeout, but if you’re in timeout and you give me butterflies, it’s going to make me want to take away your timeout
i love your cuddles 😣😣
and i’m also mad you were in another girl’s car 😒
broke my heart into tiny little pieces
see how i’m mad at you and telling you that you’re a lie and everything, and you’re STILL not giving me spankings or timeout? </3
that’s because you never will </3
good, because i deserve 10000% of your attention 😇
i did finish the episode, she’s still pregnant by the end of it
michael’s sister and tobias found a box with a fat suit inside but apparently it was for a case maggie is on, but they also did a pregnancy test for maggie and they said she was pregnant
what’s the difference between 14-28 and 28-14?
at least we’re still winning!! be positive! 🙂↕️
i should’ve expected that 💀
did the game finish? 🌚
it says “final” so i’m assuming it did finish- i just know you must be so so so happy 🤭
well, i drank some h ot chocolate in the morning :)
you’re going into timeout, mr meanie pants 😠
end of discussion
or else you’d be the one getting spankings 🤭
i feel like laughing snoopy right now
your cuddles always calms me down 😇
yeah but if i act like i don’t want spankings or to be in timeout, you’d feel bad and won’t go through with it 😣 i just know it
i didn’t know thattt
do you know if it’s the same for soccer scores as well?
barcelona is going to play against real madrid tomorrow 🤭 i hope barca wins
thank you for not spoiling it 🫡
i was playing a game on my phone with my cousin and had the scores on my laptop, i kept refreshing it
that’s how good of a wife i am 🙂↕️
i know, but at least my stomach wasn’t empty 😇
i was kidding about giving you spankings 🤭 but i’m not kidding about giving you timeout 😠
yeah, we’ll see about that 😑
i’m gonna start acting all bratty with you from now on
you’ve never seen or heard people shorten barcelona to barca?
i probably will, if i don’t forget 😣
whenever barca plays against real madrid, i usually always go to one of my cousins house to watch it
but that’s if my dad isn’t watching it already at home
uh huh, excuses excuses 🌚
eeee!! i love making you smile and feel like blushing spongebob! 🤭 i love you, mr reynolds <3
you’re the best husband in the whole wide world
ugh, i spoke too soon 😠😠😠😠
you can go to sleep </3
you can go to sleep if you want- i thought you were going to go to sleep right away, so i came out to buy some frozen yogurt :,)
to distract myself from missing you too much </3
not really, no- but it’s normal for me, you don’t have to worry <3
i know, i know 😣
i was going to say that if you didn’t say anything yourself
i’d feel so bad and guilty for acting bratty 😣
lacrosse? 🌚
soccer is way more entertaining than lacrosse 🌚
well, the only lacrosse games i’ve seen were in a show called ‘teen wolf’- i’ve never actually watched a real lacrosse game, but it still looks boring
yess, they’re rivals
we don’t like real madrid 🙅🏻♀️ got it, daddy?
well, i love you the most, and my love for you goes beyond the moon and back a million times over 🤭
i win, daddy 😇
i made daddy laugh 🤭🤭 now i’m not mad anymore, too bad you’re not here to experience me not being mad
it was to distract myself- it was 9 something for me when you told me that, and i still wasn’t sleepy :(
i did like my frozen yogurt, it was very good :,)
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you very much too, and i hope you sleep well!
even though you didn’t tell me to sleep well 😒
i’m still awake and i miss you a whole bunch :( but i’m going to try to go to sleep now
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i hope you’re not dreaming of other girls 😣
good morning, mr reynolds! <3
i don’t think you’ll remember to ask me every single day, silly
you made it seem like it’s a bad thing at first 😑 but you’re right, i’d die if daddy doesn’t compliment me </3
i’ve gotten used to it, it’s your fault 😠
so if you don’t compliment at all for an entire day, i’d just assume that you don’t like me anymore 😣
maybe if you join a lacrosse team, i won’t find it boring 🤭
good boy, daddy <3
not true, daddy, you know i love you more 😣
but fine, i’ll let you win this one time
“never seen it before”? 🤨 liar liar, plants for hire 🤥
no, i did not sleep well 😣
i had a nightmare </3
oouu, daddy called me ‘princess’ 🤭
it’s okayy, no worries <3
1-5!! 🤭🤭
the goalie got a red card 😠
NOW ITS 2-5 😠😠
they switched the goalies and now we got the trash goalie 😣
if they didn’t switch the goalies because of the stupid red card, we still would’ve been 1-5 😠
the goalie got a red card because he had ‘kicked’ a player named mbappe from real madrid- but he barely touched mbappe
so they switched the goalie out
yeah, mbappe is in real madrid and in the france national team
yes, he’s out for the rest of the game
you’re righttt, or technically, i’m right since you quoted me 🌚
just kidding, just kidding
oh, i’m sorry! that’s the time
soccer games last 90 minutes, but now they got 8 extra minutes
90+4’ means that it’s in the 94th minute out of 98 minutes
they got an extra 8 minutes because there were too many yellow cards and switches and stuff
okay, so if you ever go a day without complimenting me, i’ll know something’s wrong 🫡
but doesn’t football also include running? 🌚
yeahh, i was also like 🧍🏻♀️ when mbappe made a goal during the first five minutes
excuse me, i’m pretty sure when we first met, i wasn’t all mad 🤨
because wouldn’t that have driven you away?
my nightmare was about you 🙄 thank you for asking
it was a weird dream, the only thing i remember is that another girl took you away from me and then all of a sudden, all the lights stopped working around in the city
i am happy! 😇
the ravens won yesterday and barcelona won today
yeah sorryyy 😣 i had seen your comment about you being confused by the time clock, and i was going to reply, but i got distracted by the game and forgot 😣
they had already played the 85 minutes :,)
not every hour, i’m not crazy 🌚
i did, i went over to my cousins house and watched it with her and my uncle
why do i think you’re exaggerating 🌚
it’s like you’re taking advantage of my memory loss- i probably wasn’t always mad at you for a long time, but you’re making me think i have been
it’s like you’re tricking me 😑
at least you finally got to be mr cool 🙂↕️
but you’re only mr cool because you’re married to me, not because you’re actually cool or anything
just kidding, just kidding!!
nope, not joking, i actually did have a nightmare because you didn’t tell me to sleep well </3
“i think” 💔💔 just kill me now
what was your nightmare about? you said it wasn’t about me, but i’m curious- if you remember
why is it bad news? are the bills better than the ravens? 🌚
we h ate the bills! 😠
oouu, “big boy” 🤭 daddy’s my big boy
i’m going to ignore that moon emoji and say thank you for agreeing 😇
i did have fun, yeah- we started eating while watching the second half of the game, so it was funny when my uncle would get mad about something in the game and start fussing while eating
my aunt also started watching the game starting at the second half and some of her comments would be funny too
i had good reasons to being mad at you yesterday 🌚
still can’t get over you getting into another girl’s car 💔
okay, you got me there 🌚
but like i’ve said before, you worked hard for that name
i can’t just take it from you, i’d feel guilty
because you were being a meanie pants 😣
i know why you had that nightmare, it’s because you watched midsommar the other time 🌚
this is very necessary and interesting information- now i’m closer to becoming you
we h ate the bills, their fans, and quarterbacks 🫡
i’m going to start calling you that now 🤭
my big boy <3
mm, wait, but i think i like calling you my good boy better
i like saying “good boy, daddy” 🤭
we ate birria :) have you ever tried it before?
are you giving me attitude, mr reynolds? 🤨
watch your tone or i’ll put you in timeout 😠
🤭 did that sound scary??
okay okay, i’ll be mrs intelligent pants if it makes you happy
hehe, daddy had a nightmare because of something bad he watched 🤭
you should learn from this nightmare- absolutely no watching bad movies 😠
understood, daddy?
you forgot?? see, that’s the memory loss taking effect
it’s a secret you’ll never know 🤭🤭
it does slap :,) but sometimes it depends
some people or restaurants know how to cook it well, while others don’t make it as good- but i guess it can be said for any food
ughhh, i knew i shouldn’t have asking if it sounded scary
i think that’s what made you think it was cute rather than serious 😔
anything to make my man happy 🫡
hmphh, you were supposed to say “yes, baby, daddy understands” 😞
but uh huh, that’s why you’re not supposed to watch movies your female friends like or were obsessed with 🙄
so that you can experience what i go through 🌚
and not question my memory loss ever again
i do like to cook, yes
but sometimes it depends on who’s going to eat the food i make, because it can make me anxious wondering if they’ll like it or secretly h ate it
if you get what i mean? i don’t know how to explain it
you’re right, i do know that
good boy! 🤭
see, i am the boss!! daddy listened to me
you like movies like that? 😟 but that was the weirdest movie i have ever seen in my entire life
it made me so uneasy that it took me a while to fall asleep afterwards 💀
fine, fine, fine 🙄 i won’t get mad at you again… tonight
it was not a joke and you know it, mr reynolds 💔
you seriously did not want my cooties
i mean, for you to get vaccinated 💔
you don’t like cooking? 🌚 and here i was, planning on having a husband who cooks for me 🙄
just kiddingg
i can understand hating to cook though
ughhh, i thought you’d finally admit it this time 😣
i’m not giving up though, i’ll keep trying
i told you i was watching it at the time 🧍🏻♀️
it did make me sad, oops
oh, so you like psychological trillers?
you should watch ‘fractured’ then, it’s a good movie
if you haven’t already, of course
or ‘smile’
no, i didn’t listen to that song- i still haven’t after you banned me from listening to it 🫡
mm, we’ll see about that
excuse you, my memory loss happened long after you were opposed to getting my cooties 😠
i think 🌚
i was kiddinggg
have you ate today? if so, how many times throughout the day and what did you eat? 🤨🤨
oh 😣😣
not even if i were dying and it was my last wish?
i thought i did confirm it?
i didn’t ignore it 🤨 you told me about the close ups of the two old peoples faces when they fell off a cliff, and you told me about the boyfriend getting burned alive in a dead bear
and i had said he deserved it for cheating
stoppp, i felt the same way while i was watching the movie when i found out that the thing was passed on to the psychologist- she was just trying to help 😔
it made me rethink my career choice for a second too 🌚
i had just watched it last month- i was bored and didn’t know what to watch, and since smile 2 came out, i was like i might as well see what the movies are about
i knoww 😣 i should just give up on trying to be bratty
i love you too <33
mhm! 🤭 i still listen to other sad songs though
oouuu, okay mr intelligent pants 😏
i completely forgot that viruses can be in someone’s system long before showing symptoms, so you remembering that information proves that you are mr intelligent pants
all of that sounds so good
this might be a dumb question considering you said you don’t like to cook, but did you cook all of that?
yes i did, i ate cereal with milk
i think i’m going to eat cereal was a snack in a bit, but without milk
as a snack*
to make me happy and let me die peacefully, duhh 🙄
i didn’t talk about the movie because you ended up saying that you liked it
and i didn’t want to ruin your moon by saying i didn’t like it or anything negative about it
so i kept my mouth shut about it
and i also couldn’t say anything because you would’ve told me “i told you not to watch it” or something like that
i have watched it, yes :) it’s a good movie
since you asked me if i’ve watched it, does that mean that you have too?
okayy, got it 🤭
yay yay yayyy! you’re finally accepting it!! 🙂↕️
what time do you have work? :(
at least you know how to cookkk, there’s a lot of people who don’t
you did?? copy cat 😒
just kidding!
what kind or type of cereal did you have?
well, when you put it like that then i guess 😔
i would’ve liked a response like “you won’t ever hear me say that as your dying wish because you’re not allowed to die” better than “the last thing you ever heard would be a lie” 😭
see, i knew it 🙄
shut up, really?? 😭😭
i’m sorry but that’s kinda funny to me- i can definitely see why you wouldn’t want to look outside, but i just did not expect it
oh, the beginning where she’s banging her head against it?
you have to wake up around 6:50am? 😟 it’s 1am for you right now, so you should go to sleep
i don’t want you to be tired while you’re at work
you had cheerios?? i also had cheerios!! 🤭
i had the honey nut cheerios earlier today and i’m eating the regular plain cheerios right now
i didn’t know apple cinnamon cheerios existed, i’ll have to look it up
i should’ve expected you to say that :,)
mm, i wanna say it’s all of the above, but at the same time i don’t think the movie really gives those things a specific name, i think 🌚
but yeah, those things drives people to killing themselves or harming others- the ghosts/monsters/demons would be hallucinations of things those people feared or be hallucinations of their loved ones
actually no, disregard the “harming others” part because now that i’m trying to remember, i think if people aren’t driven into killings themselves, they try to get other people to open their eyes and see the ghosts/monsters/demons
that’s so real, that extra minute will make a difference
anyways, goodnight, daddy pumpkin!! i love you and i hope you sleep well! <3
just in case i’m not awake before you tomorrow morning to wish you a good shift, i hope you have a great day at work, daddy! <3
wait, i feel so stupid right now 😭
you said you’d wake up at around 6:51am, it’d be 3:51am for me, so of course i’m not going to wake up before you- sorryyy 😣
good morning, mr reynolds! i hope your shift is going well so far, even though you're almost out :,)
i miss you :(
class is over and i still miss you, i think i’m going to die
oh, okay
now tell me what happened, why were you in a miserable mood all day? :(
oh i’m sorry
i’m already worried about it
do you want me to leave you alone for a bit?
too bad, i’m already worried like i said 😣
pretty boring as usual, class wasn’t too interesting- too much was being said
are you sure you’re alright though? be honest with me
you know you can talk to me
i have one class on mondays
okay, i don’t want to pressure you into sharing what’s wrong or what happened, but just know i’ll always be here for you no matter what
actually, i’ll ask one last time before i stop bothering you about it- are you sure you’re alright?
okay i lied, i’ll ask you this too- did something happen at work?
okay, if you say so
and it’s okay, don’t worry about it
i completely understand- i sometimes have those days as well
that’s okay, i hope you feel better soon
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too and i hope you sleep well!
and you don’t look like a weirdo, don’t worryyy
hii, whats up, pumpkin?
pretty good, how was your day? how are you feeling?
oh, that is good!
classes today felt like forever
but did i learn anything? surprisingly yes
those are words you’ll never hear me say
actually, now that i think about it, i did learn something- but i’ll probably forget it by tomorrow
that’s okayy
goodnight, daddy pumpkin- love you too and i hope you sleep well
i just started season 4 of arrested development, and i’ve never been more confused in my life 🧍🏻♀️
good morning, mr reynolds
does that mean that season 4 isn’t that important?
like, i can watch season 5 instead and not be confused? or do i have to watch season 4 regardless?
never mindd, i finished the rest of the first episode of season 4 and i’m not confused anymore
how was work?
did i like the first episode of season 4? not really- i was confused for half of it, so
i got some clarity when i watched the end credits lol
but i did like episode two
at least you’re done for today
we’ll see- i looked it up last night when i was confused and i saw people saying how season 4 and 5 went downhill and others were saying how some of the actors had scheduling issues which is why we don’t see most of them in the same scenes together
it’s been alright, my classes were boring
except for one, kinda, my ta in one of my classes was pretty funny
how was your day?
ohhhh, that makes sense
i didn’t know that considering it’d say it was a netflix series even when i first started watching it
like, it has the netflix logo on the top left side
you’ve never noticed any of your ta’s? so you only have lectures?
what did you do today? besides go to work
you can’t, unless you want to pay per episode or per season to watch it
i’m pretty sure going to the gym counts as being productive
that’s good though, you got to do something
loll, yeah it’s like $2 per episode
i wouldn’t pay it either
ugh, you just reminded me that i have four classes tomorrow
i have to drop out of one of my classes so that it’ll only be two classes tomorrow
i got so happy earlier today when i saw that netflix added ‘the walking dead: the ones who live’
i love love love that show, even though it’s six episodes
but no, i wouldn’t pay $2 per episode for the walking dead- there’s 11 seasons
i can drop my classes online, that’s the only way i’ve ever done it
but it’s just that i want to drop it, but at the same time, i don’t
they’re longer than 40 minutes but less than an hour
i kinda already came up with a decision, i’m just afraid i’m going to end up regretting it
cause if i stay in the class, i’d be leaving campus at around this time on thursdays
oh, i’ve already taken late classes before, and even if they were interesting, i just don’t think they’re worth the traffic afterward
i guesss, yeah
oh, yeah
i’ll have three classes
hopefully- i already know all of my classes will have homework that requires me to read texts and stuff, which i’m not a fan of, but hopefully it won’t be stressful like you said
you have two weeks left of winter break, right? you go back on the 28th?
how many classes are you taking?
you’re luckyyy, you have online classes
wait, your online classes won’t be live? like on zoom?
or are they asynchronous where you have to watch the lectures at your own time? cause if it’s asynchronous, then never mind
there was one, remember when i told you i was considering emailing a professor to see if she can let me in the class? that was an online class
i’m sure you’ll do fine, you’re mr intelligent pants
i think it just depends on the classes being offered at the time
ten weeks, and that’s excluding finals week
you think ten weeks is long? 🧍🏻♀️
oh, i was kinda correct then- i guessed semesters are 15 weeks
i used to think semesters were 6 months long
which makes no sense because my high school used a semester system, but i guess i got used to the quarter system and forgot
no yeah, ten weeks goes by way too quickly for me
yeahh, i remember you saying your high school went by a quarter system
i didn’t know high schools could go by quarters
maybe a trimester would’ve been best- but i also forgot how a trimester system works
yeah i get that, i honestly don’t remember how it works
but that’s not shocking since i have memory loss
mhm, maybe
that’s okay, you can go to sleep
goodnight, daddy pumpkin- love you too, sleep well
good morning, mr reynolds
pretty good, how about you??
at least you didn’t have work today
mm, kind of tiring, i was super tired when i woke up- i kept having to snooze my alarm
or maybe not ‘super tired’, i just didn’t want to get up
and my back hurts
how’s your day been so far?
i think it may be because i spent almost all day sitting without leaning back against the back of the seats/ chairs
aw, poor boy
today has felt long for you?
wait a minute
i think i’m wrong
my back doesn’t hurt, sino que i just feel tension in it
i need to get hit by a car or something so it can relieve that tension
or i don’t know- i don’t know if my back hurting and having tension is the same thing 😭
it does make sense, i understand that
that means you’ll probably feel like tomorrow will be a long day since you have to wake up early
yes yes yes, it feels like there’s knots
well it’s either get hit by a car or have one of my cousins step on my back
at least you’ll leave work before 2pm
i’m sure you’ll survive tomorrow thoughh
you will survive, you got this
if you do take a nap, hopefully you don’t feel like spongebob
i have to complete an experiment by tomorrow, so i’ll do that
i’ll probablyyy start on my homework too, not sure yet
do you have plans for tomorrow? besides work and maybe napping
it’s an online experiment and it should only take like 30 minutes, so maybe it won’t be as boring
what are you going to work on if you do go to the gym?
you’ve participated in online experiments before?
let’s just hope it’s not as boring as other experiments are
oh okay, that’s gooood
they do feel like a waste of time
i don’t know yet, the description just says i’ll watch some videos as response to some questions
i think that’s what it said- something along those lines
but i’m participating in these experiments for extra credit, so it’s whatever
for one of my classes, completing this will be 1 extra credit point and for another class it’ll be 2 extra credit points, if i read correctly
it’s not a lot, but it’s better than nothing i guess
it’s easy workkk- i’m the one choosing which experiments to participate in
i think it’ll be more worth it if you were 1 or 2 points away from a C or something low
1,000 total points is crazzyyy
but only 4 extra credit points is even crazier
did it help your grade at all?
don’t say cute things like that, i’m mad at you
i’d say that professor sucks for that, but it’s not surprising- some professors don’t even round up your grades at all
at least you got to pass the class, that’s good
you should know why
ashton, i’m not stupid and you’re not stupid- you know why i’m mad. the last time i was like this where i wasn’t using emojis or being dry or whatever, you noticed i was upset about something and you asked me about it. this time that it’s happening again, you didn’t ask not once what was wrong, and we both know why you haven’t asked. what did you do on tuesday morning?
do you want us to break up or something? because i remember the one thing i asked you not to do was talk to her, ashton
uh huh, right
now answer my question
then why not bring it up to me in the first place? tell me something what you were feeling on monday where you wanted to isolate yourself was because you wanted to apologize to her, instead of doing it behind my back yet again. then i would’ve probably not been as mad as i have been
and there’s really no reason for you to be dry with me right now regarding this context. i’m not the one who did something behind your back
you knew very well why i was acting different or whatever with you since tuesday, and for you to not bring it up not once? i had to push this ‘information’ out of you
and it’s not even a lot that you said, “because i felt like an ā sshole” “cutting her off and not telling her why”
i’ve never gone one day without telling you “good morning”, besides that day- and that should’ve told you something
because you’re my boyfriend and i love you, so even when i’m mad, i can’t seem to go a full day without talking to you
i know, and i had perfect opportunities to bring it up, i guess i was just afraid that it meant we’d break up, considering what i told you last time
so in a way you doing that made me think that you wouldn’t or didn’t give a f ūck if i were to break up with you
this is the last time i’m going to ask you to not contact her again, ash
i’m getting tired of this
i need you to say you’re not going to talk to her again, you just saying “i understand” is already messing with my head
okay- i was going to ask you if you can baby me now but you have work in the morning and i already feel bad that you’re awake this late, so if you don’t already h ate me, can you baby me tomorrow?
i missed being called your baby 😣
but okay, i think you’ll also take a nap when you get home since you’ll be tired
that was cute 😣 goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too, so so much, and i hope you sleep well
good morning, mr reynolds <3
oh no :( did you at least get some rest? or do you feel like a zombie?
you can just put an alarm to wake up before 4pm- if i remember correctly, i think you said you’re a light sleeper, so maybe you’ll wake up easily when the alarm goes off
i’m probably going to do it in a couple of minutesss
i did the experiment!! and i also finally dropped out of the class i told you about :,) i don't know why i feel so guilty for doing that though
i hope work went well <3
oh that’s good, so i take it you had a good time at the gym?
yeahh, i’ll be able to talk to you more during my gaps- when i’m not catching up on notes or assignments of course
surprisingly it wasn’t boring at all, i had to watch short animation clips and try to describe what i saw in one word
there’s a stomach bug going around? 😟
i would be paranoid too if i was you, but hopefully you didn’t catch it 😣
you better have eaten when you got home then
i still have to get used to you calling me that :,) but yes, you’ll get more val time
i got that one out of the way, i still need to do a couple more 🌚
nuh uh, you’re not allowed to kill yourself 😠
like you said last time, we still haven’t planned out our corpse wedding, so no killing yourself 🙅🏻♀️
okay, good boy, daddy <3
eeee! i missed saying that 🤭
okay okay, got it, mr intelligent pants 🫡
wouldn’t want it any other way
no no, i have to complete a total of four hours to get the extra credit points for both my classes
so i have to complete two hours of participating in experiments for each class, to get the 1-2 extra credit points
daddy 😠😠
i can’t allow that
unless you’re okay with me killing myself too 🤨
i didn’t forget either- you said you have to pick up a friend from work at around 4pm, so i’m giving you time <3
those two days felt like forever
yes, four hours 😔
the fact that you keep bringing up the 1-2 points is making me question why i’m doing this 😭
cause 1-2 extra credit points is really low </3
you’re making it seem scary 🌚
in your opinion what’s worse, the stomach bug or the flu?
traffic does s uck </3
shut uppp 😭 oh well
i’m almost done either way :,)
oh, i thought you would’ve said the flu is worse because you couldn’t stay conscious when you had it
but i can see why the stomach bug would be worse, no one wants to be throwing up all the time
its been pretty boring so far :,)
i’m kinda surprised it’s only 2:50pm right now because it feels like its 4pm or something
like, so far, the day feels long, but not in a bad way
wait a minute
but if i wanna be more like you, maybe i shouldn’t do it 🤔 since you said you wouldn’t have don’t it for 1-2 extra credit points
done it*
aw, my poor boy :( too bad you’re not allowed to die
you’re gonna have to be a big boy and put up with it
it is 6pm for you 😣😣 sooner or later it’ll be 7pm then 8pm then 9pm then 10pm then 11pm then time for you to go to sleep 💔
yes, i cleaned around the house and got to see my aunt for a couple of minutes :)
nothing too exciting
i do want to be like you when it comes to school, you’re literally mr intelligent pants 🌚
mhm, you can be as dramatic as you want to be 🤭
speaking of being dramatic, it reminded me of when you said you’d be complaining during the ravens and steelers game, and now it’s reminding me of the ravens and bills playing on sunday
are you exciteddd??
it will be here in the blink of an eye, it’s already about to be 7pm for you :(
and see, you’re already tired 😣
so you should baby me now before you get too tired to baby me </3
you should watch a movie! i watched interstellar on wednesday night and it made me cry not once, not twice, but THREE times
especially towards the end
i was planning on starting my homework today, but maybe i’ll just push it to tomorrow 🌚
excuse me 🧍🏻♀️
i didn’t think you’d remember that 😭
but still, you’re mr intelligent pants
i’ll be the one getting b’s this quarter while you’ll be the one getting straight a’s, watch 😇
you hating the bills fans this much is kinda funny to me 🤭 but the ravens are going to winnn!!
you just have to be positive
🙊 did i say interstellar? i don’t know if it was interstellar that made me cry
so you should definitely watch interstellar 🤭
i like it when you use emojis- what was it that i told you when we first started talking? you not using emojis made you seem serious and scary?
i’ve never heard of that movie before
i don’t feel like reading thoughhh 💔
i don’t understand why my remix looks like that 😔
okay, well, you’re starting to get memory loss 🌚
you’ll be in the same boat as me in no time
i think i do understand, i’m kinda the same with real madrid fans- they’re so ugh
they usually think they’re all that because of the team they’re going for, or at least some of them
but okayy, i won’t say another word until its game time 🫡
to be honest, it did feel pretty long at first, but once it started getting interesting, it didn’t feel like almost 3 hours
even when it ended, i didn’t want the movie to end- i didn’t know that’s how the movie was going to end 😔
oops 🌚 oh wellll
i know i have to read like 11 or 13 pages for one homework assignment that’s due on sunday and for another homework assignment, i haven’t opened it at all, so i don’t know how many pages i have to read for that one
then what’s the name of my memory loss? let’s see if you remember that 🤨
i was going to say all of them, but think i thought for a second that maybe not allll of them are like that 🌚
but okay, more hatred in my heart 🫡
never thought you’d say that 😭
i’m already prepared, i’m also prepared to copy everything you say about the game to really feel like i’m you 🤭
you don’t sound weird, i get where you’re coming from
yeah no, it doesn’t have a happy ending
if you look at it through a certain perspective, you’ll maybeee see it as a happy ending, but for me it wasn’t really a happy ending
it’d make so much more sense if i were to just tell you what i’m talking about, but i don’t want to spoil the movie 😣
“that’s not terrible” 💔 yes it is, for me it is
they were wrapped with snoopy valentines themed wrappers?! i bet it was cute 😣
i also saw something snoopy related and it made me think of you- i just can’t say what it is that i saw
wrong, wrong, wrong </3
how are you not going to remember your own wife’s condition’s name </3
only you call it “valentina’s amnesia”
i can’t wait 🤭🤭 i was excited about the game but now i’m even more excited that you’ll actually let me copy you
yeahh, he does
but he doesn’t go for the reason he thought he went for- he gets lied to by the person who sent him and the rest of the crew on the mission
or at least that’s what i understood- that part was a little bit confusing
professor brand is the one who send the crew to space for a mission and in that mission is the boy’s dad, cooper, and brand, the professor’s daughter- they find out that the professor lied to them about why they had to go to space through cooper’s daughter, murph- she sent out a message to brand to let her know that brand’s father passed away and that’s when she was like “did my father know?” “did he leave me here to die?” or something like that
butttt, what i wanted to actually spoil was that since earth was becoming uninhabitable, that crew had to go look for a new planet where everyone could live in and something happened in space that’s kind of complicated for me to explain, but let’s just say that cooper went back to the planet everyone now lives in at the time and his daughter is now old and about to die, and she said something like how a parent shouldn’t watch their own kid die and that part was sad and then he had to go find brand who was in a totally different planet
you know what, never mind 😭😭
i feel like this is getting confusing
anyways, you should watch it, it’s a good movie 😔
thank you, mr intelligent pants 🫡
i can’t tell youuu, it’s baby related and if i tell you, i’m going to tell you to give me a baby and then you’ll have to tell me that i don’t want to share you and everything 😣
okay fine, whatever you say 😓
it’s always whatever daddy says, as if you’re the boss 😠
of course i was excited about the game! our favorite team will be playing
you do let me copy you, you’re right 🤭
so then i did somewhat spoil it, because you didn’t know it was the daughter that turned old :(
you’re tired already?? 😣
tell me you’re kidding </3
okay okay, i had seen a couple of baby snoopy and woodstock baby girl clothes and they were so so so cute! 😣 they were overalls, shirts, and jackets with matching pants
daddy, you have noooo idea on how cute they were :(
if we had a baby girl, i would’ve bought all of those pieces without hesitation 😣
oh, and they had flowers too- so it was baby snoopy, woodstock, and flowers
and the clothes were vintage, so they were cuter 😣
maybe i do know that, maybe i don’t
i love you very very very very very very very much too!!
timothee’s character’s name is tom and when tom grows up, he becomes a meanie pants
so we don’t like him 🙅🏻♀️
you are tired 😣😣
do you want to go to sleep now?
cute snoopy clothes and cute socks and shoes to match her outfits, and if she has hair, cute little pigtails 😣
then she’d become daddy’s cute little snoopy princess
baby vintage clothes are cuter! i agree
sorry not sorry, daddy 🤭
if i have to suffer, you have to suffer too
just kidding, just kiddingg!
you’re stupid? why are you stupid? 🤨
no wait, why do you say you’re stupid? i’m not asking why you’re stupid 😭
i’d like to say for other reasons
because what he ends up doing doesn’t seem to have anything to do with his dad being in space
could it be because you went to the gym today?
right after work
i really do want a mini val now 😣 but i also really want a mini ash
a mini ash would look so cute wearing your hats, even though they’d be big on his tiny head 😣
okay, good! that just made me happy 🤭 i like being the original
and you’re the cutest and sweetest boy ever and you’re all mine!! all mine, all mine, all mineee!
oh noo, i had to look up his name because i didn’t remember it
you’re not stupid 🙅🏻♀️
that’s even if you remember to eventually watch the movie 🌚
i sure hope you mean a different type of cooties than the cooties i gave you 💔
well actually, it can’t be my cooties because you got vaccinated for it 🌚
meanie 😠
i wish i could see you work out 😣
that’s because you always tell me i’m not allowed to die, so you’re not allowed to die either 😇
we both need a mini val
you have me feeling like laughing snoopy and blushing spongebob right now 🤭
you remembered to watch the notebook because i kept annoying you about it
but now that i know you’ll watch ‘taken’, you should also consider watching the show ‘the walking dead: the ones who live’ 🤭
it’s only six episodes
yeah, a very cruel joke that i’ll remember until i die
i’ll probably even remember when i’m a corpse bride 🌚
you can go to sleep if you’d like </3 it’s already 1am for you and you’re tired
nuh uh, watching you workout would not be boring
and i’ll make sure you won’t get distracted, i’m the boss so if i see you’re not doing anything, daddy’ll be in big trouble 😠
even if you weren’t kidding, i wouldn’t have gotten offended 🤭 it was cute
sometimes it takes me a while to find certain emojis too
you remembered the day you watched it? you’re the best 😣
i thought you didn’t know about the movie at all?
i’ll get it tattooed on my arm or something 🌚
that’s how i’ll remember
ughhhh, i thought i’d finally get you to agree 😣
meanie pants </3
it’s only six episodes :( but fineee
maybe i’ll get one of your female friends to recommend it to you so you can watch it then 🌚
i actually like when you use those emojis, you don’t have to find new ones
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you very very very very very very veryyy much!! i hope you sleep well too
now why would you say ‘dream of mini vals’? 😣😣 if i dream of having mini vals, i’ll bother you about getting me pregnant :(
okay now i hope i do dream of having mini me’s just so i can bother you about it :,)
and now i just saw a tiktok of a girl wearing the prettiest baby shower dress ever- i’m going to sleep now 😣
daddy’s profile picture 🙊
hubba hubbaaa 😻😻
it’s my new favorite now, daddy 😣
but hii, good morning, mr reynolds!! <3
oops, i remember that, i just didn’t want to keep bothering you about watching it so i told you you didn’t have to watch it anymore
nuh uh, i told you about the house noah built, so you knew something from the movie before watching it
and i still want a house, don’t forget 😑
🤭 you’re right, but at least i’ll get “ashton’s my handsome husband” tattooed on my forehead
and if for some reason i forget who ashton is, i’ll get “ashton is mr meanie pants” tattooed on my cheek
yay yay yayyyy!! 🤭
i’m on season 4 episode 10 by the way
well just like how you find everything i do cute, i find everything you do cute too
see, you saying cute things like that is making me want to be pregnant :(
now i’m curious to see which other picture you were thinking of changing it to
but i do like this one 😣
all your back needs are my scratch marks or my k iss marks 🤭
i slept good! i woke up later than i wanted to, but i was super comfy :) how did you sleep??
and you have to build your small snoopy house too 🤭
sorryyy, i’m not rushing you, daddy
that’s why i said “if for some reason i forget”, the key word is ‘if’
i’d rather kill myself than not be able to remember who you are 😣
it’s still gob- he does some questionable things, but literally everyone in the show does 😭
buster kinda grew on me though, he’s funny
and lucille is funny too
i forgot what episode this happened in, but lucille saying that buster’s glasses makes him look like a lizard right in front of him had me dying 😭
your favorite character in the show is still tobias, right?
i’m actually proud of myself for giving you baby fever 🤭
sureee 😑 you knew i liked the picture of your back the last time, so maybe that’s why you decided to put this one 😣
like around 9:50am i think? it was close to 10am
what time did you wake up?
well even if i do forget about you, you said you’ll always stick by my side just like noah did with allie, so 😇
him trying to throw the letter in the ocean was funny 😭 i remember that
yesss, now in this season he has a prosthetic hand given by the army, but the hand is big 😭
oh his hair plug plotline was kind of disturbing- only when it was killing him
like, it was funny, but it was disturbing at the same time
didn’t george sr also join the blue man group?
married to me, right? and have a baby with me? 🤭
well i like all of your pictures 😣😣
that’s understandable actually- i like sleeping in but at the same time i don’t, only because then it feels like the day is shorter
i feel like today is passing by quick, it’s already about to be 2pm for me
me? beat you up? nooo 🌚
that’ll never happen 🌚
i think he did- i remember there was a scene where some people were talking and george was listening to the conversation while blending in with a wall while he was blue
oh, do you remember the scene where lucille is driving and she sees a woman dancing in a cage in front of people and she says that’s someone who could’ve had a better mother or something something? and it was lindsay 😭
that was funny to me
just making sureee 🤭🤭
you really do want to have a routine so bad 😟
instead of enjoying the rest of your break
you’re not kidding 😑
but i’d never beat you up- maybe in a dream where you cheat on me, but other than that, no 😇
yeahhh, aren’t lindsay and tobias basically becoming lucille and george sr? in the sense that they’re not being good parents
cause right now i’m on an episode where maeby is still in high school and she’s been a senior for like four years, and she’s doing this to see if her parents will notice
i think 🤔 or at least that’s what i understood
no, i have not
i told myself yesterday that i’ll probably start it at 5pm
but if it’s 5:01pm, then i’ll start it at 6pm 🌚
then what will you do when school starts and you already want to be on break again? 🤨
you’re not going to like waking up early everyday
the chiefs were playing? i didn’t know that
you didn’t tell me 🧍🏻♀️
but we h ate the chiefs so it’s okay 🌚
i was kiddinggg
i wouldn’t beat you up, i’d make 13 tapes instead before killing myself
oh, i didn't think you'd actually agree with me since tobias is your favorite character 🌚 but yeah
i don’t know why but i got a random wave of tiredness like an hour ago and i still have it 😔
so who knows if i’ll get it done today
ughhhh, i didn’t even think of that 😣😣
you will be going to sleep earlier than usual :(
i’m not prepared for that </3
and yet you still watched it 🤨 what if you secretly do like the chiefs but you’re making me think otherwise? 🌚
oh wow, they won by 9 points- is 14-23 a normal score to have?
like, is it considered a normal game score, or is it lower or higher than usual?
all my 13 reasons why will be about you 🫡
sorrryyy 😣 i didn’t think it’d pass onto you too
but i did end up starting my homework and now i’m taking a break from it
but you’re already an old man
just kidding, just kidding! 🤭
oops, i thought we h ate the bills team and their fans equally 🌚
but okay, we h ate everything about the chiefs and we h ate the bills fans
did i get that right?
there’s so much i need to learn about football 😣
then you won’t be able to make 13 tapes either, which will mean that you never got to be me or steal my identity </3
we can plan it together when we both are 🪦🪦
started at around 4:50pm and it’s currently 8:10pm and i’m still not done 😠
i’m going to die :(
also, i’m super upset right now- i can’t get on tiktok anymore </3
get on before i start doing my homework again :(
no no no! i’m hereee
no sleeping just yet 😣
then maybe you can explain something to meee- i remember you said the nfl games are a little over three hours long, but now you said something about the third quarter
buttttt, i searched up how long are quarters in nfl football and it said 15 minutes, and i don’t know if i’m just dumb or what, but the math isn’t mathing 🌚
so how does that work?
cause when i think of quarters that are not the coins, i think of four 15 minutes quarters that add up to 60 minutes
or i don’t know- i hope you don’t think i’m dumb 😭
fine, whatever you say 😔 as long as i get to wear a wedding dress
ummm 🌚 i’m half way there
good thing it’s not due tonight, or else i’d be freaking out right now
i didn’t think the ban was going to actually happen considering it’s not the first time tiktok getting banned was mentioned </3
let me know once you do get sleepy, so i can decide whether you can go to sleep or not 🤭
i love you too 🤭 i was going to say a school’s quarter system, but the coin quarter came to mind first 🤭
10 seconds? what the heck 🤨
oh, now that you mentioned halftime and you’re a big football fan, that must mean you watch the super bowls, right?
do you have a favorite super bowl halftime show or performance?
the scene where allie fainted after looking at a newspaper?
honestly it’s not even a lot, i just keep getting distracted 😣 i’m not complaining thoughh
i knoww 😔 this is so so sad
i keep trying to open the app even though i can’t use it- now just imagine tomorrow or the following days </3
oh, it’s about to be 1am for you :(
do you want to go to sleep now?
out of bounds, there’s a timeout, commercial break, or halftime, got it 🫡
i had to look up who performed at last year’s super bowl 🌚 it was usher
i don’t think i watched it
daddy, kendrick lamar didn’t perform with coldplay and beyonce 🌚 it was bruno mars
i know that because i liked coldplay’s performance too, but i didn’t really care about beyonce’s or bruno mars’ part, even though i don’t really remember it
not really, no- i’ve only watched two super bowl halftime shows
my favorite halftime show is when shakira performed with bad bunny and j balvin i think
jennifer lopez was in it too but i don’t like her 🌚
and the other one i had watched was the coldplay one
nooo, you’re not the distraction
maybe, who knows </3
:( i do want to get this homework done by tonight, that way i don’t have to work on two homework assignments tomorrow
so you can go to sleep 😣
ludacris? the one from fast and furious?
LOLLL, i shouldn’t not said anything then 😭 i could’ve made fun of you for it
just kidding! but it would’ve been funny
🤭🤭 now you can’t say anything about myyy memory loss
obviously talk to my husband 🤭
and i think i have to run a quick errand in the morning
anddd i also want to start and finish another homework assignment, but it should be easy
what about you? what are your plans for today?
are you going to watch the game with your cousins?
well, am i wrong? 🌚
ohhh, i forgot he was in that song- i do listen to it though
to be fair, if someone was to tell me to name the singers that are featured in the song, i think my mind would’ve been blank- not just for ludacris but for lil jon
ludacris is also in ‘baby’ by justin bieber 🙊
me right now: 🧍🏻♀️
you’ll never forget that, huh? 😔
if there was a ring on my f inger, i would NEVER EVER call you my boyfriend again 🌚
just kiddingg 🌚 maybe 🌚
what if we have babies though? what’ll happen if we forget about them? :(
maybe while you’re watching the game, i can try to do my homework
that way you don’t have to try to give me as much attention as possible since you’ll have guests
but goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 te amo muchísimo, i hope you sleep well!
guess who finally finished her homework 😣
it’s almost 2am 🪦
i’m not even sleepy anymore and i miss you :(
okay now it’s 2am, i’m going to try to sleep now- goodnight again, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you and i hope you’re sleeping well so far
good morning, mr reynolds <3
i miss you </3
what happened? i got worried :(
it took me a while to fall asleep, but i slept well
how did you sleep??
you didn’t know lil jon was on the song?
i looked him and ludacris up on apple music and based on the songs i’ve seen, i’ve heard more of lil jon’s music than ludacris’
i didn’t know he was the one that made the songs, but still 🌚
nope, i wouldn’t- i’d get it tattooed on me as a constant reminder
i was kiddingg
maybe 🌚 who knows 🌚
i saw the bills caught up to the ravens’ score 🙊
7-7 right now
you must be nervous now, 10-14 🙊
i just looked at the score right now 🌚
maybe the ravens will surprise us towards the end 🌚
19-21, that’s progress
it’s still not overrrr
25-27!! 🙊
oh, the bills did win 🧍🏻♀️
at least it was only by two points- not that it’ll make it better, but still
antisocial? what’s wrong?
my poor boy :( are you sleepy?
nope, i started my homework but didn’t finish it
i kept having to run errands throughout the day and i got to go out with one of my cousins for a bit :,)
oh, how did it go helping your cousin?
your phone died? if my phone died while i was out, i’d simply pass away loll
nothing you say will make you sound like a loser nerd
that’s understandable thoughhh, at least you’re working three days a week
imagine if you weren't working, i feel like maybe you'd lose your mind since you really want to have a routine 🌚
okay, let me know when you’ve gotten to the point where you’re about to knock out or something 😔
i’ll start preparing myself to miss you </3
i’m working on it right now, and it’s not a lot
i think the one that is going to be a lot is the homework i’ll be working on tomorrow, i have to read 4 chapters 💔
am i going to read alllll of the chapters though? nope 🤭
and i guess i did, yeah- although i was freezing 😣 i’m still freezing even with four blankets on me right now
oh i h ate when that happens, but i’m glad you’re still alive considering it was snowing a lot on the way home
ouch 🌚
thought talking to me might make tomorrow a little less boring for you or something </3
or today for you, since it’s past midnight already
does that mean you don’t have any plans for today?
you can go to sleep if you’d like- i already finished my homework, i just need to submit it :,)
i barely opened that assignment like an hour ago to see what it is i have to do, and when i saw that i have to read four chapters, i nearly died 😔
but like i said, i’m not going to read all of the chapters assigned
i might end up having to buy the snoopy blanket to try to actually warm me up 😣
so it’ll be a total of five blankets
see, you did it again </3 you weren’t planning on talking to your own wife later today </3
now i’ll definitely try to spend all day doing my homework since you didn’t plan to talk to me 😠
or you can be a nice husband and do my homework for me 🤭
is it weird that i kind of want to see you shovel? 🌚
what album are you listening to?
i’ve been listening to the same song on repeat for about an hour and a half or so
i have to write about what i read- i don’t have to answer any particular questions like yesterday’s homework
i think my ta said i can write about whatever i want from what i read, as long as it makes sense and connects to the readings
or maybe i’m just not heating up because i have anemia 🌚
you saying my name made me feel like blushing spongebob and laughing snoopy 🤭
but yayyy!! you’re finally admitting to having memory loss, good job, daddy!
i don’t know if you’re being serious or not about doing my homework, but even if you weren’t being serious about it, that’s so cute and sweet of you 🤭
did you end up liking the album?
noo, it’s not a sad song- at least i don’t think it is
but i’m not going to tell you what song it was because there’s a chance that you might listen to it and think it’s weird
even though it’s not weird :,)
exactly, and if i want, i can just talk about a specific section or quote from the readings
i’m used to it thoughhh
oh, so i wouldn’t get to see you slip and fall? like how some people do on tiktok 😔
just kidding, just kidding! i wouldn’t want to see you slip and fall
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too and i hope you sleep well!
hii, good morning, mr reynolds! <3
if you keep saying that, your memory loss will eventually be even more worse than mine 😑
LOLL, that’s real 😭 i would be done too
this might be a dumb question, but do roads get icy in maryland?
or is it just snowy?
yes, i was happy 🤭 were you happy?
i slept so so so cozy, but i had to sleep with socks on because my feet were cold
how did you sleep?
we’ll see about that 🌚
around what month does it usually stop snowing there?
i’ve seen some tiktoks of people slipping while trying to walk on icy sidewalks and usually they’re funny, but i’ve also seen tiktoks of people not being able to control or stop their cars while on the road and those are not funny 🧍🏻♀️
what time did you find out tiktok was back?
every time you say you wake up like spongebob makes me laugh 😭
i’ll start thinking of names for your memory loss
and it’ll be the longest name ever 😇
in april? 😧 danggg
that does sound annoying
so it has happened to you? what do you have to do when that happens?
yeah, mine was working in the morning- my cousin had texted me about it 😭
maybe i did do that, maybe i didn’t 🤭
for now it’ll be “ashton’s amnesia” until i can come up with something longer and better :)
oh 🌚 so you just stay in the car?
nuh uh, you’re not always right- i’m always right
me 🙂↕️
it’s been okay i guess, how’s your day been?
remember i’m trying to copy you in everythingg
how else will i be ashton james reynolds 2.0 🤭
no, i don’t think that’s ever happened to me
whatever you sayyy 🌚
i’m just disappointed in myself lol, i thought i would’ve had my homework done by now but nope :,)
what did you do today?
why do you keep forgetting that? 💔
someone trying to steal your identity doesn’t sound scary to you? 😣
“i guess”- i think you mean, “fine, you can steal my amnesia name then”
i just started ittt
oh, so you were productive today, that’s good :)
i spent most of my day with my cousin- i went over to her house for a few hours and then we went shopping, but i didn’t buy anything :,) and then when i got home, i started watching some of the twilight movies
i just finished watching breaking dawn part one a few minutes ago and when i finish my homework, i’m going to watch the second part- unless it’s too late
i don’t forget that 😠
it’s fun bothering you about you having memory loss 🤭
that was better, thank you, mr cool 🫡
i’ll give you a shopping haul next time i go shopping and actually buy stuff 😇
i don’t know, maybe? i don’t think it should take long but i do get easily distracted
you’re already getting tired? 😣😣
this is sad news :(
this is random, but i’m so excited for tomorrow- i’m not looking forward to waking up early, but i’m looking forward to buying a h ot latte at school 🤭
you know you secretly love it 🤭
can’t say the same thing about you loving my cooties though </3
awww, you’re so sweet 😣
i feel like blushing spongebob right now
i know i’ll end up watching movies in the library tomorrow during my gap
oouuu, watching movies while drinking h ot latte 🤭 just the thought of it is making me excited
well, that’s if i don’t have any notes to catch up on for my first class
do you want to go to sleep now?
thank you, daddy <3
i have like five alarms set, but the first one will go off at 6am 💔
i’ll be snoozing it though, i always do
probably give you something else? 🤨 what would that be??
and be careful in what you say 😑
you always make me feel like both blushing spongebob and laughing snoopy 🤭
no, it’s not at 12:30pm anymore because i dropped the class- now it’s at around 10:50am
and then i have class at 2pm
i’ve done it before multiple times, it kills time
or whatever that one saying is
well, let me know when you think you’re about to knock out :,)
you never ever ever snooze your alarms? 🙊
but do you at least just stay in bed for a few minutes after your alarm goes off?
even if something does happen to you because of it, it’ll first happen to me, so you’ll have time to prepare yourself
yess, breaking dawn part two, because i don’t think i’ll end up watching it tonight
oh, that’s understandable then
that’s sort of why i have my first alarm at 6am, so i can either sleep some more or be able to be on my phone 🌚
i told you i have five alarms set, silly
your memory loss must really be getting to you 🤭
we’ll see what happens 🌚
but i don’t know if i should get a h ot latte before class to drink it while in class, after class, or both before and after
it’s okayy, i kind of figured that it was because you were tired- but it was an opportunity for me to mention your memory loss :,)
but okayy, goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too and i hope you sleep well!
hii, good morning, mr reynolds <3
how’d you sleep??
i didn’t end up getting one before class, but now i’m in the library with my latte 🙂↕️
you’re sweet <3 it’s impossible to impress anyone in that class by being mrs intelligent pants, it’s a lecture class
what time did you wake up today?
it took me a while to fall asleep :( and i did exactly what i told you i’d do this morning, i kept snoozing my alarm :,)
but i guess i slept well, i was super warm underneath my blankets- but as soon as i got out of bed, i was freezing 😣
mhm! it was very good :) i’m considering getting another one 🌚
you’re so so cute, i love you 😽
also, can you listen to ‘cellar door’ by angus & julia stone, pleasee? i need to know your opinion on it
i have it on repeat right now :,)
well, you’ve got to enjoy waking up as late as you can before school starts for you
mhmm 😣 i need to carry my blankets around with me everywhere from now on
no i have not, i just have my latte in my system
did you listen to ittt?
at least i won’t be the only one waking up at the time 🤭
we’ll suffer together
you get nauseous? 🙊 didn’t think that’d be possible when waking up super early
that made me laugh 😭 they won’t all fit in one suitcase though </3
nope, i’m not hungry- i was a bit hungry when i was in class, which is why i didn’t know whether to get a latte before or after- cause i normally start to get hungry in class
but once i drank my latte, i wasn’t hungry anymore
okayy, that’s better than you saying what i told you last time </3 i’ll never forget about that 😣
i still feel super bad about it
hi, daddy! i’m on my way home now <3
breakfast is the most important meal of the day ☝🏼
at least that’s what some people say
two of them, yeah
the other two are thin ones
but hii, i’m sorry for taking a while to respond- i got home and ate cause i was starving, and then i went to run some errands
and i’m taking a break right now for like ten minutes before i start doing stuff again :,)
no, why?
i should’ve known you were going to say that 🌚
but that doesn’t apply to me 🙅🏻♀️ it applies to you 🫵🏼
🤭🤭 that emoji is funny
you’re a big meanie pants 🫵🏼
you take that back 🫵🏼
watch it mr reynolds 🫵🏼
i can’t think of anything anymore 😔
no thanks 🌚 i’ve heard people call other people ghetto for carrying blankets with them where they go
my back hurts again :( daddy, i’m old
daddy, you’re old 🫵🏼
what did you doooo? tell me, tell me
ooh, i was about to say something but i’ll just keep my mouth shut 🤐
mm, i doubt that 🌚
🫵🏼 you’re wrong
this proves that you’re not always right 🤭
how did it take you so long to find it? 🙊 it’s one of the easiest emojis to find
i always take forever trying to find this one 🤨 when it’s not in my frequently used
i don’t want to annoy you with always getting 😠 at you
yes and no, just that this time is all my back, not just my upper back like last time </3
but no, you’re old 🤭🫵🏼
or is it 🫵🏼🤭
i went to my aunt’s house, went to pick up my cousin and drop her off at her house, i went to wash and dry one of my dad’s cars, and i had to buy a couple of things for the house
daddy, no 😣
you can’t go to sleep :( i missed you a whole lot today
hmphh, i’m so mad at you :(
i wasn’t even a minute late </3
anyways </3 i’m sure you’ll want me to be 🤫 about this
so i’m not gonna say it
nuh uh, you said “pretty sure” first, so you’re doubting your own self 🙊
i agree, they do blend in with each other :,)
well, you ended up jinxing it because i’m mad at you now :(
i did do some stretches and it didn’t really help, but now that i’m laying down, my back doesn’t hurt anymore 🙂↕️
but, i also missed you a bunch today </3
goodnight, mr meanie pants </3 i love you too and i hope you sleep well- i’m busy being mad at you, so i can’t tell you that what you said was cute 😣
and i also hope you have a good day at work tomorrow
good morning, mr reynolds <3 i hope you’re having a good time at work
it’s 2pm for youu, how was work?
it’s okayy
oouu, what did you work on this time at the gym?
then you can’t get mad at me for saying it- i was just going to say that maybe it was blaze who commented something on it and deleted it
i didn’t tell you i miss you back because i’m still mad at you 😠
i didn’t even get to say, “daddy, i need you 😣”
just like last time 😠😠
but obviously i miss you </3
it was hurting just a tiny bit earlier today 🤏🏼
shoulders and triceps? 🙊
i didn’t even know you can workout for your shoulders
i did miss you 😠
i always miss you </3
was it 1am? 🌚 i thought it was 12am for you
cause i remember checking my phone and it was 9 something, but never mind then
well you can’t be in your val mood because i’m in my val mood 😠
but yeah, it does hurt more on tuesdays and thursdays- maybe it won’t hurt as much tomorrow
or maybe it’s just my posture
i hope you didn’t die </3 i miss you
now i miss you even more :(
hmphh, i hope you’re having fun 😣
did you have fun without me? </3
it does seem boring 🌚 like, what can you even do 😭
ashton james reynolds 😠
only i can be in a val mood 😠
daddy :(
you know i always miss you though </3
or actually, like you’d say, that goes without saying
or whatever it is you’d say 😔
i’m too sad to think straight
well that’s what you get for going to sleep early last night </3 i had to miss you and now you’ll have to miss me tomorrow
even though i’d also miss you- don’t you dare say anything 😑
it wasn’t a trick question 🌚
i’m glad you had fun <3
i’ve never heard of any of those before- i was about to say that i’ve heard of shoulder presses, but i think i was confusing it for leg presses
fineee, you can continue being in your val mood
well if you do go out with a friend, it better not be a girl friend 😣 or i’ll die
maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t 🌚
you’re not surprised????????? 🤨🤨🤨
what is that supposed to mean? </3
calling me fat or something?
do you want to square up? because we can 😠 🥊
🌚🌚 i don’t know what the food i had is called in english
but i ate a pasta de pollo sandwich with tapatío
what did you have to eat today?
excuse you, why’d you pūt a broken heart after saying that? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
you wanna go out with a girl friend, huh? </3
i was going to say something, but you’re right- because sometimes i don’t even finish a whole meal
you saved yourself from that 😑
aww, i love cheerios
now you made me want some
but the plain ones
i said ‘girl friend’, not ‘girl friends’ 🙄
but now i gotta start overthinking, so thanks a lot, mr meanie pants 😿
i keep forgetting to tell you, i want to post a new bio- would you like to help in picking a picture?
that’s probably because you go to the gym
i think, i don’t know 🌚
i’m trying to remember about this one term i used to hear
like, i used to have a friend who would go to the gym and he’d eat a whole bunch but he said it was something about gaining muscle
actually, just ignore me because i can’t remember the term or whatever and i feel like what i just said sounds like nonsense
you don’t ace my little tests always though 🤭
i’m not surprised, a lot of people don’t like plain cheerios
you’re just saying that because you don’t want me to put you in timeout 😔
wait a minute
it wouldn’t let me say ‘put’ last time and now it let me
without the line on top of the u
oh well
okayy, pick a number from 1-3
i wasn’t going to lie to you and say “she’d” instead
i’m a good girl, unlike you, you’re a bad boy 😠
that seems kind of confusing to me 😣 like i understand what you’re saying, but it sounds like a lot of work
don’t test me 🌚
i’ll put you in timeout if i want to 😇
okayyy, i’ll make it right now <3
so you do hang out with other girls </3
but daddy 🙊 you’re a guy
i can’t talk to you anymore?
and every time you talk to another girl, i lose five years off my life 💔
so imagine how i felt when you told me you were in another girl’s car AND noticed that she had calico critters </3 you paid attention 😔
you don’t get bored of eating the same food over and over?
i do like daddy’s muscles 🤭 and your tattoos 🤭 and your face 🤭 and your everything 🤭
i think i am capable of putting you in timeout, i just don’t think you’d actually listen to me 🌚
i can’t think of a song to put on my caption 😣
more like jealous 🙊
i know, daddy, i was kidding 🤭
nuh uh 🌚 it’s permanently stuck in my mind now
never going to forget that
oh my gosh 🙊 what if your ‘friends’ are not boys but they’re girls, and you’re not telling me that they’re girls so that i don’t get mad at you </3
i feel like stewie right now, when he’s crying in bed after saying “i should get some sleep”
i guess sooo 🌚
i sure hope so 😣
that was a bit harsh </3 i thought of a song now
thank you, daddy <3 you’re the absolute best 🤭
now i feel like blushing spongebob 🤭
but what?
you’re lucky you didn’t choose picture number one 🌚
i feel smart right now 🙊 i understood what you said
i never realized how french and spanish are somewhat similar until you pointed it out last time
but, i love you too <3
like woody would say, well if the boot fits
if the boot-ah fits 😠
i love that stewie clip 😭
i wasn’t going to say anythingg 🌚
it’s by crosses
tell me, tell me, tell me
please, daddy 😣
nothinggg 🙊
i’m glad you can understand some of the words, proves you’re mr intelligent pants
LOLL, that happens to me too, but most of the time i’ll just delete the comment before you see it and fix it 🌚
i’ve seen some episodes, but not the entire show
have you ever watched it?
i’d try to get you to stay up longer, but it’s 2am for you </3 so, you can go to sleep
nooo, you have to tell me first and then i’ll tell you
daddy 😣 as much as i think it’s cute, i want our last name on the wedding invitations
people will think we’re nerds if we put mr and mrs intelligent pants
that’s real, considering you had a typo and didn’t delete your comment to fix it 😭
i’ve seen some american dad episodes too, but i don’t remember much about it though
i think i prefer family guy
i am proud <3
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too and i hope you sleep well
hii, good morning, mr reynolds
yes sir 🫡
i feel like snoopy laughing right now 🤭
okay good- orrrr, what if on the wedding invitations it says “you’re invited to ashton james reynolds’ and ashton james reynolds 2.0 wedding”? 🤭
since i’m trying to steal your identity 🌚
oh, you’re one of those people 🙊
i’ve only heard of old people doing that with their keyboard 🌚
and that’s why i don’t like american dad, because of him 😭
he’s weird to me
i slept well, how did you sleep?
well you’re the only boy i know who uses that emoji at all, even if it to copy me 🤭
you’re so right, that sounds so much better
forgive me, my brain was still half asleep when i typed that
maybe 🌚
i’ve always considered you an old person 🙊 you’re my old man <3
you’re not kidding
that moon emoji makes me think you’re serious </3
well too bad too sad
not really, but when i woke up i started to get cold
good boy, daddy 🤭 for admitting you are an old man
oh wait, it’s not ‘good boy’ anymore
now it’s “good old man”
but that doesn’t sound cute 😣
nuh uh, stewie’s the goat
so you’re on thin ice 🫵🏼😠
the walking dead or the ones who live?
you always blame me for everything 😠 now you’re on extra thin ice 🫵🏼😠
eeee!! i love calling you my good boy 🤭🤭
well roger is no stewie, so stewie is the goat here, not no alien
yes you can, i said so 🫵🏼😠
well, daryl dixon is also on netflix 🌚 but yeah, it’s the ones who live
yes you do </3 meanie pants
i’m back home </3
i am so so so tired
i think i’m going to die
you’re the cutie here 🤭
well he doesn’t have a football head, stewie does
so, ha, stewie wins 🥇
and then there’s also ‘dead city’- that one is about maggie and negan 🌚
you should’ve seen traffic today :(
it made me want to kill myself
it’s weird because my back doesn’t hurt, but i feel tired
but i’m also not sleepy
so can stewie if he wanted to 🌚
plus, stewie isn’t ugly like roger
so, ha, stewie wins again 🤭
and then there’s fear the walking dead 🌚
i’ve heard of the big bang theory before, don’t know what it’s about though
yeah, i’d rather let you go live on the freeway or highway or whatever you use to go to school than kill yourself
i drank a h ot latte and ate a little cupcake
what did you eat today?
i’m ignoring that emoji because you’re staying up with me whether you like it or not 😇
well, what do you prefer- us having a football head baby or an alien looking baby? 🤨
you can rewatch american dad but not watch six episodes of the ones who live 😒
that sounds about right- they’re nerds
i forgot about that </3 call in sick tomorrow and don’t go
its not the same one, but thanks daddy 🤭
i can get a c-section, silly
i think he does, yeah 😭😭
ooh, listening to who?
oh please, you would not have called out of work- liar liar plants for hire 🤥
you don’t know that 🌚 what if we do?
too freaking late 😠
ashton james reynolds 😠
just listening to the first lyric was enough for me </3
yeah, whatever you say
now i know that when i’m pregnant and i’m about to go into labor while you’re at work, i won’t tell you about it 🙄
i’d call you and say something like “ashton, i’m going into labor” and you’d say “i’m at work, i can’t leave”
why will you have a lot of questions? our baby is going to get your big head 🌚
just kidding!! 🤭
you’re making me want to watch family guy again 😭
no no, now i know that you h ate me </3
there’s no changing my mind on that
uh huh, how does that song go? 🤨
nuh uh, you like money too much to call out of work 🙄
i finally met one of my friend’s baby today and the baby gave me a high five out of nowhere 😣
no wait, sorry, i met her baby and her toddler- her toddler was the one who walked up to me and gave me a high five- it was so so cute
and she was so adorable and tiny
and the baby was so cute too 😣
i knoww, i was kiddingg, mr potato head 🤭
uh huh </3 i love you too, mr meanie pants
huh, i’ve never heard of it before 🌚 must be a really old song
you’re not allowed to be with me when i’m giving birth 🙅🏻♀️ you chase that bag 💰
noo, i was there for less than five minutes because i really wanted to go home- this was after school by the way
if i wasn’t tired, i would’ve definitely stayed longer
maybe, it made me so happy, you have no idea 😣
ughh, i knew you were going to say that 😔
but i had a tiny bit of hope you weren’t going to say it
who wrote the song? i have to listen to it, it sounds like a good song 🌚
mhmm 🙄 that’s what you get
by not paying them at all 🤭
happiness ruined </3 i know you have to go to sleep because you have work in the morning, but i don’t want you to go to sleep :(
you’re not getting predictable, silly- so don’t worry 🤭 i just figured you were going to say that because of mr and mrs potato head from toy story
not even on youtube? 🌚
youtube should have everything, no? 🤔
well what if i tell you i’m going into labor and you leave work to go to the hospital or to take me to the hospital and it turns out it was a false labor?
you’d get mad at me
hmphhh :( goodnight, daddy pumpkin 😞 i love you too and i hope you sleep well- i also hope you have a good shift tomorrow
good morning, mr reynolds <3
did you have a good time at work and at the gym at least?
well thanks for remembering that 🌚
yes i do think you’re heartless- you were literally listening to the song ‘heartless’
what if i were to have false labors repeatedly while you’re at work? what then? 🤨 you’ll be so tired of it that when i’m actually going into labor, you’re not gonna believe it
with whose permission? 🤨
because you did not ask me to go out
so you didn’t get to work on anything?
mhm, it only applies to you 🙄
you’re just saying that to say it, you’re not actually going to listen to songs about being a good husband or a great guy
ashton james reynolds = liar liar, plants for hire
“we”???? 🤨🤨🤨🤨
you’re not going to be pushing a baby out of you 😠
and imagine our baby gets your big head 😣😣
no you cannot, you have to stay here with me :(
daddy :(
hmphh, good, because i am mad at you :(
so so so mad at you </3
“it won’t be for long” :/
i know it’s 12am for you, so if you’re sleepy, you can go to sleep
goodnight, i love you too- sleep well
good morning
what is it with you almost always trying to give me space when i’m mad?
well i’m not mad anymore
i think so, yeah
i’m not mad anymoreee
where did you even go yesterday?
did you have fun?
that’s goooddd
yes, i’m sure
i knoww
i tried going back to sleep, but i couldn’t
i’m still in bed though
i have no clue
it can’t be because i was cold, because when i woke up, i felt cozy
so i don’t know
usually i’m able to go back to sleep though, just not this time </3
the only plan i have for today is to do homework- but i probably won’t start until like 5pm
what about you?
that’s better than nothingg
did you hear that asap rocky is facing years in prison?
what do you mean that sucks? 🧍🏻♀️ they’re saying he killed someone
i don’t know if he actually killed the person he s hōt, but he s hōt someone
but yeah
no, i didn’t eat breakfast
did you?
i ended up eating lunch thoughh
so i don’t have an empty stomach
when did he put himself in jail?
i remember him being in jail and all the inmates like him and whatnot, and he wanted to talk to george sr
but i don’t remember the reason why he went to jail
carne asada with rice, it was really good
oh 🌚 see, i don’t really pay attention when it comes to tobias
mm, what you said was more of a statement though, not a question 🌚
i only have lattes when i’m at school
i love those lattes
you’re not wrong, i don’t like you
i LOVE you 😛
not anymore- i was just feeling clingy yesterday, like, i just wanted to be with you
and you were gone for what felt like forever to me
it’s not my fault i don’t get that hungry 😔
well, maybe it is, but still 😔
no offense but feeling clingy was a yesterday thing- i stopped feeling clingy a little before you came on last night
hi daddy, i took a nap because i wasn’t feeling well
and now i’m awakeee
i was mad at you yesterday, that’s why you didn’t get a “daddy pumpkin” 🙂↕️
it’s like the song goes, don’t worry, be happy
i just realized i used the wrong emoji
i meant to put 😣 instead of 🙂↕️
my screen was too dark
anyways, it did help a bit
well if you listen to sad music, i’ll also listen to sad music
who are we listening to?
i had to search up what that meant, and nooo
see, i’m too nice to even know what that meant
no, i don’t think i’m getting sick
oh, oops- i started listening to sad music cause i thought you were listening to it
i know that’s sarcasm 🌚
somebody else by the 1975 </3
such a great song
but it was still sarcasm 🌚
i’m not surprised, considering you listen to songs about being heartless 🌚
sarcasm is sarcasm, even if it was just a tiny bit of it 🌚
mhm :) ashton james reynolds = heartless
uh huh, just say you h ate me already </3
i feel like you secretly might h ate me just a tiny bit
which song?
i’ll be the judge of that 👩🏻⚖️
i mean, there’s no way you’d ever tell me or admit if you h ated me or something
it’d be mean, and you’re not mean
oh that’s a good song, i haven’t listened to it in a while though
yeah well, how many times have i gotten mad at you already in under two months? imagine if i keep getting mad, you’re going to get annoyed, if you’re not already
if you’re thinking about the same times i’m thinking about, those times i’ve gotten mad was because of the same person
i think yesterday was the first time i got mad at you for a different reason
i think
that’s cute, you’re cute 😣
i’m sorry for stressing you out though :(
i think so too- so when you said “three times”, i was like huh 🌚
well i found it cute <3
mm, well, i was considering breaking up with you last time i got mad 🧍🏻♀️ but that’s because i told you before what was gonna happen if you were to repeat your actions
and i was getting tired of it
oh, you’re probably right
nuh uh, you can listen to any song by him except ’heartless’ :(
i’m banning you from listening to it
this time? why this time?
okay, good boy, daddy
i wouldn’t break up with you just because you went out
i think that’d be unreasonable
well, you said you don’t h ate me, so i’m not going to stress you out even more by choosing not to believe you
i don’t like that you didn’t say “okay, good girl, baby” 😣
but, i love you too <3
i’ve never heard of that song before
but if it’s the opposite of ‘heartless’, it’s automatically better
you can never go wrong with kali uchis though
she has a lot of good songs
i had to translate that 🌚 but yeah, i agree
it 100% makes it waaaayyy better
oh :,) the only word i understood was “vivre” but i had to translate the whole thing to know what that lyric said
okay but when you dream of me, they’re not good dreams </3
that’s good though, that you haven’t had a nightmare about me- that means you can’t pass on your nightmares onto me
which explains why i haven’t had any nightmares 🙂↔️
i’m not mad 😡 or upset 😢
you changed your profile picture 😣😣
tell me about one good dream you’ve had of me then 😑
no no no
as much as i like this one, i also like the one you changed it to 😣
i was going to say hubba hubba 😻😻
where we did stuff with the thing? 🤨
you already know i have memory problems </3
it’s like you said last time, i only remember the bad stuff 🌚
only because i was thinking about other girls seeing your profile picture 😣
but hubba hubbaaaa 😻😻😻
there’s always a first for everything 🌚
and i don’t actually only remember the bad stuff 🙄
yours is even more hubba hubba 😻😻
but you’re always hubba hubba 😻😻
can’t argue with that logic 🤭
i’m glad you find it funny/ cute
i’d die if you were to think it’s cringey </3
because i like saying it to you
you’re cuter 🙊
you did laugh, i remember you told me that
and you had said that it reminded you of the hubba bubba gum
“for now at least” 😭 that made me laugh
i know, it’s rare- i was even contemplating telling you at first that i took a nap
because i didn’t want you to worry about it
butttt, i feel better
when i woke up from my nap, i was craving so many sweets 😣
but then i end up feeling bad when you worry about me :(
you’re correct, the answer is no 😔
i wanted a chocolate bundt cake, chocolate brownies, cupcakes, a frappe, but then i also wanted a h ot latte, and i also wanted cinnamon rolls
i wanted a bunch of things 😔
i dont, thats the weird part
butttt, i do remember telling you there are certain chocolate things i eat
like, i’ll eat oreos but only if i have them with milk
and i’m not really a fan of chocolate cake unless they’re the small bundt cakes
and for brownies, there’s specific chocolate brownies i like, but i just don’t like to eat them too often
you’ll never catch me eating chocolate candy though
and i’m not a fan of chocolate chip cookies
or chocolate ice cream
oh, i also like to drink h ot chocolate though
lol, sorry if this is confusing 😭
my sweet boy <3 i love you, i love you, i love you
anywaysss, it was too cold for me to go out and buy something sweet
i’m not lying though, about not really liking chocolate
the last time i ate chocolate brownies was in like my senior year of high school i think 🤔
oh, before i forget
have you ever tried those small chocolate cakes from jack in the box?
because those are the little bundt cakes i like
but i don’t remember the last time i had one </3
LOLLL, yeah, sorry for being complicated about this 😭
i’m not mad, it’s almost 2am for you so :(
if you want to go to sleep, you can <3
so you’d never have to worry about me eating your chocolate snacks 🌚
🤭 making you feel like laughing snoopy just made me happy
WHAT?? you’re kidding, right? 🌚
there’s no jack in the box in maryland? 🙊
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too and i hope you sleep well!
good morning, mr reynolds <3
i know, i like it when you tell me that you feel like that
hm, well you’re not missing out much on jack in the box- it’s just that little bundt cake that i get from there
what’s something you think only your state has?
i slept so so so so soooo cozy 🤭
i woke up at around 8 something, but i was so cozy i ended up sleeping for another hour 🤭
how did you sleep, daddy?
a bundt cake emoji? i don’t think there’s one
oh, i’ve never heard of thrasher’s french fries
but now i want some french fries 😔
i love you too 🤭 this is why everyone should have more than one or two blankets
at what time??
you’ll eventually get used to ittt, don’t you already wake up early to go to work?
whyyyy? i want you to say cali now 😭
i thought i did something by adding “have more than one or” 😔
it was shade towards you, but i didn’t want to make it super obvious by just saying “two blankets” 😭
oh, never mind thenn, that’s a big difference already
do people from maryland have a shorter way of saying maryland?
oops 🙊
are your blankets thick or thin?
there are people who don’t sleep with any, i know a couple 🌚
yeah, i was thinking about how to shorten it, but it’d either be “mary” or “land”
mary sounds like a girl name, so it can’t be shortened to that
and saying land doesn’t have a nice ringtone to it 🌚
you use a thin and a thick blanket? and you get h ot with just those two blankets?
but doesn’t it get super cold where you live considering it snows there?
i’ve slept without a blanket too, only when it’s super super h ot though
that’s understandableee
i can’t think of any other states that can have shortened nicknames for it
i was trying to come up with one for louisiana, but if i shorten it, it’d be “louis” and that’s a name
are tv’s supposed to give off heat? 🌚
unfortunately it took me a second to understand nola 😭
i don’t understand dmv though, what does the department of motor vehicles have to do with those states?
what if it’s not supposed to do that and it explodes? will you still be like “oh well”? 🤨
ohhhh, i’m stupid
you meant dmv as in d is dc, m is maryland, and v is virginia
i feel so slow
yeah, no one refers to the departure of motor vehicles as the dmv here either 🌚
that was funny 😭 what does mva stand for then? motor vehicle what?
you just gotta have an open mind to the possibilities that can happen
OH, now that i mentioned possibilities, i’ve been working on a homework assignment since like 11am-ish, and i read that men are less likely to use emojis than women
and that instantly reminded me of you
i had forgotten to tell you- but me saying possibilities reminded me because there’s a lot of mention of possibilities in my reading assignment, and the assignment is about emojis 🌚
motor vehicle association? 🌚
that sounds boring
i was so close to saying something but i am so so so glad i didn’t send it 😭😭 you would’ve definitely thought i was stupid
i like my reasons better, that it’s because you’re intimidating and dry- not just because you’re a man
even if studies show that 🌚
you didn’t tell me there was a game going on :(
even though we h ate both of those teams
eee!!! you thought about me? 🤭
you say that now, but i think you would’ve definitely thought so if i were to have said what i was going to say
not a lot, i just kept getting distracted like always :,)
tomorrow i have to work on another homework assignment
i’d work on it tonight, but i don’t want to
they were your words, you said “intimidating or dry”, so i just said what you said 🤭
excuse me? 🌚 i thought you hated the chiefs more than the bills
why do you not like josh allen?
i was just going to say that “mva” sounds like the “mba”, thinking that the mba was the basketball thingy 😔 but the mba is apparently a type of degree
while the basketball league is the nba
i thought you didn’t mind the bills’ players 🧍🏻♀️
i think so, yeah- considering i get distracted easily 🌚
but you are intimidating 😣
mhm mhm, you’re a fake hater
you’re a faker‼️‼️
oh, well at least i’m not the only one then
apparently you’re not the only one who’s happy that josh allen lost- i just saw someone from my middle school post “josh allen loves losing to patrick 😭”
i know that, i just didn’t want to say anything and then have you say you’re getting sleepy or something 😔
not as much as i do when i’m at home
but i like that you’re intimidating, it makes me nervous- but the good kind 🤭
anddd, the more intimidating you are, the less likely girls will go up to you and talk to you 😇
i don’t know what to believe anymore, daddy 😣
you being a fake hater is hard for me to take in </3
so you don’t have a problem with patrick mahomes?
are you sureee??
you just areee- you’re super tall, you have tattoos, you go to the gym, and you’re a big football fan
i’d mention how you don’t use emojis, but that was when we first started talking
i like it when you make me feel the good kind of nervous, like when you have your thumb on my chin 🤭 makes me super shy 🙈
you saying that just made me want to listen to ‘only girl (in the world)’ by rihanna 🤭
no, all i need to know is that ashton james reynolds is a fake hater </3
you have to tell me when you think you’re about to knock out or something- so i can decide whether you can go to sleep or not 😇
noo, you don’t say anything intimidating
except when you don’t use emojis 🌚
why would it make you a weirdo?
mhm, all yours!! <3
righttt? it’s a good song 🤭
i’m glad you like it though
until 1:30am? i was thinking like 3am 🌚
just kidding, just kidding
well you have to use them with me, i don’t ever see you extend or add extra letters to your words like i do </3
so if you don’t at least use emojis, i will think you’re mad or bothered or something
and because i have to learn about it to be able to perfectly steal your identity, remember that 🫡
so it’s not just because you like it 🤭
but daddy :(
you have to stay up with me 😣
exactly, so it doesn’t matter if you use the same emojis, as long as you use them 😇
the ravens aren’t playing?
hmphhh, i don’t care 😣 you have to stay up with me
actually, never mind, saying i don’t care sounds mean and i can’t go through with being mean
so, you can go to sleep if you want </3
good boy, daddy 🤭
LMAOOO, i did not expect you to say that 😭😭
i still can’t get over you swiping to type
i just tried it and i felt slow
oh 🌚 that makes a lot more sense now
but okay, i’ll also be cheering for the eagles 🫡
i regret telling you you can go to sleep :(
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i already miss you </3
i love you and i hope you sleep well
good morning, mr reynolds <3
so that’s why i couldn’t sleep either, because of you 😠
i kept waking up too </3
that’s so funny to me 😭
i literally can’t do it
when i try to type out more than a word, i swipe for the word then i let go and press on the space bar and then i go back to typing the next word instead of swiping 😭
it’s okay though, i ended up going to sleep too eventually- it was boring without you
i’m sorry you weren’t able to sleep well though :( i hope you’re not feeling like a zombie at work
te amo, te amo, te amo <3
hi daddy! i’m almost home <3 hopefully you can hold on for a bit longer
i’m home!!
i’m just going to eat really quick
it took you over an hour? 🌚
so i went to sleep earlier than usual for nothing? 💔
but it’s okayy
that’s definitely because you’re lazy 🌚
whatever you say, old man 🌚
i had a good day today at school!!
so you’ll be getting no complaints from me about today
how was work??
and i am proud, super super proud of you <3
i had a beef teriyaki bowl- but i only got to eat half of it since i had to join a review session
so when the review session ends, i’m probably going to finish eating it
no no, i believe you- it’s just you really could’ve been talking to me throughout that hour 😔
you’re my lazy old man 🤭
oh right, let me fix that
daddy, i had a horrible day 😣😣
i missed you way too much </3
you need to keep working so that i can drop out of school and you can take care of me :(
wait a minute 🤨
i take it all back- you didn’t say work was horrible because you missed me </3
mad at you 😠😠
eeee!! i like making you feel like blushing spongebob 🤭
yesss, my friend bought me one
she bought me a latte and a donut
:( at what time??
you can’t be mad at me, i’m mad at you 😠😠
i did miss you </3 i always miss you 😣
and you’ll have to give me your card so i can buy things with it 😇
that doesn’t matter :( you’re always supposed to miss me when you’re at work
unless you have a work wife…
now i’m extra mad at you 😠
a glazed donut 😋 it was super yummy
well, i wanna prepare myself for the time you’ll go to sleep
instead of being surprised right before you go to sleep
no, we can’t, because i’m your baby- you can’t be mad at me at all :(
🤭🤭 i wasn’t thinking about buying snoopy stuff, but thank you for the idea
i’ll buy a bunch of snoopy plushies so i can cuddle with them instead of you 🤭
mhmm </3 you probably have the time of your life while i’m asleep
it’s like a little break for you
you better not have one </3 or else i’d crash out 😠
i’m not going to make fun of you 🌚
i’ll probably get mad at you instead </3
are you sleepy?
nuh uh, i’ll be cuddling snoopy allllll day long
you’ll just have to cuddle the pillows or have no cuddles at all when you get home 🤭
you can’t ban snoopy 😠
i knew it </3
that does sound like a relaxing vacation though 😓
heartbroken </3 but that’s understandable
i hope you have a great first day of school tomorrow
do you want to go to sleep now?
daddy, you can’t do that 😣
i’ll just crawl on top of you and quickly wrap my arms around you so you can’t push me off or anything
you’re not kidding, and that’s okay
because i know i’m a handful 🌚
that’s because you are an old man- not just any type of old man though, you’re MY old man 🙂↕️
you know what? 🌚 you should stay up longer so you can look like spongebob when he had the suds- that way girls won’t approach you 🤭
i just came up with an excellent idea 🤭🤭 but i’m not going to tell you
there’s no need to lie 🌚
you better stay up tomorrow </3 i’ll remember this
well yeah, but if you look like you have the suds, it’ll 100% make them stay away 🤭
uh huh, yeah righttt 🙄
nooo, not to try to get you to stay up later
especially since i know if i were to say “daddy, i need you 😣”, you’d disregard it and still go to sleep
mhmmm 🌚
why would i get mad at that? that was funny 🤭
but if you ever yell at me, i’ll be very mad at you for a longggg time 😠
exactly, that’s the point! 😇
that would’ve been embarrassing for me then 😓
this means there’ll be times where i say it and you’ll still go to bed :(
even if it stresses you out? 🌚
i would’ve definitely said something similar to the second thing you said, but only if i didn’t find it funny
you’re funny though, that made me laugh 😭
i could’ve said something like that- but even if you don’t like to stay up late, i’d still make you stay up with me 🤭
you’d be surprised at how many guys yell at their girls
and that stuff you usually have to do in the morning is never me </3 why can’t you do me in the morning? 😣
which is why you should try to never make me mad 😇
like what people say, happy wife = happy life
daddy :( i’m super sad right now
i know why you’re getting rusty at your val impressions, it’s because you’re falling out of love with me 😣😣
i knoww, i love being spoiled! 😇
it’s my favorite thing ever when daddy never tells me no 🤭
oh 🙊 i didn’t expect you to say that
even though i know you’re just saying that so that i can let you go to sleep earlier than usual 😑
that’ll be hard, because i want you to get val themed tattoos all over yourself
how’d you know i was sad because of that? 😣
but fine fine fine, you can go to sleep now 💔
now i’m listening to sad music </3
if you were still here, i would’ve definitely started, just to annoy you 😔
it’s fun making you the villain 🤭
but you know, if you’re getting tired of it, you can always spank me and i’ll stop 🌚
oh, you’re right, oopsies
i’m gonna have to continue listening to sad music for the rest of the night </3
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you very very much
that was cute 🤭🤭
i hope you sleep well tonight and i also hope everything goes well for you tomorrow at school <3
it’s now 1am and i barely finished my homework :( i miss you a whole lot </3
i hope you’re sleeping well- i’m going to go to sleep now, goodnight, mi corazón <3
good morning, mr reynolds <3
see how you immediately got tired when you told me good morning, it’s because you’re tired of me </3
how’s your first day back so far?
that’s goooodd <3
i’m shooting bricks right now 😔
i love you <3
i’m watching arrested development right now, episode 1 of season 5 was really funny
guess who’s finally going home now 🙂↔️
aww, at least it made you think of me- that’s cute
i’m not shooting bricks anymore
have you ever heard of that saying? i got it from tiktok
i think
it’s okay, no worries- you were busy
sorryyy, nothing’s wrong
loll, no- not in the basketball sense 😭
how do i explain this 🌚
shooting bricks is like, i’m super nervous to the point where i want to take a dump 🌚
i’m shooting bricks
but i don’t actually take a dump 😭
it’s just, the feeling of when you’re super nervous i guess
anyways anyways, my day was okay i guess
how was your day??
i’m sorryyyy 😣😣
i can hold you if you’re like- like the last time where i trapped you 🤭
oh, i like saying shooting bricks 🌚
because i had an exam today
and my back and b utt were hurting from sitting too much </3
awww, you’re acknowledging the fact that you’re actually an old man 🤭 good boy
excuse me 🤨🤨
just say you don’t want to be trapped with me 😔
so really, i’m mad at you 😠 and you 🫵🏼 h ate me 😣
yeahh, i was going to tell you last week about it
butttt, i knew you were starting school today, so i didn’t want to take away your spotlight so i kept it to myself
i think i did good though, most questions were common sense- or not common sense, but i knew the answer to those questions
my poor boy :( back pain is the worse
you already know why i said it though 😠
stop it 😠 i know what you’re doing 🫵🏼😠
well yeah, i didn’t want to make today about me 😣
your first day back is important, at least to me it is
i don’t want to think about the exam anymore 💔
ashton james reynolds 😠😠
just let me hold my daddy 😣
and i don’t h ate you 😠
should i not say stuff like that anymore then?
as a matter a fact, i take it alllll back- i don’t care that today was your first day back
you want me to say things like that? 😔
i should’ve seen that coming
i understandddd
you’ll just have to get used to it, at least with me
now i know how you must’ve felt when i told you i wasn’t feeling clingy anymore last time 🌚
unless you really really don’t want to have a lot of attention, then we can have a baby and all of the attention will be on our baby 😇
instead of you
i was not trying to break your heart for the sake of breaking your heart 🙄 but okay
how was that random? i thought it perfectly fit in with what we’re saying 🌚
but i can’t help it, i really want a baby 😣
you’ll end up getting jealous though, i just know it- i’ll be giving our baby a lot more attention than i’d be giving you
you can go to sleep now if you really want to 😔
nuh uh- you’re probably getting it mixed up with you, your baby fever probably went away </3
i’ll always have baby fever 😔
except when i hear babies cry, but still 😔
why are you saying “the baby” </3 i keep saying “our baby” while you say “the baby”
let me correct myself though- i’ll be giving MY baby a lot more attention than i’d be giving you 😒
but you’re right, i would get jealous
goodnight, daddy pumpkin (aka mr meanie pants) <3 i love you so much
i hope you sleep well and i also hope you have a good time at work tomorrow
or a good shift at least
good morning, mr reynolds <3
i had a dream about you, but i can’t remember it :(
give them to you so you 🫵🏼 can deal with them crying, duhhhh 😇
no, i’m just going to have a baby by myself 😔
no baby daddy
just me, myself, and i
ugh, boys 😒 i’m still going to start saying “my baby”
at least you dont have to drive to campus on wednesdays :)
so far it’s been a good day- i’m in the library right now, but i have class in less than 30 minutes
i hope you’re having a good day <3
wait a minute
did your schedule change?
cause i remember that you work mondays, wednesdays, and fridays
and you had class on tuesdays and thursdays
you did that on purpose 🙄 but yes, i get MY babies when they’re happy and you get MY babies when they’re sad
i’m okay with that, i’ll get to dress them up so so cute, they’ll look like princesses 🤭
i actually liked today- it wasn’t too boring
you just have one class?
well, you wont just see them when they’re crying, you’ll also see them before they start crying- like when i have to tell them no to something, i’ll give them to you so you can tell them no
but yeah, you’re right- they’ll always be sad around you 🌚
i can threaten them by saying they’ll have to go with you if they’re sad- and since they won’t want to be with you, they’ll never be sad
i’m so smart 🤭
nope, all because you chose not to call them our babies
i’m a little bit confused, but i’ll eventually get used to your schedule at some point :,)
i’m going to ignore everything else you said though 🌚
i don’t care if my babies don’t exist yet, i’ll still call them my babies
“the babies” just doesn’t sound right to me 😣
excuse me? 🤨
just because you’ll be busy when i’m busy or vice versa, doesn’t mean that learning your schedule doesn’t matter </3
yeah because you’ll always think of them as “the” babies, not “our” babies, since they don’t exist 🙄
first it was you not liking a lot of attention and now it’s you not really caring if i know your schedule 😔
you h ate me, don’t you? 😣
yeahhh, my cute baby bears does sound cute
but unfortunately anything with bears instantly reminds me of midsommar 😔 so it’s not that cute
it wouldn’t hurt to know your schedule, but okay
no you didn’t, because i said it sounds cute
i didnt say it was ugly or weird 🤨
well, it’s your fault for watching that movie and then telling me about it
you know i like to copy you, so you should’ve known i wouldn’t have listened to you 🙄
at least i still haven’t listened to ‘all too well’- who knows you’re still listening to ‘heartless’ 😒
which, you probably do
uh huh, sureeee you did 🌚
you’re just saying that so i won’t get mad 😑
no you wouldn’t have because if you were to change the subject, i would’ve been skeptical
so ha ha
val-1, ash-0 🙂↕️
you’re unfortunately right 😔
i didn’t think that through
but still, val-1 and ash-0 😋
this is random, but have you seen videos of the eagles’ celebration?
i’ve been getting some videos on my for you page on tiktok
and i just watched one where a guy shoots his gun into the air
nuh uh, you’re letting me win because you know i’m right and you’re wrong 🤭
oh dang 🌚 i didn’t know that- and i wouldn’t have known about their behavior if it wasn’t for tiktok
where did you hear that?
i didnt know or see anything about her coming out with a new song
you are a good boy 🤭
but not just any good boy, you’re MY good boy
how recent?
this is your sign to watch the show 🌚
if it keeps appearing, it’s because it’s meant to be
what time do you have class tomorrow? 💔
you’re not my good boy anymore
i just remembered and realized that you ignored me when i said i had a dream about you </3
mad at you 😠
oh, then yeah, they’re probably going to come out with a song
:( i don’t like this
uh huh, from now on i’m never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever everrrrr telling you i dreamt about you
sure, blame my cooties 🙄 you know you love my cooties though
i’m not telling whether i think it was a nightmare or not 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
mm, i mean 🌚 it’s whatever
i haven’t heard anything about this new song or songs, so i don’t know if it’ll be a good or bad 🌚
uh huh 💔
i’m going to be stewie crying in bed again
all thanks to you
not true at all 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
ashton james reynolds = bad boy
so you’d find me crying in bed funny too? 🌚
i see how it is
you’re going to take a nap tomorrow? 💔💔
will this be between the time i have my gap?
oh, you’re choosing not to listen to me?
ashton james reynolds = VERY VERY bad boy 😠
i see, i see
you’ve thought about it carefully 😔
you even named your vacations
don’t get mad at me when i give you the silent treatment tomorrow 🙄
i was just curious to know if you were going to take a nap during my gap 💔 it’s not my fault you’re not giving me times on when you get out of class or something 💔
well, what’s normal time for you? 🧍🏻♀️
no, that’s not what i’m saying 😑 i’m saying the exact opposite because you’re a BAD boy
don’t test me, i can give you the silent treatment if i want to 🤭
this would be your “valcation” 🙄
it’s okay, you can go to sleep now if you’d like
that’s funny, you went from not being able to hear to not being able to see 🌚
but in this case nothing would be bothering me, it’s just to prove that i can do it if i wanted to 😋
i’m kidding though, i’d die without talking to you </3
aww wait, were you waiting for me to tell you can go to sleep? 🤭
i feel like laughing snoopy right now
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you and i hope you sleep well
what would be the point in remembering the dream if i told you i’m never ever going to tell you about my dreams of you 🤨
anyways, i’m stewie crying in bed now </3
tell me why i just woke up from sleeping and i was like huh, why don’t i feel tired- ITS BARELY 1AM 😭
killing myself :,)
good morning, mr reynolds <3
i’d die if i were you
it’s happened to me before and it’s so boring without headphones
i had forgotten all about giving you the silent treatment, you just reminded me 🌚
but i wouldn’t go through with it either way
eeee!!! 🤭🤭 that just made me super happy!!
i’m not that mean to never tell you you can go to sleep 🌚 but awww 🤭🤭
see, that just proves even more that i’m the boss- you don’t go to sleep until i tell you that you can
i feel like laughing snoopy right now
i had a weird dream, but i don’t remember it
i did end up falling back asleep- i ended up waking up at 5am again though 😔
how did you sleep??
is that the scene where he’s sitting and has his hands together?
i just looked it up and it is that one, that’s so funny 😭
i feel bad for you, but you made the situation funny by bringing up spongebob 😭
UGHHHHHHH 😠 i thought i’d get you to finally agree with me, but i guess not </3
that’s very considerate of you 🤭
i was going to agree but then you said you always wake up in the middle of the night 😒
i’m glad you slept well thoughhh
no, it wasn’t a nightmare- i think i would’ve definitely remembered it if it was a nightmare
i’m finally going home 🙂↕️
uh huh, sure you’d be lying 🙄
i don’t really wake up during the night though
how’d you remember that? 🌚
but yeah, i don’t normally get nightmares
do you get a lot of nightmares?
i love you too- are you home now?
once EVERY night? i’d be frustrated if i was you 🌚
what, what’s wrong? what happened??
weren’t you judging my memory loss because of that?
so, here’s my chance to ask you, what kind of memory loss is that 🌚
huh, interesting 🌚
i didn’t know old people still get nightmares 🌚
anyways, if you’d like, you can go to sleep- but you have to tell me what happened today before you go to sleep
okay well yeah i know that
i just didn’t know about every night
oh, my poor boy :( i’m sorry today wasn’t a great day
you should get your uncle to look at your car- i think last time you told me he had fixed something of your car
if not, then disregard that
i thought you said it was “val’s amnesia”?
i don’t know, i never thought about that 🌚
i won’t get mad if you go to sleep- you’ve had not so great day today and you’re tired
plus, i have a huge headache and i don’t want to accidentally give you attitude or anything
i want to work on some homework tomorrow- i started some of it today during my gap but didn’t finish
what about you, what are your plans for tomorrow?
as long as he looks at itttt
you’ll have to drive extra careful for the meantime
was it? that sounds right, but at the same time it doesn’t 🤔
you’re probably right though
you’re sweet and i know you’re probably joking, but i highly doubt it was because of that
i think you’ll actually get your homework done though
there’s a 99.9% chance i won’t finish mine 😭
i probably won’t even touch my laptop 🌚 i’ll see
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too and i hope you sleep well- thank you
i still have a headache as of now, but it’s hurting less
hii, good afternoon, mr reynolds <3
i tried sending something but it wouldn’t let me
ima try again
i was just going to say that i don’t know whether to be happy for you or not
i’m so confused 😔
i give up
my bad didn’t hurt yesterday, i think my head hurt because of the headband i had on
i have to write a paper and do a reading + questions assignment
how was it at the library? did you finish your homework?
my day’s been pretty busy, but now i’m home relaxing
okay wait
i realize now that i sounded rude
but i meant to say i don’t know if i should’ve been happy for you since you got out of work early, considering you went to the library
and you put this “</3”
and i felt cute yesterday because of it- it went so well with my outfit 🤭
so i guess it was worth the headache
even though i was super moody
you’re sweet 🤭🤭
aww :( are you at least almost finished?
i went to a couple of places- i went to buy breakfast and i went to like three stores to buy some things for two of my cousins
then i went to go see my aunt and drop off the things i had bought
a black long sleeve, black puffer jacket, black uggs, and some sort of baggy jeans
ooh, you’re going to h ate what i’m about to say then- i’m kind of moody again :,)
and it’s not the 😠 kind of moody
oh, well at least you have something done
mm, i wouldn’t say i had fun- it was just whatever to me
it sounds pretty basic, but i felt cute 😔
what gave it off this time?
but yes, i know why i’m moody
i don’t want to talk about it though- and it has nothing to do with you, so please don’t worry
thank you, thank you 🤭
i think i’m not moody anymore
have you ever listened to ‘agora hills’ by doja cat?
i just started listening to it today and i can’t stop listening to it 🙂↔️
maybe, yeah 🌚
oh 🌚
so it’s not a new song? 😭
never mind, it was released in 2023
well i needed a new song to listen to either way
because i kept having ‘30 for 30’ by sza and kendrick on repeat
and i got tired of it 😭
surprisingly enough i did like it
the first time i listened to it though, it reminded me of luther
you need to recommend me new songs to listen to 😔
you’re a big meanie 😠
i think this might be the first time you’ve ever told me no
so this means that you don’t love me anymore 😣
oh, so you’re a meanie AND a liar??
your nose is going to grow 😠
and if it doesn’t, then your pants will catch on fire 😠
and if that doesn’t happen either, maybe both things will happen at the same time 😠😠
i’m mad at you 😠
yes you are a liar
and yes you are a meanie
you’re a big meanie pants 😠
i have liked some songs you’ve listened to
extra extra mad at you now 😠😠😠
yes you are and yes you are
i don’t think you’ve recommended over ten songs
actually, you’ve recommended way less than ten
i just looked at my playlist and i have nine songs on there- and that’s including some songs you’ve put on your captions
and i h ate you, mr meanie pants 😠
you’re actually wrong
“later” is never
you’ll never recommend me another song ever again 💔
i was kidding!!
i’m sorry 😣
i thought saying that would finally get you to threaten me with spankings or something, but it didn’t 😣
and if saying that i h ate you doesn’t get me spanked, i don’t think anything ever will 💔
tell me what song you were going to recommend 😔
well why do you think i kept on calling you a meanie and a liar- plus saying that i h ate you 💔
daddy 😠😠
it’s just a song </3
🌚 oops
you’re right about that 🤭
but daddy 😣 you said you’d never get mad at me
i don’t even want to think about you getting mad, it sounds scary 😣
see, that’s all you had to do
you made it complicated 🙄
i thought you’d pretend to be mad at me and spank me 😣 i didn’t think you’d actually get mad in order to spank me
you’re pushing it 🙄
because i never said i don’t like every song you’ve recommended 🙄
no no no no
they are a punishment 😣
if you ever actually get mad at me, you better not raise your voice at me 😣
i don’t know if i should be offended 🌚
because i secretly want you to spank me 😔
even though it’s not a secret anymore 💔
it is encouraging me to be a bad girl, but i can’t seem to fully go through with it 😣
doesn’t that mean that i’m boring? 😔
🌚 okay but this is the first time i’ve actually admitted it 💔
okay, that’s it, you officially have a boring wife 💔
daddy 😣😣
i am so so so so sorry, i fell asleep without telling you goodnight :(
“i guess” 💔💔
never admitting anything ever again to you 💔
you’re sweet, but you’re just saying that because you’re my husband
you’re not mean to actually tell me that i’m boring or anything
anyways, i’m sorry :( i’m still going to tell you goodnight though because i’m going to go back to sleep- goodnight, daddy pumpkin, i love you and if you’re still sleeping, i hope you’re sleeping well
good morning, mr reynolds
you can only say it one time ☝🏼
not two times or three times, ONE time 😔
i’m still never admitting anything ever again- even if you think you know what i want or don’t want
maybe because you don’t want to go through the whole process of getting divorced </3 so it’s like you’re stuck with me 😔
how did you sleep??
i saw one of the cutest woodstock plushies yesterday
it was valentines themed 😣
every time you tell me that you’re tired, i feel like snoopy crying and throwing a tantrum in the snow
from the peanuts movie
you’re always super tired though 😣
i have no words 😔
what do you mean “and do whatever it is you said i do that one time”? 🤨
you're the one who said you'd be drinking out of a coconut and enjoy yourself a tan </3
i’d never sign the divorce paper either way 🌚
i slept pretty well too, i think
i woke up at 5am and went back to sleep, but i felt every move i made
and yet you still haven’t asked me to be your valentine yet </3
you don’t know what snoopy tantrum i’m talking about? 💔
you’re a fake snoopy fan
just like how you said i’m a fake spongebob fan 😠
you’re supposed to wear glasses? 🌚
oh, that’s not good 😟
can’t you ruin your vision in the long run?
i’m going to regret telling you, but it’s “vacaciones” 🌚
you think you’re soooo funny 😔
uh huh, uh uh, sure 🌚🌚
oh, now that you say that, i feel like you have said that before- so never mind i guess 💔
“strangely” 😭😭
i was just thinking about something funny 🤭
well, it’s funny to me- i don’t think it’d be funny for you
did you have to wear glasses ever since you were a kid or was this something recent?
i’m sure you’ll forget about all three of those 🌚 just how you forgot what you named my memory loss condition
yes, yes i did think that
boys are so forgetful
and you probably didn’t even plan on asking me until i mentioned it today 💔
and you're probably trying to make it seem like you were going to, only because you got caught 💔💔💔💔💔💔
some people consider it mean, others consider it funny- but i’m not going to tell you
i said what YOU named my memory loss, not me
what you named my memory loss was two words
what i named my memory loss was exactly ten words- “valentina’s husband does not believe she truly has memory loss”
so i don’t blame you on not remembering what i named my condition 😔
only because you’re old
you’re absolutely right, because now if you do ask me to be your valentine, i’ll know it’s because you know that i want you to ask me- and not because it came out of you to ask 😣
that’s understandable
i can’t watch a show while typing something- i have to either watch the show and not type or pause the show and type
of course i’ll go visit you
i don’t think i’d be able to handle it if you forget about me though 💔
but yeah, unfortunately you are getting more older than you already are
uh huhhhhh
if you take one of your valcations/valcances/valcaciones on valentines day, i’d be very very angry with you 😠
uh huh, sure, whatever you say, mr reynolds 🙄
my name should’ve already been a reminder for you every single day to have asked me to be your valentine 💔
like when i’m watching arrested development, i have to pause it to type
but if i’m watching twilight, i don’t have to pause it because i’ve watched it plenty of times 🤭
eeee!! i like that response, good boy, daddy 🤭
ashton james reynolds 😠😠
i wouldn’t have said that was corny 💔
you think so little of me 💔💔💔💔💔
just kidding, just kidding
it’s fun messing with you 🤭🤭
that’s 100% understandable, i don’t blame you for doing that
i think i know which lens you’re talking about, but i saw those on tiktok like more than a year ago
so at least those are still popular
you used the wrong emoji 🧍🏻♀️
who’s the other girl that used that emoji? huh? 😣
seeeee, so daddy’s a liar 🤭 because you said i’m easy to read and now you’re saying you never know with me 🤭
daddy = 🤥
it is super fun 😇
you’re a cutie too, mr reynolds
you’re a cutie pie 🤭
“a cute wife” 🤭 that was cute!!
nuh uh, one of them has a hand, the other one has two hands
so, let me ask you again
who’s the other girl that used 🤗?? 😠
well, in this case both things are the same thing for me 😇
only because i want to call you a liar
which you are 😠
you’re going to get timeout
nuh uh, you’reee the cutie pie
can’t argue with that logic
i knowww 🤭
i just like it when you say it
oh no no no 😣
daddy, you can’t go to sleep just yet
yes you are and yes you are 😠
you’re going to get timeout because i said so
it’s because you’re old, that’s why you can’t seem to multitask 🤭
i like getting 😠 mad at you too, it’s also fun
well, i said it first- so you’re the cutie pie here, daddy
end of discussion 😇
nooo, you can’t stop falling for my traps 🙅🏻♀️
i’m getting tired too </3
you passed your tiredness onto me 😣
because i said so, that’s why 😣
i’d still be into you if you were old
you’d be my sugar daddy 🤭
daddy :( let me win </3
i’m not admitting anything 🙊
i think you’re seeing things, daddy
must be because you’re too tired 😔
yes, but i keep yawning
i had my laptop opened so i can do my homework that i was going to get done today, but i don’t feel like doing it </3
and i know i’m going to regret not doing it tonight, but oh well
i’m not super super tired though, i don’t think i’m falling asleep, i’m just yawning
it is a good reason :( anything i say will always be a good reason, daddy :(
yay yay yayyyy!!! 🤭
daddy’s my sugar daddy!! <3
deal!! 🤭
speaking of kisses, i miss your kisses :(
mhm 🤭 so good luck getting answers from now on
that made me laugh, i’m sorryyyy
it was a perfect opportunity for me to bring up your tiredness 😇
you’re going out tomorrow? :( at what time??
you are tired </3 do you want to go to sleep now?
daddy just disagreed with me </3 i don’t like this 😣
you said you love me, but i don’t think you do 😣
it’s either you don’t love me anymore or this isn’t my mr reynolds 😣
be grateful i haven’t stolen your cards 😠
at least not yet 🤭
and since you’re old, when i do get ahold of your cards, you’re going to ask me where they are and i’ll tell them you misplaced them or something- because you’re old and won’t remember 🤭
why did you put “:/“? 🤨🤨🤨
what if i was to tell you, “i love you too :/“?
it’s like if i was saying “i love you too, i guess :/“
“i miss your kisses too, i guess :/“ 💔
whatever 🙄
i’m not going to get upset or mad at you if you do go out tomorrow- i’m going to spend time doing homework so it’s fine 😔
yes, it’s an amazing plan 🤭🤭 which you’ll eventually forget about
does that mean you were laying on your side? 🌚
i keep repeating myself in the emojis i use 💔
what’s wrong with that? :(
actually, never mind, because i did think i was using this emoji 🤭 too much today- but i’d still use it
you’re so cute 🙊
i’m not mad you went to sleep- goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too and i hope you sleep well
good morning, mr reynolds <3
well, if you do, definitely give me a heads up so i can prepare myself 😔
are you a righty or a lefty?
i know, i understanddd
you’re my old man, so i’m not going to judge you anymore with the emojis you use
unless they’re ugly emojis 🌚
maybe 🌚
i slept well, how did you sleep??
you’re a righty AND a lefty?? 🙊
am i weird for finding that h ot? 😔
i’m a righty, i’m not as cool as you 😣
at least it’s sundayyy, you should be happy you slept in
because you’ll have to wake up early tomorrow
i only have two assignments to do, but one of them is a paper due tomorrow, so, yeah 😔
this might be a silly question, but does that mean that you can write with both hands neatly?
because i can write with my left hand, but not as neat as when i write with my right hand
and it takes longer 😭
nuh uh, being both a righty and a lefty is way cooler
be happy i reminded you, that way you don’t forget to set your alarm for tomorrow morning
it’s one page, single spaced
yeah, that’s h ot 😣😣
i don’t think i’ve threatened to demote you from mr cool to mr semi-cool ever since you tried to demote me to bad girl
or something like that
it made me upset 🌚
you can be like stewie crying in bed then 🤭
it is terrible
i need your opinion about that actually
should i stay up all night doing it tonight, or should i stay all day tomorrow in a library to do it? after my class ends
i like making you feel like blushing spongebob 🤭
i know, i know 😣
i like being your good girl 😇
which is why you should still be proud of me for not listening to ‘all too well’ 🫡
i thought you wanted to steal my identity though </3
never mind then 😔
because i don’t want to 😔
or, i’ll see
and i was planning on watching one of the movies 💔
i’m surprised too 😔
but i have other sad songs to listen to 😇
uh huh, okay 🌚
i know why, it’s because you think i’m too complicated 💔
that’s why you’re not really dedicated to stealing my identity, i see how it is
i don’t know
i’m just easily distracted 😔
well, i have the dvds, but i don’t feel like actually watching the dvds 😔
why just twenty minutes? 😭
that’s cute though, that you thought of me 🤭
leave me and my sad songs alone 😠
oh, thanks 😔
not i gotta listen to my sad music playlist
thanks a lot, mr meanie pants </3
no, i’d simply pass away
i saw that the notebook is on hulu though, i might watch it 🌚
i also have it on dvd 🤭
oh, look at you, mr intelligent pants 🫡
are you still working on your homework?
depending on your answer, i’ll decide whether to ask for something or not 😇
wait, actually, you don’t have to be confused anymore
i want to be unpredictable
i want to be mysterious 🙂↕️
well, you have to be prepared to baby me every time after i watch the notebook
that’s because you’re a boy 😒
boys are lame
oh, you’re just like me 🤭
so now i can say
i want kisses 😣
i feel like laughing snoopy right now
always prepared?? 🤔
that makes me want to watch the notebook every single day so that you can baby me every single day 😇
daddy, don’t you dare 😠
you cannot ban that movie, you can’t even consider it 😣
again, that’s because you’re a boy 😒
just kidding, just kidding
no, i think i’m going to start later tonight 😔 even if i have to stay up late
yay yay yayyyy!! 🤭
also, before i forget to ask, did you get your uncle to look at your car?
oh, right 🌚
yes i can, i can get mad at daddy whenever i want 😇
because i get distracted easily 🧍🏻♀️
i’ll just start it tonight and if i don’t finish it, i’ll continue it tomorrow
i’ll try to start it before i start to get tired though
that’s gooooddd! what did he fix? if you don’t mind me asking
mhm, it’s fun getting mad at you 🤭
that was funny 😭
but i don’t wake up already mad at you, i wake up upset at you because i should be waking up next to you 😣
or on top of you, that way if you want to get out of bed, you’d have to take me with you
you’re tired already? :( stay up just a little bit longer, pleaseeee?
oh, hopefully!
not stressful at all 😇
actually, maybe a little tiny bit stressful 🤏🏼
only when i start to think i’m annoying you
and you’ll call me a bad girl
other than that, it’s pretty fun 😇
no, but i will when i finally wake up next to you
just kidding 😔
that was sort of my intention at first 🤭🤭
oh no 😣
my poor boy :( do you know why you have a headache? did you eat well throughout the day?
daddy 😠😠
i said it’s fun getting mad at you 😣 so if it’s fun, it’s not hard
i don’t think i’ll get mad about the blanket situation
i’ll just take the blankets away from you during the night if i’m freezing 😇 i’ll wrap myself up like a burrito
with 3 blankets? 🙊 does that mean you’re finally not getting h ot while sleeping?
i’m sorry :( you can go to sleep now if you’d like, i don’t want you to continue to be awake with a headache
i don’t want to look as old as you 😣
we’ll find a way
or maybe i’ll never be wrapped up as a burrito with your blankets, i don’t think i’d survive without cuddles from daddy 💔
oh, that’s very smart of you, mr intelligent pants
it’s okay, there’s no need to apologize
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you and i hope you sleep well- i also hope your headache goes away
you know what song i started listening to again today?
another love by tom odell
this is all your fault 😔
oops, i meant tonight, not today
okay, you’re going to be somewhat proud of me- i’m almost finished with my draft, but it’s already over one page </3
i am going to continue to fix and reduce it tomorrow though :)
i’m finally finished with my draft!! i’m going to try to sleep now, goodnight again <3 i hope you’re sleeping well
y te amo <3
good morning, mr reynolds <3
i’m stressing out :(
i’m struggling on making my paper shorter </3
it’s over a page and a half, and it has to be one page exact
but with the heading, title, and prompt on top of the paper, that doesn’t give me a lot of space 😣
i’m crashing out
hii, i’m so so so sorry :(
i finally finished my paper, but i kinda gave up on it
i don’t know if i did good or not, but i did not want to be stressing over it anymore
i hope you’re sleeping well <3
and i’m sorry you got sick, my poor boy :(
i think there’s a 99.8% chance that you have heard of that song before- it’s super popular
not now, but it’s widely known
i missed you too </3 again, i’m super sorry :( and i hope your headache goes away while you’re asleep
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you so much and i hope you’re sleeping well
good morning, mr reynolds <3
hi daddy!!
i missed you so so much </3
did your headache go away? how are you feeling??
also, how was your day yesterday and today?
i’d be as confused as you if my tiktoks and comment sections were in french
have you taken any medicine for it?
pretty busy and tiring :,)
not even dayquil or nyquil?
i don’t really want to go to sleep early- i’m not sleepy
it’s more mental and physical
oh okay
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you, sleep well, and i hope you feel better tomorrow
good morning, mr reynolds <3
how are you feeling? how did you sleep?
i woke up during the middle of the night too, just once though
i slept well i guess, i was super comfy
and i ended up going to sleep a bit early because it was boring without you loll
with four blankets? 🙊
you are becoming me, slowly, but you areee 🤭
probably, yeah- just like how i get nightmares when you get nightmares
mr intelligent pants is going to skip class? 🙊
you’re becoming meeee 🤭🤭🤭
that made me feel like laughing snoopy
will the lecture be recorded?
i know it’s not a big deal, but i find it cute that you slept with four blankets
considering you always make fun of me for it :,)
well, do they at least post the slides?
i’m watching a movie called ‘silver linings playbook’
i feel like you mightttt like it
because of the football stuff in it 🌚
mhm, sureee 😑
you can’t go to sleep until i get to tell you happy birthday
understood? 😠
this is perfect timing because i literally just finished watching the movie and i loved it
so now you have to watch it 😇
are you kidding?
you gotta be kidding
like what i did to you last time
ashton 😔
i literally have it on my calendar for tomorrow, that’s embarrassing
i am so so so sorry
i thought you had said it was the 6th when i asked you
hm, but if i was one of your female friends recommending you a movie to watch years ago, you’d watch it? oh okay 🌚
you can go to sleep if you want
interesting 🌚
i feel like i’m the opposite then
uh huh, uh huh, sure 🌚
so i can’t recommend songs or movies for you to listen/ watch because you won’t listen to or watch them, even though i’m almost finished with watching your favorite show? got ittt
anyways, goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you and i hope you sleep well
hiii, mr reynoldsss
well what’s the point of recommending stuff if you’re not wanna watch it? 🤨
i’m finally home 😩
i hope your day was good
you, you said “i’m not watching any movies you recommend after the whole notebook thing”
busy and tiring :(
but it was sort of good, i got to hang out with one of my friends before my second class today
how was your day?
no, i do not like being busy
or, well, maybe it depends
how are you feeling now? still sick?
yeah, i understand that
i also don’t like sitting at home doing nothing for way too long, but i think you h ate it more than i do
my poor boy :(
i’d tell you to take some medicine, but you told me last time you don’t really take medicine for the cold
but isn’t watching a movie in the theater worse because you’re actually stuck there until it ends?
okay, goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you and i hope you sleep well
good morning, mr reynolds <3
huh, that makes sense i guessss
how’s your day going so far?
what did you do today? besides go to work
and possibly the gym
it’s been pretty good so far, not so boring
the library too?
i’ll never ever ever ever ever everrr get tired of calling you mr intelligent pants 🌚
and how are you feeling? the same?
no, no homework
i did hang out with one of my cousins though
i want a baby :(
you should give me a baby :(
because you are a nerd 🤭
ashton james reynolds = 🤓
i thought between us, i was the only one who gets easily distracted
i’ll just have to do the homework tomorrow- i was going to do it today, but oh well
that was not the response i expected 😠
now i’m not going to give you any reasonings, i’m mad at you 😠😠
that’s okay, it’s your birthday tomorrow so it’s expected
uh huh, uh huh- i don’t even want a baby with you anymore 😒
do you know if you’ll be out the whole day?
believe what you want to believe 🙄
no babies for you
hm, well at least keep me updated, please?
wrong girl 😠😠
it must’ve been some other girl telling you that
now i’m extra mad at you 😡
no but now i know that you don’t want a baby with me </3 how can you ever tell me no even when i tell you to tell me no? </3
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MI CORAZÓN <3 te amo, te amo, te amo!! i hope you have an amazing day today, despite you getting older and becoming more of an older man than you already are 🤭 you are one of the most sweetest, nicest, hottest, and smartest person i’ve ever met and i am so lucky to have met you and have you in my life :,) thank you for continuing to be with me even if i tend to be a handful every now and then. you deserve the whole world and all the happiness you can get <3 again, happy birthday, my old man! 🥳
okay, lose that attitude and take it easy 🙄
you may be the birthday boy tonight, but i will not tolerate attitudes
oops, actually, i meant man, not boy
since you’re old 🤭
see how you didn’t disagree with me saying that you didn’t want a baby with me anymore? :(
you’re welcomee
everyone deserves a birthday 😇
because i’m your baby, that’s why
i thought that goes without saying
ouch </3
old man is getting cranky
that’s because you’re not joking
you can go to sleep if you’d like, birthday boy
goodnight, daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too and i hope you sleep well
i also hope you have a good time with your friend
hii, good morning, mr reynolds <3
how’d you sleep?
i hope you’re having funnn
if you’re the one driving, drive safe
goodnight, birthday boy <3 i love you, sleep well
i hope you had a good day today
hi mr reynolds :) my day yesterday was okay
how was yours? tell me about it
no, i didn’t get it done loll
that sounds like lots of fun :) i’m glad you had a good birthday!
you must be happy right nowww
i miss you a ton
i hope you know you’re in BIG trouble 😠
nuh uh, i’m mad at you
you’re going into timeout
yes ugh
anyways, it’s 11pm for you and i know you’re soon going to hit me with the you’re tired and you have work in the morning- and i’m doing homework right now, so i might as well tell you goodnight now
goodnight, mr reynolds <3 i love you and i hope you sleep well
good morning, mr reynolds <3
not so good :,) two nights in a row now 😠
but how did you sleep?
that’s good, i’m glad you slept well
it’s been okay i guess, how’s your day been?
ashton james reynolds 😠😠
i’m back to wanting a baby 😣
cute little babies keep appearing on my tiktok
along with baby shower stuff :(
yeahhhh, oh well
it’s okay, no worries
at least now i don’t have to think that you’re getting tired/ bored of me
aw, my poor boy :(
this is why you should give me a baby
so i can have some company while you’re gone
oh yeah? which steps? 🤨
i think you just don’t love me anymore
you don’t want a baby with me
heartbreaker 💔
well, deal with it because my baby fever isn’t going anywhere 😠
uh huh, uh huh 🌚 you haven’t been giving me much attention lately though, so at least i’ll have my baby to give attention to 🌚
see, you don’t love me </3
goodnight, my mean, mean, mean, MEAN daddy pumpkin <3 i love you too, sleep well
hii, mr reynolds <3
better than before :,)
how about you?
only 5 hours? why? 🤨
oooh okay
i had an exam for one of my classes, so i’m stressed out about how i did on it
and my other class seemed like a waste of time, i had already taken notes on the slides
how was your day?
i always take notes early, that way i’m not trying to hurry and catch up during class
that’s good though, at least you haven’t been bored
usually my professors say something that aren’t on the slides
but that’s literally every professor to exist, i think
thank you, thank you 🤭
i love you too
you should, i’m getting tired of looking at your face
just kidding, just kidding!
uh huh, goodnight, mr reynolds <3 i love you too, sleep well
mr reynoldssss
oh no, what’s wrong?
what happened?
my day’s been good i guess
minus the cold weather and my cramps
miss you :/
i’m going to sleep now, goodnight
you should definitely tell me what’s going on
goodnight though
is it about blaze?
because the last time something was wrong and you didn’t want to talk about it with me, it was kind of because of her
and you ended up communicating with her
but now that she deleted her account, maybe you’ve been like this for days because there’s no way for you to communicate with her now
unless you two do communicate somehow, then how would i know, but
i already said why
you can’t blame me for thinking and asking that, but i’m not saying that i don’t trust you. i’m your girlfriend and for once, i’d like for you to tell me what’s going on with you. whatever is happening is clearly bothering you and it has been for days now. maybe if you talk to me about it and get it off your chest, you’ll feel a bit relieved? cause i don’t know what to do here, ash, i feel helpless when you don’t talk to me about what’s going on, and obviously that’s going to unfortunately lead to me to overthink
i didn’t mean to sound rude, sorry
just forget i ever said anything
it’s not that i don’t trust you
i don’t know, i guess i’ve just been kind of grumpy that we don’t talk that much as before- and i know you said you’ve been going through it and i’m going to sound selfish, but i just thought you’d talk to me about your problems
or about what’s going on
and i hope i’m not coming off as playing the victim or whatever, i just really miss you, that’s it
you don’t believe which part?
i still think you should talk to someone about what’s going on with you, just so you don’t have too much on your chest, but okay- i won’t bother you about telling me anymore
like i said, it’s not that i don’t trust you, it’s more that i don’t trust her- i just didn’t want to p īss you off by saying it
but okay
goodnight, i hope you sleep well
i hope you’re having a good day
how’d that go? did you have fun??
my day’s been good so far
i miss you :(
yess, i got to hang out with a couple of my friends
yeahh :,)
not that i know of, no
well, one of my friends mentioned something about going out to eat tomorrow, but i don’t think i’ll end up wanting to go
what about you??
i don’t want to sound mean, so i’m not gonna say :,)
oh, well that’s good
you said you’re not sure yet, but do you have an idea of what you and your friend might do?
killing myself </3
you have to do homework?? 💔
that means you won’t be all mine tomorrow 😣
well, technically today for you
anyways </3 goodnight, i love you too, and i hope you sleep well
hii, good morning, mr reynolds <3
hmphh, you should be doing me instead 😔
just kiddinggg, my mr intelligent pants
nuh uh, you’re not allowed to kill yourself 😠
only i’m allowed to
missing you :(
so so proud of you for pulling through
you saying that you felt like a caveman is funny
did you at least get your homework done?
oh, well at least that’s all you have to do
it’s not a whole lot, so that’s good
nothing too exciting, i didn’t feel like going out so i stayed home
i was so close to going out 🤏🏼 but yeah, i didn’t feel like it
oh my gosh, yesss
i feel so weird but so happy i didn’t have any homework to do this weekend
i did have homework, but i finished it before friday- which is surprising
sooo, that meant no homework for the weekend
my poor boy :(
wait, i should’ve said i don’t have homework due this weekend because i already finished it- one of my professors already assigned homework that’s due next weekend, but i haven’t started it
so far for this quarter, not really- i do have a group project to do for one of my classes though
the homework that’s due next weekend is actually the first part of the group project :,)
you had a good reason to be dramatic during your winter break though 🌚
i don’t know how i feel about my group
i was originally going to group up with two of my friends, but my professor separated us all
which p īssed me off, but oh well 💔
yes you did 🌚
i already don’t like one of my group members 🧍🏻♀️
nuh uh, you can’t go to sleep soon
you have to be nice and stay up with me 😇
whatever 😔
i’ll see what happens
but daddy 😣😣
i want you to stay up with me 😣
i know why it won’t work on you tonight
it’s because you h ate me
and because you don’t love me anymore </3
i see how it is
you weren’t going to sarcastically agree, you were going to definitely agree with me </3
ashton james reynolds = wife hater
UGHHHH, so so mad at you 😠
you do h ate me :( you didn’t call me gorgeous or beautiful or pretty or anything </3 just “wife”
goodnight, my husband who definitely hates my guts, i love you and i hope you sleep well
hi, wife hater
you are the cruelest person ever </3
mr meanie pants doesn’t deserve to know how my day’s been so far 🙄
i’m not the cruel one, it’s you 🫵🏼
nuh uh, you being cruel to your own wife was such a slap in the face 😣
you’ve been depriving me of kisses and everything for such a long time now
i kept dying and coming back to life
soon i’ll forget your name 🌚
i just died again
probably because you swipe instead of type
it’s fine though, i saw this coming
goodnight, mr reynolds, i love you and i hope you sleep well
hii, good afternoon
wait, it’s nighttime for you now
it felt soooo long, but it wasn’t boring
how about yours?
what did you do today?
anything fun??
mm, i got to hang out with one of my friends during my gap and even a bit after our class
so that was kind of fun :,)
what are your plans for tomorrow?
i’m about to knock out, so i’ll tell you now- goodnight, mr reynolds, i love you and i hope you sleep well
hii, good morning
i miss you
missing you even more now
hii, how are you feeling now? how do you think you did on your exams?
good morningg
i just saw a cute snoopy plush and salt and pepper set- instantly reminded me of you
well, it was a snoopy and woodstock salt and pepper shaker set
i just realized i forgot to add “shaker” before set, sorryyy
so one of the shakers was snoopy and the other one was woodstock :)
i just saw a tiktok of someone showing all of their spongebob plushes, and it reminded me of you
had to come on and say that
you’re a fake fannnn
you FEEL like you had A spongebob plush thing
ashton james reynolds = fake spongebob fan
okay, you might get tired of me saying this if you’re not tired of it already, but, i really want a baby 😣
and you’re probably going to ask why i want one this time or what made me want one again- i just saw a tiktok of one of the cutest babies everrr
her mom was doing her hair and the hairstyle was so so cute, so was her outfit- and i wanna be dressing up our future baby girls in cute outfits with cute hairstyles :(